wip/py-arxiv2bib | Get arXiv.org metadata in BibTeX format | |
wip/py-graphpath | Analysing graph-structured data, especially RDF | |
wip/py-logilab-pigg | Python Interface Generator for Gtk implementation of the MVC pattern | |
wip/junit | Automated testing framework for Java | |
wip/py-django-gitrevision | Django git revision | |
wip/ocamlweb | Ocamlweb is a literate programming tool for Objective Caml | |
geography/py-country | ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script | |
wip/py-ttk | Ttk Python wrapper | |
wip/py-amqplib | Client library for AMQP written by python | |
wip/py-behaviour | Behaviour Driven Development in Python | |
wip/py-easydev | Common utilities to ease the development of Python packages | |
wip/py-ptrace | Python binding of ptrace | |
lang/csmith | Random generator of C programs | |
net/py-gevent | Python-gevent a coroutine-based Python networking library | |
wip/py-extremes | Production-quality Min and Max objects (adapted from PEP 326) | |
devel/py-greenlet | Lightweight in-process concurrent programming | |
devel/py-logilab-common | Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects | |
devel/py-pkginfo | Query metadata from sdists / bdists / installed packages | |
wip/ldtp | GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project | |
devel/ninka | License identification tool for Source Code | |
wip/py-utilib_ply | PyUtilib utilities that use Ply | |
devel/py-coverage | Python module that measures code coverage for Python | |
devel/py-daemon | Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process | |
devel/py-gitdb | Git Object Database | |
devel/py-nose | Unittest-based testing framework for python | |
devel/py-smmap | Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | |
devel/py-flakes | Passive checker of Python programs | |
devel/py-astroid | Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Pythons ast | |
wip/glista | Simple task list management utility | |
wip/py-cscope | Generates a cscope index of Python source trees | |
wip/py-modargs | line argument parsing library that infers | |
wip/py-aspyct | Python library including an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) engine | |
wip/py-setuptools_git | Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git | |
wip/py-rdf | Pure Python package providing the core RDF constructs | |
devel/py-kivy | Library for rapid development of multitouch applications | |
wip/py-siginterrupt | Python interface to the siginterrupt system function | |
wip/py-utilib_enum | Variant of the enum package that supports pickling | |
devel/py-lockfile | Platform-independent file locking module | |
net/py-foolscap | RPC protocol for Twisted | |
textproc/libnxml | C library for parsing, writing and creating XML files or streams | |
wip/libgzstream | Gzstream is a small C++ library, basically just a wrapper | |
wip/py-py4j | Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects | |
wip/py-netcdf | Python bindings for netcdf | |
wip/py-processing | Library for running multiple Python processes using the threading API | |
wip/py-decoratortools | Class, function, and metaclass decorators | |
wip/libslab | Slab memory allocator in application layer | |
wip/py-igraph | Manipulating Undirected and Directed Graphs for Python | |
wip/py-bitsets | Ordered subsets over a predefined domain | |
wip/libcmt | Composable Memory Transactions Library for C | |
wip/py-digraphtools | Python library for working with directed acyclic graphs | |
wip/py-pyspark | Apache Spark Python API | |
wip/py-report | Pyreport makes notes out of a python script | |
wip/py-pmi | Parallel Method Invocation | |
wip/tktile | Improved themeing engine for Tk | |
wip/py-async | Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers | |
wip/mce | The DBus method calls provided by the Mode Control Entity | |
wip/py-utilib_component_loader | PyUtilib plugins for loading external packages | |
wip/py-utilib_component_app | Application interface for the PyUtilib Component Architecture | |
wip/py-codepy | CodePy is a C metaprogramming toolkit for Python | |
wip/py-ccuracy | Pyccuracy is a BDD style Acceptance Testing framework | |
wip/py-pytkgen | Create Tkinter GUIs from JSON definition files | |
devel/py-memcached | Python memcached client | |
wip/py-srpy | Easy access and remote control of local/remote Python instances | |
wip/py-utilib_excel | PyUtilib utilities that use Excel spreadsheets | |
wip/py-logilab-mtconverter | Library convert from a MIME type to another | |
wip/py-workerpool | Python multithreaded job distribution module |