math/blas | Basic Linear Algebra System (Netlib reference implementation) | |
wip/cgnslib | CFD General Notation System | |
math/lapacke64 | C interface to the reference LAPACK with 64 bit indices | |
math/blas64 | Reference Basic Linear Algebra System with 64 bit indices | |
math/openblas64_openmp | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_openmp) | |
math/openblas64 | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64) | |
geography/laszip | Free and lossless LiDAR compression | |
math/lapacke | C interface to the reference LAPACK library | |
math/openblas_pthread | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_pthread) | |
math/flann-lib | Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors | |
math/lapack64 | Reference Linear Algebra PACKage with 64 bit indices | |
math/openblas_openmp | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_openmp) | |
math/qrupdate | Library for fast updating of QR and Cholesky decompositions | |
graphics/gl2ps | OpenGL to PostScript printing library | |
math/lapack | Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference implementation) | |
graphics/vtk | Visualization toolkit | |
graphics/wcslib | FITS World Coordinate Systems library | |
devel/metslib | metaheuristic modeling framework for tabu search | |
print/libharu | Software library for generating PDF | |
graphics/pcl | 2D/3D image and point cloud processing | |
math/openblas | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas) | |
geography/pdal-lib | Point Data Abstraction Library | |
wip/elpa | Eigenvalue soLvers for Petaflop Applications | |
science/cgnslib | CFD General Notation System | |
biology/libpll | High-performance software library for phylogenetic analysis | |
math/cblas | C interface to the reference BLAS library | |
math/cblas64 | C interface to the reference BLAS with 64 bit indices | |
math/openblas64_pthread | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_pthread) |