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CVS Commit History:

   2021-10-07 15:54:03 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (119)
Log message:
finance: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-09-18 17:42:01 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/ruby-activemerchant: update to 1.122.0

Version 1.122.0 (2021-08-03)

* Orbital: Correct success logic for refund [tatsianaclifton] #4014
* usaepay: Added pin gateway setting [DustinHaefele] #4026
* MercadoPago: Added external_reference, more payer object options, and
  metadata field [DustinHaefele] #4020
* Element: Add duplicate_override_flag [almalee24] #4012
* PayTrace: Support gateway [meagabeth] #3985
* vPOS: Support credit + refund [therufs] #3998
* PayArc: Support gateway [senthil-code] #3974
* NMI: Support cardholder_auth field for 3DS2 [cdmackeyfree] #4002
* Confiable: Support cardtype [therufs] #4004
* Maestro: Add BIN [therufs] #4003
* PayULatam: Ensure phone number is pulled from shipping_address correctly
  [dsmcclain] #4005
* SafeCharge: Add challenge_preference for 3DS [klaiv] #3999
* Adyen: Pass networkTxReference in all transactions [naashton] #4006
* Adyen: Ensure correct transaction reference is selected [dsmcclain] #4007
* PayTrace: Support level_3_data fields [meagabeth] #4008
* BluePay: Add support for Stored Credentials [dsmcclain] #4009
* Orbital: Add support for SCARecurringPayment [jessiagee] #4010
* Braintree: Support recurring_first and moto reasons [curiousepic] #4013
* PayTrace: Adjust capture method [meagabeth] #4015
* BarclaysEpdqExtraPlus: updated custom_eci test + remote tests [yyapuncich]
* CyberSource: Add customerID field [deemeyers] #4025
* CyberSource: Adjust Auth [naashton] #3956
* Valid Canadian Institution Numbers [naashton] #4024
* PayTrace: Adjust purchase and capture methods to handle MultiResponse
  scenarios [meagabeth] #4027
* Payflow: Add support for MERCHDESCR field [rachelkirk] #4028
* PayTrace: Support $0 authorize in verify method [meagabeth] #4030
* PayArc: Add error_code in response [cdm-83] #4021
* Update bank routing account validation check [jessiagee] #4029
* Kushki: Add 'contactDetails' fields [mbreenlyles] #4033
* Adyen: Truncating order_id and remote test [yyapuncich] #4036
* CyberSource: Allow string content for Ignore AVS/CVV flags [curiousepic]
* Decidir: Update validation error message handling [arbianchi] #4042
* Remove cardholderAuthentication for non-3DS transactions
  [BritneyS] #4045
* BlueSnap: Handle 429 errors [britth] #4044
* Orbital: Update unit test files [meagabeth] #4046
* Orbital: Strip null characters from responses [britth] #4041
* Merchant Warrior: Handle invalid XML responses [arbianchi] #4047
* Braintree: Fix NoMethodError for failed card verification [molbrown] #4048
* Worldpay: Accepting 3DS1 and 3DS2 authentication data from external MPI
  [chandan-PS] #4017
* PayArc: Currency and parameters updates [jessiagee] #4051
* Elavon: Add support for special characters [mbreenlyles] #4049
* PayArc: Formatting CC month, adding tax_rate, removing default void reason
  [jessiagee] #4053
* Kushki: Add support for fullResponse field [rachelkirk] #4057
* Element: Add support for MerchantDescriptor field [BritneyS] #4058
* PayArc: Added email and phone to credit and charge [jessiagee] #4056
* Mundipagg: Added support for 'authentication_secret_key' for 'api_key'
  overwrite [DustinHaefele] #4059
* Payflow: Raise an error if store method is called [dsmcclain] #4066
* Monei: JSON API implementation [jimmyn] #3613
* Maestro: Update BINs [therufs] #4067
* Monei: Change domain to [jimmyn] #4068
* Spreedly: Support gateway_specific_response_fields in response params
  [abarrak] #4064
* Payeezy: Add support for add_soft_descriptors [rachelkirk] #4069
* Stripe Payment Intents: Add support for network_transaction_id field
  [cdmackeyfree] #4060
* Worldpay: Support 'CAPTURED' response for authorize transactions
  [naashton] #4070
* Ingenico (Global Collect): New idempotence key header [BritneyS] #4073
* PayTrace: Adjust handling of line_items subfields [meagabeth] #4074
* Worldpay: Correct Expiration Year Format [tatsianaclifton] #4076
* Monei: Improve Scrub Regex [tatsianaclifton] #4072
* Payflow: add THREEDSVERSION and DSTRANSACTIONID when present [bbraschi]

