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The following packages has been marked as deleted

wip/py-fipy Finite volume PDE solver in Python
wip/py-fdm Framework for solving PDEs with FDM using Python
wip/libreoffice Office productivity suite
wip/py-pydec Python Library for Discrete Exterior Calculus
wip/rsyslog5 The enhanced syslogd for Unix
wip/py-utilib_component_executables PyUtilib plugin for managing executables
wip/py-mlstats Mailing lists analysis tool. Part of libresoft-tool
wip/tc-svn 2-stroke non associative direct input for Kanji
wip/py-gccxml Python package for easy C++ declarations navigation
wip/kyotocabinet Straightforward implementation of DBM
wip/bwping Tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP
wip/hs-monad-control Lift control operations through monad transformers
wip/py-sparqlwrapper SPARQL endpoint interface to Python
wip/hs-semigroups Anything that associates
wip/emacs-ditz Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system
wip/gmock C++ Mocking Framework
wip/gtest Google C++ Testing Framework
wip/ricty-ttf Migu 1M and Inconsolata based TrueType fonts for programming
wip/node V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
wip/ja-freewnn-lib Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client library)
wip/FlightCrew EPUB validator
wip/Sigil Multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor (for the ePub format)
wip/phonon-backend-gstreamer Multimedia API for KDE and QT - GStreamer backend
wip/py-construct Powerful declarative parser for binary data
wip/wmx-gnome Another X11 window manager based on wm2, with GNOME compliance
wip/py-bravo Minecraft game server in python
wip/wmx Another X11 window manager based on wm2
wip/py-uncertainties Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy
wip/quickml Easy-to-use mailing list system
wip/fvwm-themes Configuration framework for fvwm2 with samples

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