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CVS Commit History:

   2015-12-13 16:26:42 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-nokogiri to 1.6.7.

=== 1.6.7 / 2015-11-29

==== Notes

This version supports native builds on Windows using the RubyInstaller
DevKit. It also supports Ruby 2.2.x on Windows, as well as making
several other improvements to the installation process on various

This version also includes the security patches already applied in
v1.6.6.3 and v1.6.6.4 to the vendored libxml2 and libxslt source.
See #1374 and #1376 for details.

==== Features

* Cross-built gems now have a proper ruby version requirement. (#1266)
* Ruby 2.2.x is supported on Windows.
* Native build is supported on Windows.
* [MRI] libxml2 and libxslt `config.guess` files brought up to date. (#1326) \ 
(Thanks, @hernan-erasmo!)
* [JRuby] fix error in validating files with jruby (#1355, #1361) (Thanks, \ 
* [MRI, OSX] Patch to handle nonstandard location of `iconv.h`. (#1206, #1210, \ 
#1218, #1345) (Thanks, @neonichu!)

==== Bug Fixes

* [JRuby] reset the namespace cache when replacing the document's innerHtml \ 
(#1265) (Thanks, @mkristian!)
* [JRuby] Document#parse should support IO objects that respond to #read. \ 
(#1124) (Thanks, Jake Byman!)
* [MRI] Duplicate-id errors when setting the `id` attribute on HTML documents \ 
are now silenced. (#1262)
* [JRuby] SAX parser cuts texts in peices when quare brackets exist. (#1261)
* [JRuby] Namespaced attributes aren't removed by remove_attribute. (#1299)
   2015-11-23 08:28:01 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-nokogiri to

=== / 2015-11-19

This version pulls in an upstream patche to the vendored libxml2 to address:

* unclosed comment uninitialized access issue (#1376)

This issue does not have a CVE assigned to it as this time.
   2015-11-18 17:04:50 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update ruby-nokogiri to

pkgsrc change: Add pkg_alternatives support.

=== / 2015-11-16

This version pulls in several upstream patches to the vendored libxml2 and \ 
libxslt to address:

* CVE-2015-1819
* CVE-2015-7941_1
* CVE-2015-7941_2
* CVE-2015-7942
* CVE-2015-7942-2
* CVE-2015-8035
* CVE-2015-7995

See #1374 for details.
   2015-11-04 03:00:17 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (797)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for textproc category

Problems found locating distfiles:
	Package cabocha: missing distfile cabocha-0.68.tar.bz2
	Package convertlit: missing distfile
	Package php-enchant: missing distfile php-enchant/enchant-1.1.0.tgz

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2015-06-07 18:07:42 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Allow this package build on Ruby 2.2.
   2015-03-08 16:17:22 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (58) | Package updated
Log message:
Add ${GEM_EXTSDIR}/gem.build_complete for new rubygems and updated ruby.
   2015-02-10 20:31:03 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Needs pkg-config.
   2015-02-05 16:11:35 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-nokogiri to

=== / 2015-01-23

==== Bug fixes

* Fixed installation issue affecting compiler arguments. (#1230)

=== / 2015-01-22

Note that was not released.

==== Features

* Unified Node and NodeSet implementations of #search, #xpath and #css.
* Added Node#lang and Node#lang=.
* bin/nokogiri passes the URI to parse() if an HTTP URL is given.
* bin/nokogiri now loads ~/.nokogirirc so user can define helper methods, etc.
* bin/nokogiri can be configured to use Pry instead of IRB by adding a couple of \ 
lines to ~/.nokogirirc. (#1198)
* bin/nokogiri can better handle urls from STDIN (aiding use of xargs). (#1065)
* JRuby 9K support.

==== Bug fixes

* DocumentFragment#search now matches against root nodes. (#1205)
* (MRI) More fixes related to handling libxml2 parse errors during \ 
DocumentFragment#dup. (#1196)
* (JRuby) Builder now handles namespace hrefs properly when there is a default \ 
ns. (#1039)
* (JRuby) Clear the XPath cache on attr removal. (#1109)
* `` argument types are now consistent and safe (and documented) \ 
across MRI and JRuby. (#1224)
* (MRI) Restoring support for Ruby 1.9.2 that was broken in v1.6.4.1 and v1.6.5. \ 
* Check if `zlib` is available before building `libxml2`. (#1188)
* (JRuby) HtmlSaxPushParser now exists. (#1147) (Thanks, Piotr Szmielew!)

=== 1.6.5 / 2014-11-26

==== Features

* Implement Slop#respond_to_missing?. (#1176)
* Optimized the XPath query generated by an `an+b` CSS query.

==== Bug fixes

* Capture non-parse errors from Document#dup in Document#errors. (#1196)
* (JRuby) Document#canonicalize parameters are now consistent with MRI. (#1189)

=== / 2014-11-05

==== Bug fixes

* (MRI) Fix a bug where CFLAGS passed in are dropped. (#1188)
* Fix a bug where CSS selector :nth(n) did not work. (#1187)

=== 1.6.4 / 2014-11-04

==== Features

* (MRI) Bundled Libxml2 is upgraded to 2.9.2.
* (MRI) `nokogiri --version` will include a list of applied patches.
* (MRI) Nokogiri no longer prints messages directly to TTY while building the \ 
* (MRI) Detect and help user fix a missing /usr/include/iconv.h on OS X. (#1111)
* (MRI) Improve the iconv detection for building libxml2.

