textproc/ispell-ru | Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev | |
wip/p5-UUID | DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library for Perl | |
wip/R-doParallel | Foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package | |
wip/R-bigtabulate | R table, tapply, and split-like functionality for (big.)matrix objects | |
wip/R-MySQL | R interface for MySQL | |
wip/R-biganalytics | Library of utilities for big.matrix objects of package bigmemory | |
wip/R-entropy | Estimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities | |
wip/p5-Config-YAML | Simple configuration automation | |
sysutils/cdbkup | CD-R(W) backup/restore system | |
converters/ru-d1489 | CP866<->KOI8-R, CP1251<->KOI8-R and font converters acc. to RFC1489 | |
wip/R-signal | Signal Processing | |
wip/R-bnlearn | Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference | |
databases/leveldb | Fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google | |
security/pwsafe | CLI based PasswordSafe compatible password manager | |
devel/R-iterators | Provides iterator construct | |
time/xdkcal | X Desktop Calendar | |
databases/py-mongo | Python driver for MongoDB | |
textproc/ispell-ru-io | Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev | |
wip/R-lsei | Solving Least Squares under Equality/Inequality Constraints | |
wip/xmlformat-ruby | Configurable XML formatter, Ruby version | |
wip/xmlformat-perl | Configurable XML formatter, Perl version | |
wip/R-fitdistrplus | Fit a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data | |
wip/R-tuneR | Analysis of Music and Speech | |
wip/R-bigmemory | Manage massive matrices with shared memory and memory-mapped files | |
wip/cm-unicode-ttf | Computer Modern Unicode fonts | |
time/grdc | Grand digital clock from FreeBSD-current games | |
wip/xmlformat-docs | Configurable XML formatter, documentation files | |
math/R-VGAM | Vector generalized linear and additive models | |
wip/p5-OSSP-uuid | OSSP uuid Perl binding | |
wip/R-gmp | Multiple Precision Arithmetic for R | |
wip/R-graph | R package to handle graph data structures | |
wip/R-npsurv | Nonparametric Survival Analysis | |
wip/pt-ttf | Public fonts for minority languages of Russia | |
wip/R-Rgraphviz | Plotting capabilities for R graph objects | |
wip/R-bigmemory.sri | Shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages | |
wip/nuttcp | Network performance measurement tool, successor of nttcp | |
wip/R-BiocGenerics | Generic functions for Bioconductor | |
wip/R-mclust | Model-based clustering and normal mixture modeling | |
wip/R-easySVG | Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator | |
wip/R-C50 | C5.0 decision trees and rule-based models | |
graphics/R-png | Read and write PNG images |