Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Perl-Tidy
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2019-10-27 15:04:38
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/p5-Perl-Tidy) Updated  from 20181120 to 20190915

## 2019 09 15
    - fixed issue RT#130344: false warning "operator in print statement"
      for "use lib".

    - fixed issue RT#130304: standard error output should include filename.
      When perltidy error messages are directed to the standard error output
      with -se or --standard-error-output, the message lines now have a prefix
      'filename:' for clarification in case multiple files
      are processed, where 'filename' is the name of the input file.  If
      input is from the standard input the displayed filename is '<stdin>',
      and if it is from a data structure then displayed filename
      is '<source_stream>'.

    - implement issue RT#130425: check mode.  A new flag '--assert-tidy'
      will cause an error message if the output script is not identical to
      the input script. For completeness, the opposite flag '--assert-untidy'
      has also been added.  The next item, RT#130297, insures that the script
      will exit with a non-zero exit flag if the assertion fails.

    - fixed issue RT#130297; the perltidy script now exits with a nonzero exit
      status if it wrote to the standard error output. Prevously only fatal
      run errors produced a non-zero exit flag. Now, even non-fatal messages
      requested with the -w flag will cause a non-zero exit flag.  The exit
      flag now has these values:

         0 = no errors
         1 = perltidy could not run to completion due to errors
         2 = perltidy ran to completion with error messages

    - added warning message for RT#130008, which warns of conflicting input
      parameters -iob and -bom or -boc.

    - fixed RT#129850; concerning a space between a closing block brace and
      opening bracket or brace, as occurs before the '[' in this line:

       my @addunix = map { File::Spec::Unix->catfile( @ROOT, @$_ ) } ['b'];

      Formerly, any space was removed. Now it is optional, and the output will
      follow the input.

    - fixed issue git#13, needless trailing whitespace in error message

    - fixed issue git#9: if the -ce (--cuddled-else) flag is used,
      do not try to form new one line blocks for a block type
      specified with -cbl, particularly map, sort, grep

    - iteration speedup for unchanged code.  Previously, when iterations were
      requested, at least two formatting passes were made. Now just a single pass
      is made if the formatted code is identical to the input code.

    - some improved vertical alignments

## 2019 06 01
    - rt #128477: Prevent inconsistent owner/group and setuid/setgid bits.
      In the -b (--backup-and-modify-in-place) mode, an attempt is made to set \ 
      of the output file equal to the input file, if they differ.
      In all cases, if the final output file ownership differs from input file, \ 
any setuid/setgid bits are cleared.

    - Added option -bom  (--break-at-old-method-breakpoints) by
      merrillymeredith which preserves breakpoints of method chains. Modified to \ 
also handle a cuddled call style.

    - Merged patch to fix Windows EOL translation error with UTF-8 written by
      Ron Ivy. This update prevents automatic conversion to 'DOS' CRLF line
      endings.  Also, Windows system testing at the appveyor site is working again.

    - RT #128280, added flag --one-line-block-semicolons=n (-olbs=n)
      to control semicolons in one-line blocks.  The values of n are:
        n=0 means no semicolons termininating simple one-line blocks
        n=1 means stable; do not change from input file [DEFAULT and current]
        n=2 means always add semicolons in one-line blocks
      The current behavior corresponds to the default n=1.

    - RT #128216, Minor update to prevent inserting unwanted blank line at
      indentation level change.  This should not change existing scripts.

    - RT #81852: Improved indentation when quoted word (qw) lists are
      nested within other containers using the --weld-nested (-wn) flag.
      The example given previously (below) is now closer to what it would
      be with a simple list instead of qw:

      # perltidy -wn
      use_all_ok( qw{
      } );

    - RT#12764, introduced new feature allowing placement of blanks around
      sequences of selected keywords. This can be activated with the -kgb*
      series of parameters described in the manual.

    - Rewrote vertical algnment module.  It is better at finding
      patterns in complex code. For example,

           /^-std$/ && do { $std       = 1;     next; };
           /^--$/   && do { @link_args = @argv; last; };
           /^-I(.*)/ && do { $path = $1 || shift @argv; next; };

           /^-std$/  && do { $std       = 1;                 next; };
           /^--$/    && do { @link_args = @argv;             last; };
           /^-I(.*)/ && do { $path      = $1 || shift @argv; next; };

    - Add repository URLs to META files

    - RT #118553, "leave only one newline at end of file". This option \ 
was not
      added because of undesirable side effects, but a new filter script
      was added which can do this, "examples/".