==== Bug fixes

* (MRI) Fix DocumentFragment#element_children (#1138).
* Fix a bug with CSS attribute selector without any prefix where "foo \ 
[bar]" was treated as "foo[bar]". (#1174)

=== / 2014-07-21

==== Bug fixes

* Addressing an Apple Macintosh installation problem for GCC users. #1130 \ 
(Thanks, @zenspider!)

=== 1.6.3 / 2014-07-20

==== Features

* Added Node#document? and Node#processing_instruction?

==== Bug fixes

* [JRuby] Fix Ruby memory exhaustion vulnerability. #1087 (Thanks, @ocher)
* [MRI] Fix segfault during GC when using `libxml-ruby` and `nokogiri` together \ 
in multi-threaded environment. #895 (Thanks, @ender672!)
* Building on OSX 10.9 stock ruby 2.0.0 now works. #1101 (Thanks, @zenspider!)
* Node#parse now works again for HTML document nodes (broken in 1.6.2+).
* Processing instructions can now be added via Node#add_next_sibling.

=== / 2014-05-13

==== Bug fixes

* Fix statically-linked libxml2 installation when using universal builds of \ 
Ruby. #1104
* Patching `mini_portile` to address the git dependency detailed in #1102.
* Library load fix to address segfault reported on some systems. #1097

=== 1.6.2 / 2014-05-12

==== Security Note

A set of security and bugfix patches have been backported from the libxml2 and \ 
libxslt repositories onto the version of 2.8.0 packaged with Nokogiri, including \ 
these notable security fixes:

* \
* CVE-2013-2877 \
* CVE-2014-0191 \

It is recommended that you upgrade from 1.6.x to this version as soon as possible.

==== Compatibility Note

Now requires libxml >= 2.6.21 (was previously >= 2.6.17).

==== Features

* Add cross building of fat binary gems for 64-Bit Windows (x64-mingw32) and add \ 
support for native builds on Windows. #864, #989, #1072
* (MRI) Alias CP932 to Windows-31J if iconv does not support Windows-31J.
* (MRI) Nokogiri now links packaged libraries statically. To disable static \ 
linking, pass --disable-static to extconf.rb. #923
* (MRI) Fix a library path (LIBPATH) precedence problem caused by CRuby bug #9760.
* (MRI) Nokogiri automatically deletes directories of packaged libraries only \ 
used during build. To keep them for debugging purposes, pass --disable-clean to \ 
extconf.rb. #952
* (MRI) Nokogiri now builds libxml2 properly with iconv support on platforms \ 
where libiconv is installed outside the system default directories, such as \ 
* Add support for an-b in nth selectors. #886 (Thanks, Magnus Bergmark!)
* Add support for bare and multiple :not() functions in selectors. #887 (Thanks, \ 
Magnus Bergmark!)
* (MRI) Add an extconf.rb option --use-system-libraries, alternative to setting \ 
the environment variable NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES.
* (MRI) Update packaged libraries: libxslt to 1.1.28, zlib to 1.2.8, and \ 
libiconv to 1.14, respectively.
* Nokogiri::HTML::Document#title= and #meta_encoding= now always add an element \ 
if not present, trying hard to find the best place to put it.
* Nokogiri::XML::DTD#html_dtd? and #html5_dtd? are added.
* Nokogiri::XML::Node#prepend_child is added. #664
* Nokogiri::XML::SAX::ParserContext#recovery is added. #453
* Fix documentation for XML::Node#namespace. #803 #802 (Thanks, Hoylen Sue)
* Allow Nokogiri::XML::Node#parse from unparented non-element nodes. #407

==== Bugfixes

* Ensure :only-child pseudo class works within :not pseudo class. #858 (Thanks, \ 
Yamagishi Kazutoshi!)
* Don't call pkg_config when using bundled libraries in extconf.rb #931 (Thanks, \ 
Shota Fukumori!)
* Nokogiri.parse() does not mistake a non-HTML document like a RSS document as \ 
HTML document. #932 (Thanks, Yamagishi Kazutoshi!)
* (MRI) Perform a node type check before adding a child node to another. \ 
Previously adding a text node to another as a child could cause a SEGV. #1092
* (JRuby) XSD validation crashes in Java version. #373
* (JRuby) Document already has a root node error while using Builder. #646
* (JRuby) c14n tests are all passing on JRuby. #226
* Parsing empty documents raise SyntaxError in strict mode. #1005
* (JRuby) Make xpath faster by caching the xpath context. #741
* (JRuby) XML SAX push parser leaks memory on JRuby, but not on MRI. #998
* (JRuby) Inconsistent behavior aliasing the default namespace. #940
* (JRuby) Inconsistent behavior between parsing and adding namespaces. #943
* (JRuby) Xpath returns inconsistent result set on cloned document with \ 
namespaces and attributes. #1034
* (JRuby) Java-Implementation forgets element namespaces #902
* (JRuby) JRuby-Nokogiri does not recognise attributes inside namespaces #1081
* (JRuby) JRuby-Nokogiri has different comment node name #1080
* (JRuby) JAXPExtensionsProvider / Java 7 / Secure Processing #1070
   2014-12-10 02:54:33 by Amitai Schlair | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Relax the version constraint to accept the latest ruby-mini_portile.
   2014-04-28 03:23:40 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Ruby 1.8.7 (and prior release) support was dropped since
nokogiri 1.6.0.rc1.

No PKGREVISION bump since build already failed with ruby18.

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