2017-06-04 17:03:09 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.47.0.
=== 4.47.0 (2017-06-01)
* Deprecate pg_typecast_on_load plugin, only useful on deprecated do and swift
adapters (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate association_autoreloading and many_to_one_pk_lookup plugins, which
were made the default model behavior in Sequel 4 (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate setting invalid datasets for models unless required_valid_table =
false (jeremyevans)
* Make Model.require_valid_table = true not raise for datasets where
Database#schema raises an error but Dataset#columns works (jeremyevans)
* Make Database#with_server in the server_block extension accept a second
argument for a different read_only shard (jeremyevans) (#1355)
* Make schema_dumper extension handle Oracle 11g XE inclusion of not null in
the db_type (StevenCregan, jeremyevans) (#1351)
* Add Model.default_association_type_options for changing default association
options per association type (jeremyevans)
* Add :materialized option to Database#views on PostgreSQL to return
materialized views (Blargel) (#1348)
* Make defaults_setter plugin inherit custom default values when subclassing
=== 4.46.0 (2017-05-01)
* Recognize additional disconnect error on MySQL (jeremyevans)
* Deconstantize dataset SQL generation, speeding up ruby 2.3+, slowing down
earlier versions (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate calling Dataset#set_graph_aliases before Dataset#graph
* Don't swallow exception if there is an exception when rolling back a
transaction when using :rollback=>:always option (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing 2 arguments to Database#alter_table (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing Schema::CreateTableGenerator instance as second argument
to Database#create_table (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Database::DatasetClass as a way for getting default dataset
classes for datasets (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate SQLite pragma getting and setting methods (jeremyevans)
* Remove handling of EMULATED_FUNCTION_MAP from adapter dataset classes,
overide Dataset#native_function_name instead (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate {Integer,Timestamp}Migrator::DEFAULT_SCHEMA_{COLUMN,TABLE}
* Deprecate Database#jdbc_* methods for jdbc/db2 adapter Database instances
* Remove addition of Database#jdbc_* to JDBC::Database in jdbc/db2 adapter
* Deprecate many internal Database and Dataset string/regexp constants in core
and included adapters (jeremyevans)
* Remove use of Fixnum in sqlanywhere shared adapter (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::Schema::Generator constant, use
Sequel::Schema::CreateTableGenerator instead (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Database#log_yield (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate the set_overrides extension (jeremyevans)
* If passing an empty array or hash and a block to a filtering method, ignore
the array or hash and just use the block (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate ignoring explicit nil argument when there is no existing filter
* Deprecate ignoring explicit nil argument to filtering methods when passing a
block (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate ignoring empty strings and other empty? arguments passed to the
filtering methods without a block (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate calling filtering methods without an argument or a block
* Deprecate Sequel::VirtualRow#` to create literal SQL, use Sequel.lit instead
* Add auto_literal_strings extensions for treating plain strings passed to
filtering/update methods as literal SQL (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate automatically treating plain strings passed to filtering/update
methods as literal SQL (jeremyevans)
* Passing a PlaceholderLiteralString to a filtering method now uses
parentheses around the expression (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#full_text_search work on Microsoft SQL Server when
no_auto_literal_strings extension is used (jeremyevans)
* Fix Database#disconnect when using the single connection pool without an
active connection (jeremyevans) (#1339)
* Handle conversion of datetimeoffset values when using the jdbc/sqlserver
adapter in some configurations (iaddict, jeremyevans) (#1338)
* Fix conversion of some time values when using the jdbc/sqlserver adapter in
some configurations (iaddict, jeremyevans) (#1337)
* Use microsecond precision for time values on Microsoft SQL Server, instead
of millisecond precision (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#sqltime_precision private method for adapters to use different
precision for Sequel::SQLTime than Time and Date (jeremyevans)
* Use utc timezone in Sequel::SQLTime.create if Sequel.application_timezone is
