./archivers/hs-zip-archive, Library for creating and modifying zip archives

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: hs-zip-archive-, Maintainer: zecrazytux

The zip-archive library provides functions for creating, modifying,
and extracting files from zip archives. The zip archive format is
documented in http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT.

Certain simplifying assumptions are made about the zip archives: in
particular, there is no support for strong encryption, zip files that
span multiple disks, ZIP64, OS-specific file attributes, or
compression methods other than Deflate. However, the library should be
able to read the most common zip archives, and the archives it
produces should be readable by all standard unzip programs.

Required to run:
[archivers/hs-zlib] [security/hs-digest] [lang/ghc88]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 22.271 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-29 06:04:12 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
archivers/hs-zip-archive: Update to


  * readEntry: Fix computation of modification time (#67).
    It should be a UNIX time (seconds since UNIX epoch), but
    computed relative to the local time zone, not UTC.


  * Use streaming decompress to identify extent of compressed data (#66).
    This fixes a problem that arises for local files with bit 3
    of the general purpose bit flag set. In this case, we don't
    get information up front about the size of the compressed
    data.  So how do we know where the compressed data ends?
    Previously, we tried to determine this by looking for the
    signature of the data descriptor. But the data descriptor doesn't
    always HAVE a signature, and it is also possible for signatures to
    occur accidentally in the compressed data itself (#65).
    Instead, we now use the streaming decompression interface from
    zlib's Internal module to identify where the compressed data
    ends. Fixes both #65 and #25.
   2023-11-02 07:37:49 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1141)
Log message:
Revbump all Haskell after updating lang/ghc96
   2023-10-27 10:33:32 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
archivers/hs-zip-archive: Update to 0.4.3

  * Improve code for retrieving compressed data of unknown length (#63).
    Do not assume we'll have the signature 0x08074b50 that is
    sometimes used for the data description, because it is not
    in the spec and is not always used.
  * Make some record fields strict.
  * Require binary >= 0.7.2, remove some CPP
   2023-10-09 06:55:01 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (988)
Log message:
Bump Haskell packages after updating lang/ghc94
   2023-01-25 10:53:52 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
archivers/hs-zip-archive: Update to


  * Use `command -v` before trying `which` in the test suite (#62).
    `command` is a bash builtin, but for busybox we'll need `which`.


  * Fix Windows build regression (#61).

zip-archive 0.4.2

  * Fix problem with files with colon (#89).
  * Remove build-tools.  This was used to indicate that the 'unzip'
    executable was needed for testing, but it was never intended to be used
    this way and now the field is deprecated.  The current test suite
    simply skips the test using the unzip executable (with a warning) if
    'unzip' is not in the path.
  * Remove existing symlinks when extracting zip files with symlinks (#60,
    Vikrem).  Previously, writeEntry would raise an error if it tried to
    create a symlink and a symlink already existed at that path.  This
    behavior was inconsistent with its behavior for regular files, which
    it overwrote without comment.  This commit causes symlinks to be replaced
    by writeEntry instead of an error being raised.
  * Remove binary < 0.6 CPP.  It's no longer needed because we don't support
    binary < 0.6.  Also use manySig instead of many, to get better error
  * Add type annotation for printf.
  * Better checking for unsafe paths (#55).  This method allows things like
  * Require base >= 4.5 (#56)
  * Add GitHub CI.
   2022-02-26 04:58:36 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (872)
Log message:
Bump all Haskell packages after enabling "split sections" in mk/haskell.mk
   2022-02-12 09:51:00 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (575)
Log message:
revbump after changing the default Haskell compiler
   2022-01-18 03:48:33 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (541)
Log message:
Bump packages that depends on GHC