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CVS Commit History:

   2020-03-15 16:55:53 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-octokit: update to 4.17.0

Update ruby-octokit to 4.17.0.

4.17.0 (2020-03-10)


* #1200 Fix an API link in the Search client @NickLaMuro

Preview Header Support

* #1183 Enable issue events API to return project events @gammons
* #1203 Update deprecated application API to new preview @oreoshake

Bug Fixes

* #1201 Fix random test failures @MSP-Greg
   2020-03-08 15:26:37 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-octokit: update to 4.16.0

Update ruby-octokit to 4.16.0.

4.16.0 (2020-02-05)

New features

* #1187 Support for Commit Branches @tgmachina

Resolve deprecation warnings

* #1192 Fix deprecation notice for authentication via query parameters
  @tarebyte Documentation
* #1137 Clarify force parameter documentation @rmacklin
* #1186 Fix team_by_name example @steinbrueckri
* #1190 Fix API links in the Apps client @ybiquitous

Tooling updates

* #1185 Fix action builds against 4-stable @tarebyte
   2020-02-05 15:59:02 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-octokit: update to 4.15.0

Update ruby-octokit to 4.15.0.

4.15.0 (2020-01-02)

Preview header support

* #1114 Adds drafts preview header @andrew
* #1132 Update branch protection preview @spikex

New features

* #1133 Support for template repositories @EricPickup
* #1136 Add method to find team by name @gallexi
* #1153 Add method to delete installation @yykamei
* #1151 Add method to update pull request review @eric-silverman
* #1162 Support for Commit pulls @tgmachina

Improved error handling

* #1115 Add BillingIssue error @stmllr
* #1106 Add TooLargeContent error @ybiquitous
* #1164 Add SAMLProtected error @tarebyte

Resolve deprecation warnings

* #1152 Fix version deprecation warning in ci builds @hmharvey
* #1154 Fix faraday error subclass @Gasparila


* #1123 Add option in the pull request state parameter @4geru
* #1135 Fix the contributing doc steps @gallexi
* #1134 Fix the code example for update branch @rmacklin
* #1139 Add assignee params @4geru
* #1138 Update link to new collaborators api @shaunakpp
* #1129 Add code of conduct @spikex
* #1102 Update readme to point directly to v3 api @binhums

Tooling updates

* #1142 Migrated to actions @tarebyte

4.14.0 (2019-03-29)

Bug fixes

* Support auto pagination in org_projects #1090 (@mattr-)
* Support falsy values in configuration #1091 (@nickstanish)
* fixup ssl verify mode #1098 (@tnaoto)

Code cleanup

* Change the raise_invalid_repository! msg from repo/user to user/repo #1094
* Fix redundant code in Octkit::Client #1100 (@rnitta)


* Adds timeout instructions to readme #1089 (@abinoda)
* Fix docs of #repository? return value type #1092 (@vecerek)
* Update doc of Repositories#collaborators method #1105 (@ybiquitous)

New features

* Add client methods for the Checks API #1101 (@laserlemon)

4.13.0 (2019-10-11)

Bug fixes

* Fixes 422 error for passing client_id when making a new OAuth Authorization
  #1077 (@tarebyte)


* Add Octopoller section to readme #1073 (@BenEmdon)

Support for new preview headers

* Add new strict validation preview header #1078 (@tarebyte)

Testing fixes

* Update WebMock and VCR / update Octokit::Client::Authorizations spec #1077
   2018-09-23 16:54:50 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-octokit: update to 4.12.0

4.12.0 (2018/09/11)

Support for additional APIs

* #1060 Add support for Transfer repository API
* #1070 Add support for List Assignees API
* #975 Add support for Community Profile API


* #1069 Do not pass wrong params in org membership method

v4.11.0 (2018/08/30)

Code clean up

* #1054 Remove the :name key from #add_team_repository request

Documentation fixes

* #1050 Add in note about require
* #1056 Fixes documentation url for outside_collaborators

Existing endpoint changes

* #1055 Use new app installation token endpoint

Support new endpoints

* #1052 App installation finders

4.10.0 (2018/08/09)

Graduated preview periods

* #1020 Remove preview warning for marketplace API
* #1041 Remove marketplace preview warnings (we mean it, this time)
* #1042 Remove preview warning for Repository Invitations API
* #1047 Rework request review API to support team reviewers

Support for new endpoints

* #1044 Implement Topics API
* #990 Implement delete a pull request review request


* #1025 Fix contributors endpoint for empty repos
* #1034 Duplicate option to prevent mutating original
* #1018 Convert OCTOKIT_SSL_VERIFY_MODE environment variable to integer


* #1021 Add Faraday retry middleware
* #1032 Use auto pagination when retrieving statuses

4.9.0 (2018/05/08)


* #1006 Use Addressable::URI instead of stdlib URI for normalization
* #1003 Fix pagination of GitHub App endpoints
* #1000 Call dup on arguments before mutating

Documentation changes

* #969 Document the steps necessary to cut a release
* #972 Url to the review API was wrong
* #973 Fix pull_requests_comments example documentation
* #985 Add tag_name to update_release documentation
* #989 Command example fix in documentation.
* #1008 Fixes documentation for getting single issue comment
* #1011 Fix example call to Octokit.label


* #982 Be able to set an SSL verify mode on faraday
* #1009 Add missing remove_org_membership alias


* #970 Update Ruby versions for CI
* #961 Update VCR gem

Support for additional API endpoints

* #984 Add remove_assignees method to the client
* #959 Commit Search API preview
* #996 Add ability to list a single deployment, by id
   2018-03-13 18:37:03 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-octokit: update to 4.8.0