:utc (jeremyevans) (#1336)
* Include migration filename in message about migration file without a single
migration (jmettraux) (#1334)
* Deprecate conversion of - to _ in adapter schemes (jeremyevans)
* Don't quote function names that are SQL::Identifiers, unless
SQL::Function#quoted is used (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate splitting virtual row method names (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing blocks to virtual row methods, move to
virtual_row_method_block extension (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::SQL::Expression#sql_literal and #lit (jeremyevans)
* Don't issue deprecation warnings on ruby 1.8.7, as Sequel 5 is dropping
support for it (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::BasicObject#remove_methods! (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate sequel/no_core_ext file (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate model dataset #insert_sql accepting model instances (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate model dataset #join_table and #graph accepting model classes
* Support :alias option to class_table_inheritance plugin, wrapping subclass
datasets in a subquery to fix ambiguous column issues (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Model.set_allowed_columns and
Model#{set_all,set_only,update_all,update_only}, move to whitelist security
plugin (jeremyevans)
* Do not raise MassAssignmentRestriction when setting nested attributes and
using the :fields option, only check for fields given (jeremyevans)
* Do not add class methods for private methods definined in dataset_module
* Deprecate Model.def_dataset_method and Model.subset, move to
def_dataset_method plugin (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Model.finder and Model.prepared_finder, move to finder plugin
* Deprecate calling Model.db= on a model with a dataset (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate splitting symbols to look for qualified/aliased identifiers
(e.g. :table__column) (jeremyevans)
* Allow optimized lookups and deletes for models using SQL::Identifier and
SQL::QualifiedIdentifier values as the FROM table (jeremyevans)
2017-04-22 18:18:39 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.45.0.
=== 4.45.0 (2017-04-01)
* Correctly handle datasets with offsets but no limits used in compound datasets \
on MSSQL <2012 (jeremyevans)
* Correctly handle false values in the split_values plugin (bananarne) (#1333)
* Deprecate Dataset#dup/clone and Model.dup/clone (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate the schema and scissors plugins (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate \
Model.{lazy_attributes,nested_attributes,composition,serialization}_module \
accessors (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Database#database_name on MySQL (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Database#use on MySQL (jeremyevans)
* Make pg_hstore extension no longer update PG_NAMED_TYPES (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::PG_NAMED_TYPES (jeremyevans)
* Add columns_updated plugin for making updated columns hash available in \
after_update and after_save hooks (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate accessing @columns_updated directly in model after_update and \
after_save hooks (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Database#{add,remove}_servers when not using a sharded connection \
pool (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Database#each_server (jeremyevans)
* Make Model#_valid? private method accept only an options hash (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate returning false from model before hooks to cancel the action, use \
Model#cancel_action (jeremyevans)
* Handle Model#cancel_action correctly in before hooks when Model#valid? is \
called (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::BeforeHookFailed (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing multiple arguments as filter arguments when not using a \
conditions specifier (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing Procs as filter arguments, require they be passed as blocks \
* Deprecate Sequel::Error::* exception class aliases (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate prepared_statements_associations and prepared_statements_with_pk \
plugins (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::Unbinder, Sequel::UnbindDuplicate, and Dataset#unbind \
* Deprecating calling Sequel::Qualifier with two arguments (jeremyevans)
* Add validation_contexts plugin for supporting custom contexts when validating \
* Deprecate Sequel::Database.single_threaded singleton accessor (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate treating unrecognized prepared statement type as :select (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel.identifier_{in,out}put_method= and .quote_identifiers= \
