./chat/telepathy-gabble, Jabber/XMPP connection manager for Telepathy

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Branch: pkgsrc-2012Q1, Version: 0.11.10nb5, Package name: telepathy-gabble-0.11.10nb5, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

A Jabber/XMPP connection manager that handles single- and multi-user
chats and voice/video calls.

Required to run:
[security/cyrus-sasl] [lang/python27] [devel/glib2] [net/libnice] [net/libsoup24] [sysutils/dbus-glib] [sysutils/dbus] [textproc/libxslt]

Required to build:
[devel/libtool-base] [devel/pkg-config] [devel/gmake] [textproc/py-expat]

Master sites:

SHA1: 26ca4e8a98b01b78007f88caea56b08ae5070fdd
RMD160: b4906a01b8cc6e6630e1707e97250bcdefeac9c4
Filesize: 3362.779 KB

Version history: (Expand)