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CVS Commit History:

   2021-12-19 06:01:06 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.27

16 Dec 2021, PHP 7.4.27

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81626 (Error on use static:: in __callStatic() wrapped to
    Closure::fromCallable()). (Nikita)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #81513 (Future possibility for heap overflow in FPM zlog).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug #71316 (libpng warning from imagecreatefromstring). (cmb)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug #75725 (./configure: detecting RAND_egd). (Dilyan Palauzov)

  . Fixed bug #74604 (Out of bounds in php_pcre_replace_impl). (cmb, Dmitry)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug #81618 (dns_get_record fails on FreeBSD for missing type).
  . Fixed bug #81659 (stream_get_contents() may unnecessarily overallocate).
   2021-12-08 17:07:18 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3063)
Log message:
revbump for icu and libffi
   2021-11-19 15:26:29 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
lang/php74: udpate to 7.4.26

This release contains security fix.

18 Nov 2021, PHP 7.4.26

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81518 (Header injection via default_mimetype / default_charset).

- Date:
  . Fixed bug #81500 (Interval serialization regression since 7.3.14 / 7.4.2).

- MBString:
  . Fixed bug #76167 (mbstring may use pointer from some previous request).
    (cmb, cataphract)

- MySQLi:
  . Fixed bug #81494 (Stopped unbuffered query does not throw error). (Nikita)

  . Fixed bug #81424 (PCRE2 10.35 JIT performance regression). (cmb)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug #54340 (Memory corruption with user_filter). (Nikita)

- XML:
  . Fixed bug #79971 (special character is breaking the path in xml function).
    (CVE-2021-21707) (cmb)
   2021-10-26 12:51:59 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (260)
Log message:
lang: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

The following distfiles could not be fetched (possibly fetched

./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo \ 
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-aarch64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo \ 
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-i686-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-powerpc-unknown-netbsd90.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-sparc64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust-bin/distinfo rust-bin-1.54.0/rust-1.54.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
./lang/smlnj/distinfo smlnj-110.73/boot.ppc-unix.tgz
./lang/smlnj/distinfo smlnj-110.73/boot.sparc-unix.tgz
./lang/oracle-jre8/distinfo jre-8u202-linux-i586.tar.gz
./lang/oracle-jre8/distinfo jre-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz
./lang/oracle-jre8/distinfo jre-8u202-macosx-x64.tar.gz
./lang/oracle-jre8/distinfo jre-8u202-solaris-x64.tar.gz
./lang/oracle-jdk8/distinfo jdk-8u202-linux-i586.tar.gz
./lang/oracle-jdk8/distinfo jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz
./lang/oracle-jdk8/distinfo jdk-8u202-solaris-x64.tar.gz
./lang/ghc80/distinfo ghc-7.10.3-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/ghc80/distinfo ghc-8.0.2-boot-i386-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc80/distinfo ghc-8.0.2-boot-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/gcc5-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.i386.freebsd.100B.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc5-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.i386.freebsd.84.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc5-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.dragonfly.41.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc5-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.freebsd.100B.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc5-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.freebsd.84.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc5-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.solaris.511.tar.bz2
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-aarch64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-aarch64_be-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-i686-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-powerpc-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-powerpc-unknown-netbsd90.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-sparc64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-x86_64-unknown-illumos.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-1.53.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-aarch64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-aarch64_be-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-i686-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-powerpc-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-powerpc-unknown-netbsd90.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-sparc64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz
./lang/rust/distinfo rust-std-1.53.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
./lang/smlnj11072/distinfo smlnj-110.72/boot.ppc-unix.tgz
./lang/smlnj11072/distinfo smlnj-110.72/boot.sparc-unix.tgz
./lang/ghc84/distinfo ghc-8.0.2-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/ghc84/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-i386-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc84/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
./lang/ghc84/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc7/distinfo ghc-7.10.3-boot-i386-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc7/distinfo ghc-7.6.3-boot-i386-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/ghc7/distinfo ghc-7.6.3-boot-powerpc-apple-darwin.tar.xz
./lang/ghc7/distinfo ghc-7.6.3-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/ghc90/distinfo ghc-8.10.4-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/ghc90/distinfo ghc-9.0.1-boot-aarch64-unknown-netbsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc90/distinfo ghc-9.0.1-boot-i386-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc90/distinfo ghc-9.0.1-boot-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
./lang/ghc90/distinfo ghc-9.0.1-boot-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/openjdk8/distinfo \ 
./lang/openjdk8/distinfo \ 
./lang/openjdk8/distinfo \ 
./lang/openjdk8/distinfo \ 
./lang/openjdk8/distinfo \ 
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.14.2.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.14.2.linux-386.tar.gz
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.14.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.14.2.linux-arm64.tar.gz
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.14.2.linux-armv6l.tar.gz
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.14.2.netbsd-arm64.tar.gz
./lang/go-bin/distinfo go1.16beta1.darwin-arm64.tar.gz
./lang/gcc6-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.i386.freebsd.100B.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc6-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.dragonfly.41.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc6-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.freebsd.100B.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc6-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.freebsd.84.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc6-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.solaris.511.tar.bz2
./lang/ghc810/distinfo ghc-8.8.4-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/sun-jre7/distinfo jre-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz
./lang/sun-jre7/distinfo jre-7u80-solaris-i586.tar.gz
./lang/sun-jre7/distinfo jre-7u80-solaris-x64.tar.gz
./lang/ghc88/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-i386-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc88/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
./lang/ghc88/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz
./lang/ghc88/distinfo ghc-8.4.4-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.i386.dragonfly.36A.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.i386.freebsd.100B.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.i386.freebsd.84.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.dragonfly.36A.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.freebsd.100B.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.freebsd.84.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc-aux/distinfo ada-bootstrap.x86_64.solaris.511.tar.bz2
./lang/gcc6/distinfo ecj-4.5.jar
./lang/openjdk11/distinfo bootstrap-jdk-
./lang/sun-jdk7/distinfo jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz
./lang/sun-jdk7/distinfo jdk-7u80-solaris-i586.tar.gz
./lang/sun-jdk7/distinfo jdk-7u80-solaris-x64.tar.gz
   2021-10-22 17:14:24 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.25

This is a security fix release.