singleton setters (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::Database.identifier_{in,out}put_method and \
.quote_identifiers singleton accessors (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate loading the identifier_mangling by default, require it be loaded \
explicitly if needed (jeremyevans)
* Make Database#dump_{table_schema,schema_migration} in schema_dumper extension \
support :schema option (dadario) (#1328)
* Make Dataset#delete respect an existing limit on Microsoft SQL Server (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#skip_limit_check to mark a dataset as skipping the limit/offset \
check for updates and deletes (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate calling Dataset#{update/delete/truncate} on datasets with limits or \
offsets unless the database supports it (jeremyevans)
* Add deprecation message for using association_pks setter method with \
:delay_pks=>true association option (jeremyevans)
* Add deprecation message for using association_pks setter method without \
:delay_pks association option (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate having duplicate column names in subclass tables when using the \
class_table_inheritance plugin (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate do (DataObjects), swift, and jdbc/as400 adapters (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate support for Cubrid, Firebird, Informix, and Progress databases \
* The :proxy_argument option passed to association_proxies plugin block is now \
an empty hash if no arguments are passed to the association method (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing non-hash arguments to association methods (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing multiple arguments to association methods (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate model transaction hook methods (jeremyevans)
* Drop support for pg <0.8.0 in the postgres adapter (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate passing a block to Database#from (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel::Model::ANONYMOUS_MODEL_CLASSES{,_MUTEX} (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate Sequel.cache_anonymous_models and Sequel.cache_anonymous_models= \
* Automatically use from_self when using a dataset as part of a compound if it \
has an offset but no limit (jeremyevans)
* Drop order on existing datasets when using Dataset#union/intersect/except on \
Microsoft SQL Server unless a limit or offset is used (jeremyevans)
* Deprecate dataset mutation (jeremyevans)
* Handle dumping of autoincrementing 64-bit integer primary key columns \
correctly when using :same_db option in the schema dumper (jeremyevans) (#1324)
* Add Model.dataset_module_class accessor, allowing plugins to support custom \
behavior in dataset_module blocks (jeremyevans)
* Make ORDER BY come after UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT on Microsoft SQL Server and \
SQLAnywhere (jeremyevans)
* Make Database#indexes on MySQL handle qualified identifiers (jeremyevans) (#1316)
* Add oracle support to the odbc adapter (samuel02) (#1315)
2017-03-11 17:43:31 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.44.0.
=== 4.44.0 (2017-03-01)
* Add where_all, where_each, where_single_value model dataset methods, optimized \
for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Add eager method to dataset_module (jeremyevans)
* Add implicit_subquery extension, for implicitly using a subquery for datasets \
using raw SQL when calling dataset methods that modify SQL (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#from_self keep the columns from the current dataset if present \
* Add implicit_subquery extension, implicitly using subqueries for dataset \
methods if the current dataset uses raw SQL (jeremyevans)
* Make SQL::ValueList#inspect show that it is a value list (jeremyevans)
* Make LiteralString#inspect show that it is a literal string (jeremyevans)
* Make Model::Associations::AssociationReflection#inspect show reflection class \
and guess at association definition line (jeremyevans)
* Make SQLTime#inspect show it is an SQLTime instance, and only the time \
component (jeremyevans)
* Make SQL::Blob#inspect show that it is a blob, the number of bytes, and some \
or all of the content (jeremyevans)
* Make plugins not modify the constant namespace for the model class that uses \
them (jeremyevans)
* Do not modify encoding of SQL::Blob instances in force_encoding plugin \
* Add Model.freeze_descendents to subclasses plugin, for easier finalizing \
associations/freezing of descendent classes (jeremyevans)
* Add Model.finalize_associations method for finalizing associations, speeding \
up some association reflections methods almost 10x (jeremyevans)
