2023-05-21 05:09:36 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-inspec-core: update to 5.22.3
5.22.3 (2023-05-18)
Merged Pull Requests
* CFINSPEC-554: Update CLI Docs rake task to work with current InSpec
docs. #6384 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-573: Fix for mongodb_session resource prints debug level of
information in profile run result. #6401 (Vasu1105)
* Updates Release Process Docs #6398 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-576 : Fix profile gem dependency loading issue when dependent gem
is required inside profile libraries. #6408 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-580 Dependent profiles fix for any scheme of version used in
profiles #6410 (Nik08)
* Formatting fixes for podman docs #6386 (IanMadd)
* Bump omnibus-software from 6a13693 to 225e357 in /omnibus #6442
* Bump omnibus from c66e97c to cf97613 in /omnibus #6423 (dependabot[bot])
* Bump kitchen-vagrant from 1.12.1 to 1.14.1 in /omnibus #6427
* Bump test-kitchen from 3.3.2 to 3.5.0 in /omnibus #6360 (dependabot[bot])
* Bump rack from 2.2.4 to in /omnibus #6388 (dependabot[bot])
* Revert "adding new private verify, as this will kick off the expeditor
bump version" #6479 (Vasu1105)
* CHEF-1458 Multiple values changes in SimpleConfig library #6489 (Nik08)
* CHEF-105 Adds configuration required for sonarqube integration. #6480
* Add nftables resources #6499 (jjacque)
* CHEF-2438 Add train-kubernetes to inspec gemspec #6512 (clintoncwolfe)
* Bump rack from to in /omnibus #6490 (dependabot[bot])
* fix: ensure Invoke-WebRequest headers can be configured #6484
* For #6493 : Add postgres_session support for custom port with a socket
connection #6494 (Taknok)
2023-01-09 08:59:47 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-inspec-core: update dependency
Drop dependency to www/faraday since www/ruby-faraday_middleware is
already depends on www/ruby-faraday1.
2022-12-04 16:18:12 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-inspec-core: update to 5.18.14
Please refer <https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md> for
changes before 5.12.2.
5.18.14 (2022-07-13)
* Bump rack from 2.2.3 to in /omnibus #6098 (dependabot[bot])
* CFINSPEC-95: Enhance x509_certificate resource #6041 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-267: resource_ids group 6 #6101 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-262 Adds resource_id group 1 #6102 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-266: resource_ids group 5 #6103 (ahasunos)
* Fix the key duplication error warning in the mock_loader.rb #6120 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-268 Adds resource_id group 7 #6105 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-269 Adds resource_id group 8 #6107 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-265 Group 4 - Added resource_id in resources #6109 (Nik08)
* CFINSPEC-270 Adds resource_id group9 #6111 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-273 Adds resource_id group 12 #6112 (Vasu1105)
* Handle resource_id in error situations #6118 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-262 - Handle resource_id in error situation #6119 (Vasu1105)
* Bump berkshelf from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2 in /omnibus #6114 (dependabot[bot])
* CFINSPEC-167: Profile Signing Rollup #5995 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-291: Fix processes resource to consider processes without path on
Windows #6100 (ahasunos)
* Fixed Lint/DuplicateMethods: Method Inspec::Resources::Service#resource_id
is defined at both #6132 (Vasu1105)
* Dk/matchers rewrite #6007 (dkumaras)
* Add inspec-6 branch as release branch #6136 (clintoncwolfe)
* add ruby test 3.1 in verify pipeline #5892 (jayashrig158)
