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CVS Commit History:

   2019-11-02 15:41:08 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-rspec-rails: update to 3.9.0

Update ruby-rspec-rails to 3.9.0.

pkgsr change: Add "USE_LANGUAGES=	# none".

### 3.9.0 / 2019-10-08
[Full Changelog](


* Use `__dir__` instead of `__FILE__` in generated `rails_helper.rb` where
  supported. (OKURA Masafumi, #2048)
* Add `have_enqueued` matcher as a "super" matcher to the `ActiveJob` \ 
  making it easier to match on `ActiveJob` delivered emails. (Joel Lubrano, #2047)
* Add generator for system specs on Rails 5.1 and above. (Andrzej Sliwa, #1933)
* Add generator for generator specs. (@ConSou, #2085)
* Add option to generate routes when generating controller specs. (David Revelo, \ 

Bug Fixes:

* Make the `ActiveJob` matchers fail when multiple jobs are queued for negated
  matches. e.g. `expect { job; job; }.to_not have_enqueued_job.
  (Emric Istanful, #2069)
   2019-02-06 16:16:52 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-rspec-rails: update to 3.8.2

### 3.8.2 / 2019-01-13
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Fix issue with generator for preview specs where `Mailer` would be duplicated
  in the name. (Kohei Sugi, #2037)
* Fix the request spec generator to handle namespaced files. (Kohei Sugi, #2057)
* Further truncate system test filenames to handle cases when extra words are
  prepended. (Takumi Kaji, #2058)
* Backport: Make the `ActiveJob` matchers fail when multiple jobs are queued
  for negated matches. e.g. `expect { job; job; }.to_not have_enqueued_job
  (Emric Istanful, #2069)

### 3.8.1 / 2018-10-23
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Fix `NoMethodError: undefined method 'strip'` when using a `Pathname` object
  as the fixture file path. (Aaron Kromer, #2026)
* When generating feature specs, do not duplicate namespace in the path name.
  (Laura Paakkinen, #2034)
* Prevent `ActiveJob::DeserializationError` from being issued when `ActiveJob`
  matchers de-serialize arguments. (@aymeric-ledorze, #2036)

### 3.8.0 / 2018-08-04
[Full Changelog](


* Improved message when migrations are pending in the default `rails_helper.rb`
  (Koichi ITO, #1924)
* `have_http_status` matcher now supports Rails 5.2 style response symbols
  (Douglas Lovell, #1951)
* Change generated Rails helper to match Rails standards for Rails.root
  (Alessandro Rodi, #1960)
* At support for asserting enqueued jobs have no wait period attached.
  (Brad Charna, #1977)
* Cache instances of `ActionView::Template` used in `stub_template` resulting
  in increased performance due to less allocations and setup. (Simon Coffey, #1979)
* Rails scaffold generator now respects longer namespaces (e.g. \ 
  (Laura Paakkinen, #1958)

Bug Fixes:

* Escape quotation characters when producing method names for system spec
  screenshots. (Shane Cavanaugh, #1955)
* Use relative path for resolving fixtures when `fixture_path` is not set.
  (Laurent Cobos, #1943)
* Allow custom template resolvers in view specs. (@ahorek, #1941)
   2018-03-18 15:21:22 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (37)
Log message:

   2018-03-14 15:23:28 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-rspec-rails: update to 3.7.2

### 3.7.2 / 2017-11-20
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Delay loading system test integration until used. (Jon Rowe, #1903)
* Ensure specs using the aggregate failures feature take screenshots on failure.
  (Matt Brictson, #1907)

### 3.7.1 / 2017-10-18
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Prevent system test integration loading when puma or capybara are missing (Sam \ 
Phippen, #1884)

### 3.7.0 / 2017-10-17
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Prevent "template not rendered" log message from erroring in threaded
  environments. (Samuel Cochran, #1831)
* Correctly generate job name in error message. (Wojciech Wnętrzak, #1814)


* Allow `be_a_new(...).with(...)` matcher to accept matchers for
  attribute values. (Britni Alexander, #1811)
* Only configure RSpec Mocks if it is fully loaded. (James Adam, #1856)
* Integrate with `ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase`. (Sam Phippen, #1813)
   2017-09-04 20:08:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (163)
Log message:
Follow some redirects.
   2017-08-31 17:21:32 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-rails to 3.6.1.

### 3.6.1 / 2017-07-25
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Prevent "template not rendered" log message from erroring in threaded
  environments. (Samuel Cochran, #1831)
* Correctly generate job name in error message. (Wojciech Wnętrzak, #1814)
   2017-06-21 17:42:11 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (17)
Log message:
Bump revision due to change of PKGPATH of depending rails components' packages.
   2017-06-05 16:08:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-railsto 3.6.0.

