Log message:
Changes 6.1.26:
A 'salvage' (db_dump -r) no longer hangs on a corrupt database which contains a \
loop in an overflow item's chain of pages.
Remove +u1 compiler flag from the HP-UX build and fixed related alignment issue.
Fixed DB_RUNRECOVERY errors caused by pthreads-based mutexes.
Allow the failchk process to call __env_refresh when necessary.
DB->open() now detects invalid pagesizes sooner, avoiding a potential \
floating point exception when a purported database file has a pagesize of 0. \
Added a pre-verify step to the db_dump utility.
Fixed a bug that can cause DBcursor->get to return incorrect data when \
DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE flag is used.
Added support for Java 8.
Aborting a transaction no longer panics if a deadlock error occurs while freeing \
up the transaction's cursors.
Fixed a crash which could occur when multiple BDB SQL processes repeatedly open \
a database file.
Fixed a bug where db_printlog improperly handled a "No such file or \
directory" error condition.
Fixed a bug that could cause a master crash in the following cases: an \
unencrypted client attempts to join an encrypted replication group, or an \
encrypted client attempts to join an unencrypted replication group.
Fixed a bug that can cause a crash when DB_ENV->memp_stat() is called.
Added support for arm64.
Reduced the minimum hash table size.
Fixed a bug where file names were not displayed correctly when a file failed to \
open during backup.
Enabled cross compiling the JDBC driver.
Fixed a crash when writing to a SQL BLOB while txn_bulk is enabled.
DB->open() now detects invalid bt_minkey better, avoiding a potential \
floating point excetpion.
Removed EnvironmentConfig.setTxnNotDurable() and Environment.getTxnNotDurable() \
from the Java API. This flag cannot be set on environments.
Log message:
Import db6-6.1.19 as databases/db6.
Berkeley DB is an embeddable database system that supports keyed access to
data. The software is distributed in source code form, and developers can
compile and link the source code into a single library for inclusion
directly in their applications.
Developers may choose to store data in any of several different storage
structures to satisfy the requirements of a particular application. In
database terminology, these storage structures and the code that operates on
them are called access methods. The library includes support for the
following access methods:
* B+tree: Stores keys in sorted order, using either a programmer-supplied
ordering function or a default function that does lexicographical
ordering of keys. Applications may perform equality or range searches.
* Hashing: Stores records in a hash table for fast searches based on
strict equality. Extended Linear Hashing modifies the hash function
used by the table as new records are inserted, in order to keep buckets
underfull in the steady state.
* Fixed and Variable-Length Records: Stores fixed- or variable-length
records in sequential order. Record numbers may be immutable or
mutable, i.e., permitting new records to be inserted between existing
records or requiring that new records be added only at the end of the
This package privides Berkeley DB 6 released under GNU AGPL3.