21 Oct 2021, PHP 7.4.25

- DOM:
  . Fixed bug #81433 (DOMElement::setIdAttribute() called twice may remove ID).
    (Viktor Volkov)

- FFI:
  . Fixed bug #79576 ("TYPE *" shows unhelpful message when type is not
    defined). (Dmitry)

- Fileinfo:
  . Fixed bug #78987 (High memory usage during encoding detection). (Anatol)

- Filter:
  . Fixed bug #61700 (FILTER_FLAG_IPV6/FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV|RES_RANGE failing).
    (cmb, Nikita)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #81026 (PHP-FPM oob R/W in root process leading to privilege
    escalation) (CVE-2021-21703). (Jakub Zelenka)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug #80663 (Recursive SplFixedArray::setSize() may cause double-free).
    (cmb, Nikita, Tyson Andre)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug #81475 (stream_isatty emits warning with attached stream wrapper).

- XML:
  . Fixed bug #70962 (XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE strips embedded whitespace).
    (Aliaksandr Bystry, cmb)

- Zip:
  . Fixed bug #81490 (ZipArchive::extractTo() may leak memory). (cmb, Remi)
  . Fixed bug #77978 (Dirname ending in colon unzips to wrong dir). (cmb)
   2021-10-07 16:21:17 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (282)
Log message:
lang: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-09-28 15:50:15 by Jonathan Perkin | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
php74: Support OpenSSL 3.
   2021-09-24 04:27:04 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.24

This is security release fixing CVE-2021-21706.

23 Sep 2021, PHP 7.4.24

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81302 (Stream position after stream filter removed). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #81346 (Non-seekable streams don't update position after write).
  . Fixed bug #73122 (Integer Overflow when concatenating strings). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #53580 (During resize gdImageCopyResampled cause colors change).

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug #81353 (segfault with preloading and statically bound closure).

- Shmop:
  . Fixed bug #81407 (shmop_open won't attach and causes php to crash). (cmb)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug #71542 (disk_total_space does not work with relative paths). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #81400 (Unterminated string in dns_get_record() results). (cmb)

- SysVMsg:
  . Fixed bug #78819 (Heap Overflow in msg_send). (cmb)

- XML:
  . Fixed bug #81351 (xml_parse may fail, but has no error code). (cmb, Nikita)

- Zip:
  . Fixed bug #81420 (ZipArchive::extractTo extracts outside of destination).
    (CVE-2021-21706) (cmb)
   2021-08-02 16:08:01 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.22

29 Jul 2021, PHP 7.4.22

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81145 (copy() and stream_copy_to_stream() fail for +4GB files).
    (cmb, Nikita)
  . Fixed bug #81163 (incorrect handling of indirect vars in __sleep).
  . Fixed bug #80728 (PHP built-in web server resets timeout when it can kill
    the process). (Calvin Buckley)
  . Fixed bug #73630 (Built-in Weberver - overwrite $_SERVER['request_uri']).
  . Fixed bug #80173 (Using return value of zend_assign_to_variable() is not
    safe). (Nikita)
  . Fixed bug #73226 (--r[fcez] always return zero exit code). (cmb)

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug #72809 (Locale::lookup() wrong result with canonicalize option).
  . Fixed bug #68471 (IntlDateFormatter fails for "GMT+00:00" \ 
timezone). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #74264 (grapheme_strrpos() broken for negative offsets). (cmb)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug #52093 (openssl_csr_sign truncates $serial). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #81101 (PCRE2 10.37 shows unexpected result). (Anatol)
  . Fixed bug #81243 (Too much memory is allocated for preg_replace()). (cmb)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug #81223 (flock() only locks first byte of file). (cmb)
   2021-07-02 19:28:28 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.21

01 Jul 2021, PHP 7.4.21

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81068 (Double free in realpath_cache_clean()). (Dimitry Andric)
  . Fixed bug #76359 (open_basedir bypass through adding ".."). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #81090 (Typed property performance degradation with .= operator).
  . Fixed bug #81070 (Integer underflow in memory limit comparison).
    (Peter van Dommelen)
  . Fixed bug #81122 (SSRF bypass in FILTER_VALIDATE_URL).
    (CVE-2021-21705) (cmb)

- Bzip2:
  . Fixed bug #81092 (fflush before stream_filter_remove corrupts stream).

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug #76694 (native Windows cert verification uses CN as sever name).

- PDO_Firebird:
  . Fixed bug #76448 (Stack buffer overflow in firebird_info_cb).
    (CVE-2021-21704) (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #76449 (SIGSEGV in firebird_handle_doer).
    (CVE-2021-21704) (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #76450 (SIGSEGV in firebird_stmt_execute).
    (CVE-2021-21704) (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #76452 (Crash while parsing blob data in firebird_fetch_blob).
    (CVE-2021-21704) (cmb)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug #81048 (phpinfo(INFO_VARIABLES) "Array to string \ 

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