* Implement Model.freeze such that it can be used in production (jeremyevans)
* Recognize another disconnect error in the jdbc/as400 adapter (perlun) (#1300)
* Correctly handle conversion of false values when typecasting PostgreSQL arrays \
(mistoo) (#1299)
* Raise error if the postgres adapter attempts to load an incompatible version \
of sequel_pg (mahlonsmith) (#1298)
* Fix jdbc adapter so basic_type_convertor_map is not shared between instances, \
work with Database#freeze (jeremyevans)
=== 4.43.0 (2017-02-01)
* Make jdbc/postgresql adapter work if pg_hstore extension is loaded first \
(jeremyevans) (#1296)
* Make prepared_statements_associations plugin work correctly on some instance \
specific associations (jeremyevans)
* Make prepared_statements plugin not use prepared statements in cases where it \
is probably slower (jeremyevans)
* Optimize Model#refresh similar to Model.with_pk (jeremyevans)
* Make Database#extension not attempt to load the same extension more than once \
* Implement Database#freeze such that it can be used in production (jeremyevans)
* Freeze enum_labels in the pg_enum extension (jeremyevans)
* Handle Database#type_supported? thread-safely on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans)
* Handle primary_key_sequences thread-safely on Oracle (jeremyevans)
* Handle sharding better when using mysql2 native prepared statements (jeremyevans)
* Use thread-safe incrementor for mock adapter autoid handling (jeremyevans)
* Make Model#freeze not freeze associations hash until after validating the \
model instance (jeremyevans)
* Make prepared_statements_associations plugin work correctly when model object \
explicitly specifies server to use when also using sharding plugin (jeremyevans)
* Make prepared_statements_with_pk plugin work correctly when dataset explicitly \
specifies server to use (jeremyevans)
* Make prepared_statements plugin work correctly when model object explicitly \
specifies server to use (jeremyevans)
* Make dataset_module inherited to subclasses when using the \
single_table_inheritance plugin (jeremyevans) (#1284)
* Support use of SQLite result codes in the jdbc-sqlite adapter, if the jdbc \
sqlite driver supports them (flash-gordon, jeremyevans) (#1283)
* Make timestamp migrator handle key length limitations when using MySQL with \
InnoDB engine and utf8mb4 charset default (jeremyevans) (#1282)
2017-01-13 16:30:04 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.42.1.
=== 4.42.1 (2017-01-12)
* Make dataset_module inherited to subclasses when using the \
single_table_inheritance plugin (jeremyevans) (#1284)
=== 4.42.0 (2017-01-01)
* Handle eager load callbacks correctly for one_to_one associations with orders \
or offsets when window functions are not supported (jeremyevans)
* Raise Sequel::Error if using an :eager_limit dataset option when eager loading \
a singular association (jeremyevans)
* Replace internal uses of Dataset#select_more with #select_append to save a \
method call (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#order_append the primary method, and #order_more the alias, for \
similarity to #select_append and #select_more (jeremyevans)
* Replace internal uses of Dataset#filter with #where to save a method call \
* Do not set :auto_increment in the schema information for integer columns that \
are part of a composite primary key on SQLite (jeremyevans)
* Use autoincrement setting on integer primary key columns when emulating table \
modification methods on SQLite (thenrio, jeremyevans) (#1277, #1278)
* Make the pagination extension work on frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#server work for frozen model datasets using the sharding plugin \
* Make Dataset#nullify in the null_dataset extension work on frozen datasets \
* Make Model#set_server work when using a frozen model dataset (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#ungraphed work on a frozen model dataset (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#with_{autoid,fetch,numrows} to the mock adapter, returning cloned \
datasets with the setting changed (jeremyevans)
* Make looser_typecasting extension handle the strict BigDecimal parsing \
introduced in ruby 2.4rc1 (jeremyevans)
* Make Database#{db,opts}= in the sequel_3_dataset_methods extension raise for \
frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Speed up repeated calls to Dataset#{interval,range} for frozen datasets using \
a cached placeholder literalizer (jeremyevans)
* Speed up repeated calls to Dataset#get with a single argument for frozen \
datasets using a cached placeholder literalizer (jeremyevans)
* Speed up repeated calls to Dataset#{first,last} with arguments/blocks for \
frozen datasets using a cached placeholder literalizer (jeremyevans)
* Speed up repeated calls to Dataset#{avg,min,max,sum} for frozen datasets using \
a cached placeholder literalizer (jeremyevans)