* Updated plugins doc with send_report functionality #6144 (Nik08)
* Bump octokit from 4.23.0 to 4.25.0 in /omnibus #6146 (dependabot[bot])
* Fixes for Buildkite Issues #6161 (Nik08)
* CFINSPEC-238 Enhanced Outcomes Design Doc #6152 (clintoncwolfe)
* Add k8s section to resources index page #6167 (IanMadd)
* Windows fix for dependent profiles #6173 (Nik08)
* Bump omnibus-software from a9b13a0 to 7bb8c7b in /omnibus #6191
* Trial - Update the omnibus/Gemfile.lock (can be the reason for omnibus
build failure) #6195 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-239 Attestations Design Doc #6188 (clintoncwolfe)
5.17.4 (2022-05-25)
* chore: Set permissions for GitHub actions #5990 (neilnaveen)
* CFINSPEC-88: Extend file resource documentation with be_mounted matcher
#5999 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-185: Updates inspec check cli docs to include --with-cookstyle
option #6000 (Vasu1105)
* Fix for issue 5809 Service checks failing on Amazon linux 2022 #5998
* Bump berkshelf from 7.2.2 to 8.0.0 in /omnibus #6020 (dependabot[bot])
* Add a sample validation key, to be used in testing key fetching #6030
* CFINSPEC-96: Add zfs resource #6004 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-250: Fix for inspec json command does not populate the inputs for
the profile #6056 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-252: Fix profile gem dependency installation is failing when gem
version is not specified #6057 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-84: Add x509_private_key resource #6018 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-90: Enhance host resource #6045 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-92: Enhance processes resource #5991 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-81: Add php_config resource #6010 (ahasunos)
* UNIT_TESTS: update yaml reporter test for Ruby 3+ #6040 (marijus-ravickas)
* fixing bad markdown syntax #6066 (replicajune)
* Add vale config to docs in inspec repository #6065 (IanMadd)
* Remove Hugo version from Netlify config #6075 (IanMadd)
5.14.0 (2022-04-21)
* Fix unit test for service resource #5980 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-75: Add default_gateway resource #5979 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-181: Fix unable to upload inspec compliance profile using to…
#5989 (Vasu1105)
* CFINSPEC-87: Enhance file resource #5986 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-93: Enhance service resource #5981 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-89: Enhance group resource #5987 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-78: Add linux_audit_system resource #5988 (ahasunos)
5.12.2 (2022-04-08)
Merged Pull Requests
* Deprecation note for azurerm resources #5923 (IanMadd)
* Extend CI test timeout to 60 minutes #5949 (clintoncwolfe)
* updates to reporting detail on progress bar #5956 (aaronlippold)
* CFINSPEC-85: Enhance docker_container resource with have_volume matcher
#5944 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-86: Enhance docker_image resource #5945 (ahasunos)
* fix(service): ensure installed: true isn't always returned on FreeBSD
#5948 (myii)
* AliCloud Platform Instructions #5960 (dkumaras)
* CFINSPEC-94: Enhance user resource #5959 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-80: Add mail alias resource #5961 (ahasunos)
* CFINSPEC-83: Add routing table resource #5972 (ahasunos)
* Bump omnibus-software from 82b14e3 to 960cb6e in /omnibus #5973
* Move shortcodes from chef-web-docs to inspec repo #5969 (IanMadd)
2022-10-10 05:36:51 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (32) |
Log message:
Remove lines for Ruby 2.6.
2022-09-04 18:26:21 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-inspec-core: update to 4.50.3
Update to latest version 4 release.
