Log message:
Update ruby-parslet to 1.5.0.
= 1.5 / 27Dec2012
+ Handles unconsumed input at end of parse completely differently. Instead
of generating a toplevel error, it now raises an error in every branch
of the parse. More information in the resulting exception ensues! Thanks
again to John Mettraux for inspiration & acceptance specs.
NOTE that this means that the UnconsumedInput exception is gone, since the
unconsumed input case is nothing special anymore.
* This history now finally reads like the Changelog of the linux kernel.
Meaning that probably no one ever reads this.
+ Captures and parsing subsequent input based on captured values. This has
been long overdue - finally you can parse HEREdocs with parslet!
Log message:
Add ruby-parslet package version 1.4.0.
Parslet makes developing complex parsers easy. It does so by
* providing the best error reporting possible
* not generating reams of code for you to debug
Parslet takes the long way around to make your job easier. It allows for
incremental language construction. Often, you start out small, implementing
the atoms of your language first; _parslet_ takes pride in making this