* Cache dataset returned by Dataset#skip_locked for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache dataset returned by Dataset#for_update for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache dataset returned by Dataset#un{filtered,grouped,limited,ordered} for \
frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache dataset returned by Dataset#reverse (no args) for frozen datasets \
* Cache dataset returned by Dataset#invert for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Speed up repeated calls to Dataset#count with an argument or block for frozen \
datasets using a cached placeholder literalizer (jeremyevans)
* Using :on_duplicate_columns=>:warn Database option with \
duplicate_columns_handler now prepends file/line to the warning message \
* Move identifier mangling code to identifier_mangling extension, load by \
default unless using :identifier_mangling=>false Database option \
* Allow Dataset#with_extend to accept a block and create a module with that \
block that the object is extended with (jeremyevans)
* Speed up repeated calls to with_pk on the same frozen model dataset using a \
cached placeholder literalizer (jeremyevans)
* Add dataset_module methods such as select and order that define dataset \
methods which support caching for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache subset datasets if they don't use blocks or procs for frozen model \
datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache intermediate dataset used in Dataset#{last,paged_each} for frozen model \
datasets without an order (jeremyevans)
* Cache dataset returned by Dataset#naked for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache intermediate dataset used in Dataset#last (no args) for frozen datasets \
* Cache intermediate dataset used in Dataset#first (no args) and #single_record \
for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache intermediate dataset used in Dataset#empty? for frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Cache intermediate dataset used in Dataset#count (no args) for frozen datasets \
* Warn if :conditions option may be unexpectedly ignored during \
eager_graph/association_join (jeremyevans) (#1272)
* Cache SELECT and DELETE SQL for most frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
* Freeze most SQL::Expression objects and internal state by default (jeremyevans)
* Freeze Dataset::PlaceholderLiteralizer and \
Dataset::PlaceholderLiteralizer::Argument instances (jeremyevans)
* Freeze most dataset opts values to avoid unintentional modification (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#with_convert_smallint_to_bool on DB2, returning a clone with \
convert_smallint_to_bool set (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#freeze actually freeze the dataset on ruby 2.4+ (jeremyevans)
* Avoid using instance variables other than @opts for dataset data storage \
* Add freeze_datasets extension, making all datasets for a given Database frozen \
* Refactor prepared statement internals, using opts instead of instance \
variables (jeremyevans)
* Model.set_dataset now operates on a clone of the dataset given instead of \
modifying it, so it works with frozen datasets (jeremyevans)
=== 4.41.0 (2016-12-01)
* Add Dataset#with_mssql_unicode_strings on Microsoft SQL Server, returning a \
clone with mssql_unicode_strings set (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#with_identifier_output_method, returning a clone with \
identifier_output_method set (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#with_identifier_input_method, returning a clone with \
identifier_input_method set (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#with_quote_identifiers, returning a clone with quote_identifiers \
set (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#with_extend, returning a clone extended with given modules \
* Add Dataset#with_row_proc, returning a clone with row_proc set (jeremyevans)
* Support use of SQL::AliasedExpressions as Model#to_json :include option keys \
in the json_serializer plugin (sensadrome) (#1269)
* Major improvements to type conversion in the ado adapter (vais, jeremyevans) \
* Avoid memory leak in ado adapter by closing result sets after yielding them \
(vais, jeremyevans) (#1259)
* Fix hook_class_methods plugin handling of commit hooks (jeremyevans)
* Make association dataset method correctly handle cases where key fields are \
nil (jeremyevans)
* Handle pure java exceptions that don't support message= when reraising the \
exception in the jdbc adapter (jeremyevans)
* Add support for :offset_strategy Database option on DB2, with :limit_offset \
and :offset_fetch values, to disable OFFSET emulation (#1254) (jeremyevans)
* Remove deprecated support for using Bignum class as a generic type (jeremyevans)
2016-11-01 17:44:15 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.40.0.