Changes from 4.50.3 are too many to write here, please refer:
2022-08-29 16:25:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
ruby-semverse: does not support ruby 2.6 any longer
2021-12-12 14:16:23 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-inspec-core: update to 4.50.3
4.50.3 (2021-11-19)
New Features
* Add Windows support for http resource. #5697 (Vasu1105)
Bug Fixes
* Updates habitat test for windows to match install logic for linux #5718
Merged Pull Requests
* Move cookstyle dep from inspec gemspec to inspec-core, add rake #5722
* Disable CookStyle integration on Windows #5724 (clintoncwolfe)
* Move rake and cookstyle deps out of inspec core gemspec #5732
* Remove license note + update resource count in main docs page #5639
4.49.0 (2021-10-27)
New Features
* Add support for Cassandra DB #5683 (Nik08)
Merged Pull Requests
* Replaced /main/ from /master/ #5678 (dishanktiwari2501)
* Add back Ubuntu 16.04 packages + testing #5689 (tas50)
* Update OpenSSL on macOS to 1.1.1l #5687 (tas50)
* Update the unit test files to use latest versions of OS rather than the
older. #5681 (Vasu1105)
* Improvements to the inspec.yml docs #5679 (tas50)
* Update GCS Storage class list #5676 (pradeepbhadani)
* Group & User Resources - Resolve name case-sensitivity issue for windows
#5667 (Nik08)
* Renamed Inspec DSL to Inspec Language #5694 (dishanktiwari2501)
* Fix google_container_node_pool.md #5696 (pradeepbhadani)
* Enable repeatable builds by bundling Gemfile.lock #5688 (tas50)
* Oracle db session resource fix - when invoking query using os user and db
role #5702 (Nik08)
* Fix Oracle db session resource issues #5706 (Nik08)
* InSpec Waivers: --filter-waived-controls #5327 (Schwad)
* Fix windows_firewall resource fails to validate more than 1 rule depending
on how it's executed #5704 (Vasu1105)
* Integrate InSpec check with Cookstyle #5618 (Nik08)
4.46.13 (2021-09-30)
New Features
* Add support for Sybase databases #5561 (clintoncwolfe)
* Add ibmdb2_conf and ibmdb2_session resource #5614 (Vasu1105)
* adds chrony_conf InSpec resource #5589 (collinmcneese)
* Add csv without headers support in csv resource #5665 (Vasu1105)
* Add option in postgres_session resource to establish socket connection
#5664 (Nik08)
Bug Fixes
* Fix main in expeditor script #5669 (kagarmoe)
* Fix --tags filter for dependent profiles #5657 (Nik08)
Merged Pull Requests
* Add labeler workflow with docs label #5655 (IanMadd)
* Docs edits #5654 (IanMadd)
* Fix branch name in docs makefile #5660 (IanMadd)
* Update inspec check docs for --format option #5617 (Vasu1105)
* Add support for Mssql Conf resource #5574 (Nik08)
* Add support for Oracle Configuration Resources (Oracle Db Conf & Oracle
Listener Conf) #5573 (Nik08)
* Added missing cli commands in cli doc #5634 (Nik08)
* Fix google_project_alert_policy Examples in the docs #5426 (wmetaw)
* Update code to remove ruby 2.4 support #5645 (Vasu1105)
* Minor docs fixes. #5662 (IanMadd)
* Add rocky and almalinux to service resource #5604 (sspans-sbp)
* Change the deprecation warning to mention inputs #5668 (damacus)
* Build packages for debian 11, macos 12, windows 11/2022 #5675 (tas50)
* Fix --controls option was not working for dependent profile #5656
* Fix opa_cli and opa_api resource unable to verify empty result {} #5671
2021-10-26 13:20:30 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (630) |
Log message:
sysutils: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:58:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (630) |
Log message:
sysutils: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-09-19 19:24:26 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
sysutils/ruby-inspec-core: update to 4.41.20
4.41.20 (2021-09-01)
Merged Pull Requests
* Build fix for ruby version 2.5 - HTML Proofer gem installation error #5610
* Fix range based filtering in filter tables #5598 (Nik08)
* Fix apache_conf issue when Server Root is not present in configuration
#5601 (Nik08)
* Fix --insecure not working with profile #5600 (Nik08)
* Fix --chef-license=accept option to only show license accepted message
#5609 (Nik08)
* Fix postgres_session error Unable to connect to database #5619 (Vasu1105)
* Fix merging of included conf and main conf params in apache conf #5623
* Add aliyun3 support to service resource #5578 (elsnepal)
* Fedora runtime support documented #5628 (Nik08)
* Updated inspec-aws git url to replace branch to master to main #5637
* Replace use of wmic from security_identifier resource as it will be
deprecated soon #5636 (Vasu1105)
* Updated security_policy resource docs #5633 (Vasu1105)
* Added info about the Minitest framework in contributing doc #5630 (Nik08)
* Fix for security_policy resource does not return array for local groups
#5629 (Vasu1105)
* Proposed implementation for installation warnings #5625 (tecracer-theinen)
* Update location of default branch for omnibus and omnibus-software #5648
* Fix url fetcher when default git profile branch is not master #5638
* Fix tags processing issue in profiles #5643 (Nik08)