4.8.0							2017/12/21

Support for additional API endpoints

* #885 Topics API
* #884 Get a single Installation
* #894 Add assignees
* #895 Find user installations
* #929 Marketplace listings API
* #928 Nested Teams API
* #938 Get user's marketplace purchases
* #932 GitHub Apps API

APIs taken out of preview

* #913 Organization Memberships API
* #923 Pull Request Review API


* #886 Allow reviews and review comments to be paginated
* #899 Expose response_headers and response_body on error objects
* #877 Improve error message when fails
* #958 Update add/remove installations methods to use non-deprecated endpoints
* #892 Move integrations endpoints across to apps


* #876 Remove destructive assignment for repository
* #966 Fix apps client for GitHub Enterprise installs (new endpoints in this
   release, but still)

Note about Rubinius support

We have been unable to get a Rubinius build working for CI for quite some
time, meaning that Rubinius support has been spotty or non-existent.  In this
release we finally stopped trying.  This isn't directly backwards-incompatible
since it already wasn't working, but it does feel a bit iffy.

If you happen to use Rubinius and know how to get this working on Travis, we'd
be delighted to review a pull request that adds it back in.CVS: \ 
   2017-04-22 18:24:44 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-octokit to 4.7.0.

4.7.0								2017/04/05

* #837 Fix passing options to all_organizations
* #841 Add new methods from the most recent org memberships API enhancements
* #851 Fix application requests for non dotcom hosts
* #858 Don't mutate the options variable passed to API calls
* #871 Add support to prerelease Integrations API
* #874 Handle PR Review errors
* #860 Implement Review Preview API
* #869 Use Organization.path for organization membership method
* #880 Fix incorrect mimetype for integrations in PREVIEW_TYPES
* #881 Change several occurrences of Hash#merge!
   2017-03-19 17:55:11 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update ruby-octokit to 4.6.2.

4.6.1 and 4.6.2 fixes miscellaneous bug fixes.

v4.6.0						9 Nov 2016

Library Changes

* #829 Sawyer dependency loosened to support new release 'sawyer', '>= 0.5.3',
  '~> 0.8.0' Thank you @andrew

Updated Methods


* #protect_branch required_status_check parameter is no longer required, which
  makes the method call signature changed. required_status_check can be
  passed in the options hash.

* #unprotect_branch returns a boolean value now

New Methods

#820 Projects APIs

* #projects List projects for a repository
* #create_project Create a Project
* #org_projects List Organization Projects
* #create_org_project Create Organization Project
* #project Get a Repository Project
* #update_project Update a Project
* #delete_project Delete a Project
* #project_columns List a Project's Columns
* #create_project_column Create a Project Column
* #project_column Get a Project Column
* #update_project_column Update a Project Column
* #delete_project_column Delete a Project Column
* #move_project_column Move a Project Column
* #column_cards List Column Cards
* #create_project_card Create a Project Card
* #project_card Get a Project Card
* #update_project_card Update a Project Card
* #move_project_card Move a Project Card
* #delete_project_card Delete a Project Card

#824 Traffic APIs

* #top_referrers Get the top 10 referrers over the last 14 days.
* #top_paths Get the top 10 popular contents over the last 14 days.
* #views Get the total number of views and breakdown per day or week for the
  last 14 days.
* #clones Get the total number of clones and breakdown per day or week for the
  last 14 days.
   2016-10-25 18:23:50 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Update ruby-octokit to 4.4.1.

Bugfix Release

Introduced in v4.4.0 #pages method was incorrectly updated to require the
new preview header.
   2016-10-24 16:13:09 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-octokit to 4.4.0.


Library changes

    * #777 This impacts all methods that pass a repository parameter.  Change
       Repository.validate_owner_and_name! to use URI::ABS_URI instead the
       deprecated URI.regexp
    * #752 Use octokit_warn instead of warn in Preview.warn_preview
    * #761 Octokit::AccountSuspended for 403 responses @koglinjg

New methods

    * #748 Add support for Source Import APIs @LizzHale
    * #814 #799 New method Repositories.branch_protection to get a branch's
      protection status
    * #770 Add Issues#lock and Issues#unlock @davidcelis
    * #816 Add Pages.pages_build to get specific page build by ID

Updated Methods

    * #733 Support getting Milestones by repository id @stmllr
    * #739 Escape options values in authorize_url @shvaikalesh
    * #705 #704 Support API urls in Repository#from_url
    * #780 Dup options in #create_repo method before mutating the hash
    * #815 Change Pages.pages to use preview media type to gain additional
      data. Add Pages.request_page_build for
    * #797 Change #upload_assets to read files in read only mode @trevorrowe
    * #743 Add deprecation warning for when :permission parameter is passed
      to Organizations.create_team. Assign team repository permissions with
      Organizations.add_team_repository instead.
    * #805 *_stats methods return nil on timeout when : retry_wait is used.
      Previously returned empty Sawyer::Resource. @etiennebarrie
    * #819 #protect_branch Enable branch protection without enforcing
      required_status_checks. @mgreensmith

Documentation Edits

    * #750 Fix typo in @blunderdome
    * #804 @kei-s #create_pull_request_comment_reply
    * #817 Fix .decline_repository_invitation API doc url
    * #742 Fix Default.middleware documentation comment @v-kolesnikov
    * #754 Add Table of contents to

Octokit Development Changes

    * #751 Add webmock pessimism < 2.0.0
    * #723 Improved the setup for the Issues specs by creating temp repos
      to test against @tarebyte
   2016-10-03 09:21:05 by S.P.Zeidler | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
lowercase license name

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