1.121.0 (2021-06-09)

* Braintree: Lift restriction on gem version to allow for backwards
  compatibility [naashton] #3993
* Payment Express/Windcave: Send amount on verify calls [cdmackeyfree] #3995
* Orbital: Use billing_address name as fallback [curiousepic] #3966
* vPOS: handle shop_process_id correctly [therufs] #3996
* Checkout v2: Support metadata field [saschakala] #3992
* Adyen: Support networkTxReference field [naashton] #3997
* Paypal Express: Enable PayPal express reference transaction request to
  send merchant session id [janees-e] #3994
   2021-06-14 17:23:12 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/ruby-activemerchant: update to 1.121.0

1.121 (2021-06-08)

* Braintree: Lift restriction on gem version to allow for backwards
  compatibility [naashton] #3993
* Payment Express/Windcave: Send amount on verify calls [cdmackeyfree] #3995
* Orbital: Use billing_address name as fallback [curiousepic] #3966
* vPOS: handle shop_process_id correctly [therufs] #3996
* Checkout v2: Support metadata field [saschakala] #3992
* Adyen: Support networkTxReference field [naashton] #3997
* Paypal Express: Enable PayPal express reference transaction request to
  send merchant session id [janees-e] #3994
   2021-06-03 16:39:07 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/ruby-activemerchant: update to 1.120.0

1.120.0 (2021-05-31)