=== 4.40.0 (2016-10-28)
* Make column_select plugin not raise an exception if the model's table does not \
exist (jeremyevans)
* Make dataset_associations plugin correctly handle (many|one)_through_many \
associations with single join table (jeremyevans) (#1253)
* Add s extension, with adds Sequel::S module that includes private #S method \
for calling Sequel.expr, including use as refinement (jeremyevans)
* Add symbol_as and symbol_as_refinement extensions so that :column.as(:alias) \
is treated as Sequel.as(:column, :alias) (jeremyevans)
* Add symbol_aref and symbol_aref_refinement extensions so that :table[:column] \
is treated as Sequel.qualify(:table, :column) (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel.split_symbols=, to support the disabling of splitting symbols with \
double/triple underscores (jeremyevans)
* Make SQL::QualifiedIdentifier convert SQL::Identifier arguments to strings, \
fixing Sequel[:schema][:table] usage in schema methods (jeremyevans)
* Do not attempt to combine non-associative operators (jeremyevans) (#1246)
* Automatically add NOT NULL to columns when adding primary keys if the database \
doesn't handle it (jeremyevans)
* Make prepared_statements plugin correctly handle lookup on joined datasets \
(jeremyevans) (#1244)
* Make Database#tables with :qualify=>true option handle table names with \
double underscores correctly (jeremyevans) (#1241)
* Add SQL::Identifier#[] and SQL::QualifiedIdentifier#[] for creating qualified \
identifiers (jeremyevans)
* Add support for Dataset#insert_conflict :conflict_where option, for a \
predicate to use in ON CONFLICT clauses (chanks) (#1240)
* Freeze Dataset::NON_SQL_OPTIONS, add private Dataset#non_sql_options, fixing \
thread safety issues during require (jeremyevans)
* Make the callable returned by Database#rollback_checker thread safe (jeremyevans)
* Make lazy_attributes and dataset_associations plugins work if \
insert_returning_select plugin is loaded before on model with no dataset \
2016-10-09 14:48:41 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.39.0.
=== 4.39.0 (2016-10-01)
* Make active_model plugin use rollback_checker instead of after_rollback hook \
* Add Database#rollback_checker, which returns a proc that returns whether the \
in progress transaction is rolled back (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel::Database.set_shared_adapter_scheme to allow external adapters to \
support the mock adapter (jeremyevans)
* Make hook_class_methods plugin not use after commit/rollback model hooks \
* Support add_column :after and :first options on MySQL (AnthonyBobsin, \
jeremyevans) (#1234)
* Support ActiveSupport 5 in pg_interval extension when weeks/hours are used in \
ActiveSupport::Duration objects (chanks) (#1233)
* Support IntegerMigrator :relative option, for running only the specified \
number of migrations up or down (jeremyevans)
* Make the touch plugin also touch associations on create in addition to update \
and delete (jeremyevans)
* Add :allow_manual_update timestamps plugin option for not overriding a \
manually set update timestamp (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel.[] as an alias to Sequel.expr, for easier expression creation \
* Add PostgreSQL full_text_search :to_tsquery=>:phrase option, for using \
PostgreSQL 9.6+ full text search phrase searching (jeremyevans)
* Add JSONBOp#insert in pg_json_ops extension, for jsonb_insert support on \
PostgreSQL 9.6+ (jeremyevans)
* Support add_column :if_not_exists option on PostgreSQL 9.6+ (jeremyevans)
2016-09-10 08:24:14 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.38.0.
=== 4.38.0 (2016-09-01)
* Support :driver_options option when using the postgres adapter with pg driver \
* Don't use after commit/rollback database hooks if the model instance methods \
are not overridden (jeremyevans)
* Add SQL::NumericMethods#coerce, allowing code such as Sequel.expr{1 - x} \
* Support ** operator for exponentiation on expressions, similar to +, -, *, and \
/ (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel::SQLTime.date= to set the date used for SQLTime instances (jeremyevans)
2016-08-21 10:30:24 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.37.0.
