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net/vnc, version, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays, vnc-

Wildcard matches
net/deforaos-vncviewer, version 0.1.0nb20, maintainer khorben
  DeforaOS desktop VNC viewer, deforaos-vncviewer-0.1.0nb20

net/gtk-vnc, version 1.3.1nb1, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  VNC viewer widget for GTK, gtk-vnc-1.3.1nb1

net/libvncserver, version 0.9.13nb8, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Easy API to write ones own vnc server, libVNCServer-0.9.13nb8

wip/realvnc, version 4.1.2, maintainer dhowland
  Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays, realvnc-4.1.2

net/tigervnc, version, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  High-performance, platform-neutral VNC client/server, tigervnc-

net/tightvnc, version 1.3.10nb22, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays, tightvnc-1.3.10nb22

net/tightvncviewer, version 1.3.10nb2, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers, tightvncviewer-1.3.10nb2

graphics/vnc2swf, version 0.5.0nb4, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Record vnc session as flash movie, vnc2swf-0.5.0nb4

wip/vncselector, version 1.6.1nb2, maintainer dhowland
  Tool for managing VNC sessions, vncselector-1.6.1nb2

net/vncviewer, version 4.1.3, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers, vncviewer-4.1.3

x11/x11vnc, version 0.9.16nb15, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  VNC server for real X displays, x11vnc-0.9.16nb15

net/x2vnc, version 1.7.2nb3, maintainer pkgsrc-users
  Multi-console display using X and VNC, x2vnc-1.7.2nb3