* Stripe PI: ensure setup_future_sage and off_session work when using
* Orbital: Update commit to accept retry_logic in params [jessiagee] #3890
* Orbital: Update remote 3DS tests [jessiagee] #3892
* Mercado Pago: support Creditel card type [therufs] #3893
* Payeezy: Update error mapping [meagabeth] #3896
* HPS: Add support for stored_credential [cdmackeyfree] #3894
* Orbital: Ensure payment_detail sends for ECP [jessiagee] #3899
* Payeezy: Update error_code_from method [meagabeth] #3900
* Worldpay: Add support for statementNarrative field [meagabeth] #3901
* Mercado Pago: Give ability to pass capture option in authorize txn field
  [naashton] #3897
* Orbital: Ensure correct fields sent in refund [jessiagee] #3903
* WorldPay: remove some defaults in billing address [carrigan] #3902
* Adyen: Support for General Credit [naashton] #3904
* Worldpay: reintroduce address1 and city defaults [carrigan] #3905
* Stripe: ensure potentially nested data is scrubbed #3907
* Stripe PI: Send Validate on Payment Method Attach [tatsianaclifton] #3909
* Adyen: Update handling of authorization returned from gateway [meagabeth]
* Update gateway templates for Rubocop compliance [therufs] #3912 #3895
* Orbital: Send AVSname for all eCheck transactions [jessiagee] #3911
* Litle: update support of customerId field [cdmackeyfree] #3913
* Payment Express: fix signature for verify [therufs] #3914
* Forte: Send xdata fields [dsmcclain] #3915
* PaywayDotCom: Add New Gateway [DanAtPayway] #3898
* Orbital: Remove unnecessary requirements [jessiagee] #3917
* SafeCharge (Nuvei): Add network tokenization support [DStoyanoff] #3847
* Stripe PI: Enhance testing of SetupIntents API #3908
* SafeCharge (Nuvei): Fix NT related bug [jimilpatel24] #3921
* Worldpay: Only override cardholdername for 3ds tests [curiousepic] #3918
* Orbital: Add support for general credit [meagabeth] #3922
* Banco Sabadell: Ensure sca_exemption field is used #3923
* Redsys: Refactor XML character escape logic #3925
* HPS: Strip zip codes of non-alphanumeric characters [dsmcclain] #3926
* Orbital: $0 PreNote using authorize for eCheck force_capture [jessiagee]
* Worldpay: synchronous response changes [naashton] #3928
* PaywayDotCom: Add more thorough scrubbing [tatsianaclifton] #3929
* Remove and update to reflect new repository wiki
  [dsmcclain] #3930
* Qvalent: Add customer_reference_number [fredo-] #3931
* Orbital: Add 'ND' ECPActionCode to $0 Prenote Check [jessiagee] #3935
* Checkout: Add support for stored_credential [meagabeth] #3934
* Credorax: Add support for 3ds_reqchallengeind [dsmcclain] #3936
* Adyen: cancelOrRefund endpoint when passed as option [naashton] #3937
* Qvalent: Add customer reference number FIX [fredo-] #3939
* Orbital: Pass line_items in capture [jessiagee] #3941
* BraintreeBlue: Add support for $0 auth verification [meagabeth] #3944
* JCB: Add additional BIN ranges [dsmcclain] #3946
* vPOS: Support new gateway type [therufs] #3906
* Braintree: Add support for AVS and CVV results in $0 credit card
  verification transactions [meagabeth] #3951
* Braintree: Return cvv_code and avs_code in response [meagabeth] #3952
* vPOS: Stringify values [therufs] #3954
* Payeezy: Send level2 fields [dsmcclain] #3953
* Credorax: adjust logic for sending 3ds shipping address fields [dsmcclain]
* Orbital: Ensure ECP always sends AVSName [jessiagee] #3963
* Orbital: Add middle name to EWSMiddleName for ECP [jessiagee] #3962
* Support Canadian Bank Accounts [naashton] #3964
* Windcave/Payment Express: Add support for AvsAction and EnableAVSData
  fields [meagabeth] #3967
* CyberSource: Update XML tag for merchantDefinedData [meagabeth] #3969
* Elavon: Send ssl_vendor_id field [dsmcclain] #3972
* Credorax: Add support for echo field [meagabeth] #3973
* Worldpay: support cancelOrRefund via options [therufs] #3975
* Payeezy: support general credit [cdmackeyfree] #3977
* Ripley and Hipercard: Add BIN ranges [naashton] #3978
* Adyen: Default card holder name for credit cards [shasum] #3980
* PaywayDotCom: make source_id a required field [dsmcclain] #3981
* Qvalent: remove pem_password from required credentials [dsmcclain] #3982
* Fix stored credentials [tatsianaclifton] #3971
* CyberSource: Add support for multiple new fields [dsmcclain] #3984
* CASHNet: Update gateway adapter [dsmcclain] #3986
* Elavon: Send ssl_vendor_id field via options on gateway initialization
  [dsmcclain] #3989
* Braintree: Bump required braintree gem version to 3.0.1 #3987
   2021-02-13 11:23:02 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/ruby-activemerchant: update to 1.119.0

Version 1.119.0 (February 9th, 2021)

* Payment Express: support verify/validate [therufs] #3874
* GlobalCollect: Truncate address fields [meagabeth] #3878
* Litle: Truncate address fields [meagabeth] #3877
* Netbanx: Add-customer-information(name,email,IP)-to-a-transaction
  [rockyhakjoong] #3754
* Decidir: Improve error mapping [meagabeth] #3875
* Worldpay: support `skip_capture` [therufs] #3879
* Redsys: Add new response code text [britth] #3880
* Orbital: Update ECP details to use payment source [jessiagee] #3881
* Alelo: Add additional BIN ranges [meagabeth] #3882
* HPS: Update Add support for general credit [naashton] #3885
* Elavon: Fix issue with encoding data sent in the request [naashton]
* Orbital: Update ECP to use EWS verification [jessiagee] #3886
* Eway: Add 3ds field when do direct payment [GavinSun9527] #3860
* Support Creditel cardtype [therufs] #3883
* Elavon: Remove ampersand char from fields [naashton] #3891
   2021-02-05 17:13:04 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/ruby-activemerchant: update to 1.118.0

Changes from 1.20.0 are too many to write here, please refer
<> in detail.
   2015-11-03 01:12:16 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (49)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for finance category

Existing SHA1 digests verified, all found to be the same on the
machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  Existing SHA1
digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2011-12-15 16:34:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update ruby-activemerchant package to 1.20.0.