### 3.6.0 / 2017-05-04
[Full Changelog](


* Add compatibility for Rails 5.1. (Sam Phippen, Yuichiro Kaneko, #1790)

Bug Fixes:

* Fix scaffold generator so that it does not generate broken controller specs
  on Rails 3.x and 4.x. (Yuji Nakayama, #1710)

### 3.6.0.beta2 / 2016-12-12
[Full \ 


* Improve failure output of ActiveJob matchers by listing queued jobs.
  (Wojciech Wnętrzak, #1722)
* Load `spec_helper.rb` earlier in `rails_helper.rb` by default.
  (Kevin Glowacz, #1795)

### 3.6.0.beta1 / 2016-10-09
[Full Changelog](


* Add support for `rake notes` in Rails `>= 5.1`. (John Meehan, #1661)
* Remove `assigns` and `assert_template` from scaffold spec generators (Josh
  Justice, #1689)
* Add support for generating scaffolds for api app specs. (Krzysztof Zych, #1685)
   2016-10-09 17:06:30 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-rails to 3.5.2.

### 3.5.2
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Stop unnecessarily loading `rspec/core` from `rspec/rails` to avoid
  IRB context warning. (Myron Marston, #1678)
* Deserialize arguments within ActiveJob matchers correctly.
  (Wojciech Wnętrzak, #1684)

### 3.5.1 / 2016-07-08
[Full Changelog](


* Only attempt to load `ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior` on Rails 5,
  and above; Prevents possible `TypeError` when an existing `Behaviour` class
  is defined. (#1660, Betesh).

### 3.5.0 / 2016-07-01
[Full Changelog](

**No user facing changes since beta4**

### 3.5.0.beta4 / 2016-06-05
[Full \ 


* Add support for block when using `with` on `have_enqueued_job`. (John \ 
Schroeder, #1578)
* Add support for `file_fixture(...)`. (Wojciech Wnętrzak, #1587)
* Add support for `setup` and `teardown` with blocks (Miklós Fazekas, #1598)
* Add `enqueue_job ` alias for `have_enqueued_job`, support `once`/`twice`/
  `thrice`, add `have_been_enqueued` matcher to support use without blocks.
  (Sergey Alexandrovich, #1613)

Bug fixes:

* Prevent asset helpers from taking precendence over route helpers. (Prem \ 
Sichanugrist, #1496)
* Prevent `NoMethodError` during failed `have_rendered` assertions on weird \ 
  (Jon Rowe, #1623).

### 3.5.0.beta3 / 2016-04-02
[Full \ 


* Add support for Rails 5 Beta 3 (Sam Phippen, Benjamin Quorning, Koen Punt, \ 
#1589, #1573)

Bug fixes:

* Support custom resolvers when preventing views from rendering.
  (Jon Rowe, Benjamin Quorning, #1580)

### 3.5.0.beta2 / 2016-03-10
[Full \ 


* Include `ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior` in request spec
  example groups when on Rails 5, allowing integration test helpers
  to be used in request specs. (Scott Bronson, #1560)

Bug fixes:

* Make it possible to use floats in auto generated (scaffold) tests.
  (Alwahsh, #1550)

### 3.5.0.beta1 / 2016-02-06
[Full Changelog](


* Add a `--singularize` option for the feature spec generator (Felicity McCabe,
* Prevent leaking TestUnit methods in Rails 4+ (Fernando Seror Garcia, #1512)
* Add support for Rails 5 (Sam Phippen, #1492)

Bug fixes:

* Make it possible to write nested specs within helper specs on classes that are
  internal to helper classes. (Sam Phippen, Peter Swan, #1499).
* Warn if a fixture method is called from a `before(:context)` block, instead of
  crashing with a `undefined method for nil:NilClass`. (Sam Phippen, #1501)
* Expose path to view specs (Ryan Clark, Sarah Mei, Sam Phippen, #1402)
* Prevent installing Rails on Ruby 1.8.7. (Jon Rowe, #1540)
* Raise a clear error when `have_enqueued_job` is used with non-test
  adapter. (Wojciech Wnętrzak, #1489)
   2016-02-16 17:02:35 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-rails to 3.4.2.

### 3.4.2 / 2016-02-02
[Full Changelog](

Bug fixes:

* Cache template resolvers during path lookup to prevent performance
  regression from #1535. (Andrew White, #1544)

### 3.4.1 / 2016-01-25
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Fix no method error when rendering templates with explicit `:file`
  parameters for Rails version ``. (Andrew White, Sam Phippen, #1535)

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