=== 4.37.0 (2016-08-01)
* Add support for regular expression matching on Oracle 10g+ using REGEXP_LIKE \
(johndcaldwell) (#1221)
* Recognize an additional disconnect error in the postgres adapter (jeremyevans)
* Make connection pool remove connections for disconnect errors not raised as \
DatabaseDisconnectError (jeremyevans)
* Support mysql2 0.4+ native prepared statements and bound variables (jeremyevans)
* Add Database#values for VALUES support on SQLite 3.8.3+ (jeremyevans)
* Support create_view :columns option on SQLite 3.9.0+ (jeremyevans)
* Make migration reverser handle alter_table add_constraint using a hash as the \
first argument (soupmatt) (#1215)
* Make ASTTransformer handle Sequel.extract (jeremyevans) (#1213)
2016-07-17 16:27:46 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update ruby-sequel to 4.36.0.
=== 4.36.0 (2016-07-01)
* Deprecate use of Bignum class as generic type, since the behavior will change \
in ruby 2.4 (jeremyevans)
* Don't hold connection pool mutex while disconnecting connections (jeremyevans)
* Don't hold references to disconnected connections in the connection_validator \
extension (jeremyevans)
* Don't overwrite existing connection_validation_timeout when loading \
connection_validator extension multiple times (jeremyevans)
* Add connection_expiration extension, for automatically removing connections \
open for too long (pdrakeweb) (#1208, #1209)
* Handle disconnection errors raised during string literalization in mysql2 and \
postgres adapters (jeremyevans)
* Add string_agg extension for aggregate string concatenation support on many \
databases (jeremyevans)
* Add SQL::Function#order for ordered aggregate functions (jeremyevans)
* Support operator validation in constraint_validations for <, <=, >, \
and >= operators with string and integer arguments (jeremyevans)
* Make validates_operator validation consider nil values invalid unless \
:allow_nil or similar option is used (jeremyevans)
* Close cursors for non-SELECT queries in the oracle adapter after execution, \
instead of waiting until GC (jeremyevans) (#1203)
* Add :class_namespace association option for setting default namespace for \
:class option given as symbol/string (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel::Model.cache_anonymous_models accessor for changing caching on a \
per-model basis (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel::Model.def_Model for adding a Model() method to a module, for \
easier use of namespaced models (jeremyevans)
* Add Sequel::Model::Model() for creating subclasses of Sequel::Model \
subclasses, instead of just Sequel::Model itself (jeremyevans)
=== 4.35.0 (2016-06-01)
* Add :headline option to PostgreSQL Dataset#full_text_search for adding an \
extract of the matched text to the SELECT list (jeremyevans)
* Make :rollback=>:always inside a transaction use a savepoint automatically \
if supported (jeremyevans) (#1193)
* Recognize bool type as boolean in the schema dumper (jeremyevans) (#1192)
* Make Dataset#to_hash and #to_hash_groups work correctly for model datasets \
doing eager loading (jeremyevans)
* Make delay_add_association plugin handle hashes and primary keys passed to \
add_* association methods (jeremyevans) (#1187)
* Treat :Bignum as a generic type, to support 64-bit integers on ruby 2.4+, \
where Bignum == Integer (jeremyevans)
* Add server_logging extension for including server/shard information when \
logging queries (jeremyevans)
* Add Database#log_connection_info, for including connection information when \
logging queries (jeremyevans)
* Add Dataset#skip_locked for skipping locked rows on PostgreSQL 9.5+, MSSQL, \
and Oracle (jeremyevans)
* Allow Sequel::Model#lock! to accept an optional lock style (petedmarsh) (#1183)
* Add sql_comments extension for setting SQL comments on queries (jeremyevans)
* Make Postgres::PGRange#cover? handle empty, unbounded, and exclusive beginning \
ranges (jeremyevans)
* Fix frozen string literal issues on JRuby (jeremyevans)
* Allow json_serializer :include option with cascaded values to work correctly \
when used with association_proxies (jeremyevans)
=== 4.34.0 (2016-05-01)
* Add support for :dataset_associations_join association option to \
dataset_associations plugin, for making resulting datasets have appropriate \
joins (jeremyevans)
* Log server connection was attempted to in PoolTimeout exception messages in \
sharded connection pool (jeremyevans)