= ActiveMerchant CHANGELOG

== Version 1.20.0 (November 14, 2011)

* Add support for USA ePay Advanced SOAP interface [matthewcalebsmith/jduff]
* Beanstram: fix purchase with Secure Profile [pitr/jduff]
* Orbital: various fixes [Soleone]
* Add Samuari gateway by Fee Fighters [jkrall/odorcicd]
* Lock money gem to 3.7.1 or less since newer versions break in 1.9 [jduff]
* Braintree: handle gateway rejected transactions gracefully [braintreeps/jduff]
* Ogone: support different signature encryptors, custom currency and eci \ 
* Payflow Link: use secure token [jduff]
* Added refund method to Exact, Pay Junction and Skip Jack gateways [jduff]
* Elavon: added test url [kylekeesling/jduff]
* Fix redundent errors when credit card is expired [castiglione/jduff]
* Two Checkout: update service url [vampirechicken/jduff]

== Version 1.18.1 (September 23, 2011)

* Braintree: allow setting merchant_account_id on initialize [jduff]
* Realex: only send letters and numbers in shipping code field [Soleone]

== Version 1.18.0 (September 23, 2011)

* NoChex: Update the URL that payment requests are posted to [caseywhalen/jduff]
* QBMS: fixed test mode check [Soleone]
* Realex: encode avs info with shipping address [Soleone]
* Add Dwolla offsite gateway [armsteadj1/jduff]
* Eway: pass email, customer, description and options to store [moklett/tobi]
* New dependency: active_utils gem [odorcicd]
* Optimal Payments: fix test mode check [jduff]
   2011-09-12 16:52:29 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-activemerchant package to 1.17.0.

== Version 1.17.0 (August 23, 2011)

* Add Payflow Link integration [jduff]
* Add CardSave gateway [MrJaba/jduff]]
* Quickpay: Support protocal version 4 and fraud parameters [anderslemke/jduff]
* Add status_recurring [mm1/jduff]
* Paypal Express: Support specifying :items with purchase [sivabudh/jduff]
* ePay: Add Sweden and Norway to supported countries [ePay/jduff]
* Brainreee: Support passing merchant_account_id parameter [braintreeps/jduff]
* Paypal Express: Remove deprecated Address field in favor of ShipToAddress[jduff]
* Add Optimal Payments gateway [jamie/jduff]
* Documentation improvements [dasch/nhemsley/jstorimer/jduff]
* Authorize.Net: Pass through first name, last name, and zip for refunds. [ntalbott]
   2011-08-13 03:05:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update finance/ruby-activemerchant package to 1.16.0.

== Version 1.16.0 (May 12, 2011)

* Bogus: Support referenced transactions for #authorize, #purchase, #recurring and
#credit [dasch/jduff]
* Payment Express: Update gateway url [bayan/titanous]
* Moneybookers: Send country and account_name if provided [Soleone]
* Moneris: Add Diners Club and Discover [Soleone]
* Cybersource: add auth_reversal support [jeberly/titanous]
* WorldPay: Update endpoint URLs for offsite gateway [Soleone]
* Worldpay: Add JCB and add Maestro [Soleone]
* Add Diners Club and JCB [Soleone]
* Quickpay: Add testmode for subscribe and authorize [dasch/jduff]
* Orbital: fix handling of phone numbers. [ntalbott]
* Braintree: Add Diners Club [cody]
* Add ePaymentPlans offsite payment [robertomiranda/Soleone]
* Add Stripe gateway [boucher/titanous]
* Add Paystation gateway [nikz/jduff]
* Bump minimum ActiveSupport version to 2.3.11 [titanous]
* Use securerandom from stdlib not active_support [phlipper/jduff]

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