* Log Database :name option in PoolTimeout exception messages (bigkevmcd, \
jeremyevans) (#1176)
* Add duplicate_columns_handler extension, for raising or warning if a dataset \
returns multiple columns with the same name (TSMMark, jeremyevans) (#1175)
* Support registering per-Database custom range types in the pg_range extension \
(steveh) (#1174)
* Support :preconnect=>:concurrently Database option for preconnecting in \
separate threads (kch, jeremyevans) (#1172)
* Make prepared_statements_safe plugin work correctly with \
CURRENT_DATE/CURRENT_TIMESTAMP defaults (jeremyevans) (#1168)
* Add validates_operator validation helper (petedmarsh) (#1170)
* Recognize additional unique constraint violation on Microsoft SQL Server \
* Add :hash option to Dataset#(select|to)_hash(_groups)? methods for choosing \
object to populate (mwpastore) (#1167)
2016-04-09 15:42:09 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update to 4.33.0
Upstream changes:
Last Update: 2016-04-01 07:24:12 -0700
New Features
A Sequel::Model.require_valid_table accessor has been added. This setting is \
false for backwards compatibility, but if set to true, will raise an error you \
try to create a model class where an invalid table name is used or the schema or \
columns cannot be determined. This makes it easier to catch bugs, as things will \
fail fast, but it means that you must change code like:
class Foo < Sequel::Model
set_dataset :my_foos
class Foo < Sequel::Model(:my_foos)
as otherwise Foo will attempt to use the foos table by default when creating \
the class, which will raise an error as it is not the correct table name.
Sequel::Database#transaction now supports a :savepoint=>:only option, \
which will create a savepoint if already inside a transaction, but will yield \
without creating a transaction if not inside a transaction. The use case for \
this is when you are running code that may raise an exception, and you don't \
want to invalidate the current transaction state.
Other Improvements
The graph_each extension now splits results into subhashes when using \
Sequel::Dataset#first, as it did before Sequel 4.27.0.
On PostgreSQL, Dataset#insert_conflict now accepts an array of columns as \
the value for the :target option.
You can now pass a Sequel::SQL::Identifier or a \
Sequel::SQL::QualifiedIdentifer as the table argument when creating a foreign \
key. Previously, only symbols were supported, and using other values required \
specifying the :table option. So this will now work to reference a table that \
includes a double underscore:
foreign_key :foo_id, Sequel.identifier(:fo__oo)
Creating model classes inside a transaction on PostgreSQL where the implicit \
table name isn't correct no longer causes the transaction to fail.
Similar issues were also fixed in the boolean_readers, boolean_subsets, and \
class_table_inheritance plugins.
On PostgreSQL, You can now use the :qualify=>true option in the schema \
dumper, to dump using schema-qualified table names.
On Microsoft SQL Server, the set_column_allow_null and set_column_not_null \
alter table methods now work on varchar(max), text, and similar columns.
On Oracle, Sequel::Database#sequence_for_table now returns nil if given a \
table that doesn't exist or that the user does not have access to.
Passing arbitrary objects to a model association method now indicates that \
the association should be reloaded, which was used to work but was broken in \
Sequel 4.32.0.
It is now possible to raise Sequel::ValidationFailed and Sequel::HookFailed \
without an argument.
Backwards Compatibility
Sequel::Model no longer swallows many errors when subclassing or setting \
datasets. While this should hopefully not affect backwards compatibility, it may \
break things where the methods were raising exceptions. If this does break \
backwards compatibility, it is most likely because it is no longer hiding \
another bug that should be fixed. Specific changes include:
Model.inherited no longer rescues exceptions raised by set_dataset
When subclassing a model that has a dataset, the columns and schema are \
just copied from the superclass
Only Sequel::Error is rescued in calls to columns and schema, before it \
would rescue StandardError.
The Sequel.firebird and Sequel.informix adapter methods have been removed, \
they are no longer needed as the firebird and informix adapters were removed a \
few versions back.