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CVS Commit History:

   2024-12-09 14:53:10 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.7.0

2.6.0 (2024-11-24)

External changes

* Expectation with never cardinality should display deprecation warning
  (#681) - thanks to @ducmtran for reporting and testing

WARNING: This release results in some incorrect deprecation warnings:

* The logic for displaying the deprecation warnings is fixed in v2.6.1

Internal changes

* Simplify backtrace related assertions (#680)
* Remove unused ExpectationList#match_but_out_of_order (f2fa9919)

2.6.1 (2024-11-28)

External changes

* Fix logic for displaying deprecation warning for expectation with never
  cardinality (#686) - thanks to @davidstosik for reporting

2.7.0 (2024-12-07)

External changes

* Fail fast if invocation matches never expectation (#679, #678, #490, #131
  & #44) - thanks to @ducmtran & @davidstosik for reporting

Internal changes

* Workaround for JRuby jar-dependencies issue (#690)
* Ruby v3.4 stacktrace uses single-quote vs backtick (#688 & #689) - thanks
  to Vít Ondruch

WARNING: This release fixes a very old bug

* The bug relates to the use of Expectation#never in combination with other
  expectations on the same method.

* Please ensure you fix the relevant deprecation warnings when running
  against v2.6.1 before upgrading to v2.7.0.

* Previously, the following test would have passed, but now it will fail
  with an unexpected invocation error on the line.

	foo = mock('foo') foo.stubs(:bar) foo.expects(:bar).never

2.7.1 (2024-12-09)

External changes

* Deprecate Configuration#stubbing_method_on_nil= (#694)
* Indicate when parameter matcher logic is defined by block passed to
  Expectation#with (#698, b30e4434)
* Improve documentation for Expectation#with, especially when it is passed a
  block (#698, #682, #606 & #681)
   2024-10-27 14:37:32 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.5.0

2.5.0 (2024-10-23)

External changes

* Add metadata to gem specification, including changelog_uri (#608,
  eb1b8ea2) - thanks to @mattbrictson
* Fix warnings in Ruby v3.4 (#672, #669) - thanks to @radville for reporting
* Add warnings & notes about regressions, known issues, etc to release notes
  (#675, #676 & #677) - thanks to @davidstosik

Internal changes

* Fix jaro_winkler compilation errors on MacOS (5c7d14cb)
* Fix typos in IncludesTest test names (6fb5a5a6)
* Fix rubocop version constraint for Ruby > v2.2.0 (d5c6b98a)
   2024-07-28 15:22:51 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.4.5

2.4.5 (2024-07-24)

External changes

* Fix regression when stubbed method expects Hash but receives
  ActionController::Parameters object (#662, #664) - thanks to @evgeni for
  reporting and testing
   2024-07-20 17:26:34 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.4.2

2.4.1 (2024-07-16)

External changes

* Fix regression in matchers when used with keyword arguments (#654 & #655)
  - thanks to @ElvinEfendi for reporting

Internal changes

* Reduce duplication & consolidate #to_matcher method definitions (600ee2aa,
  e9de64e4, #655)

* Change #to_matcher method to use keyword arguments (3b60b7df, #655)

2.4.2 (2024-07-18)

External changes

* Don't trust Object#is_a? in presence of mock objects (#656) - thanks to
   2024-06-30 18:11:46 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.4.0

2.4.0 (2024-06-16)

External changes

* Improve rendering of keyword arguments (#652) - thanks to @casperisfine

Internal changes

* Improvements to #mocha_inspect unit tests (#650)
   2024-05-26 16:50:37 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.3.0

2.3.0 (2024-05-17)

External changes

* Fix nested parameter matching for keyword arguments (f94e2504, #648) -
  thanks to @CodingAnarchy for reporting
   2024-05-05 18:45:54 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.2.0

2.2.0 (2024-04-10)

External changes

* Support multiple methods in responds_with matcher (f086b7e4, #578) -
  thanks to @vlad-pisanov for the suggestion
* Add block syntax for sequences (93fdffd, #61)
* Improve sequence failure message (0800c6ff, #60)
* Drop support for Ruby v2.0 (85848fb0, #642)
* Include the original test name in expired stub error messages (ca3ff8eb,
  #641, #642) - thanks to @casperisfine
* Avoid rubocop directive ending up in YARD docs (2a9ee81a)
* Update docs to fix those for Mock#method_missing (cee0bad6)
* Reinstate missing CNAME for GitHub Pages site (da67bb0d)
* Use Ruby v1.9 Hash syntax in docs (6de20726, #625)
* Add missing YARD tag for API#sequence name param (343c5979)
* Add missing YARD tag for API#states name param (f798df83)

Internal changes

* Tidy up Minitest vs MiniTest references (#626, #614, #615) - thanks to
  @zenspider & @Maimer for their help
* Add Ruby v3.3 to CI build matrix (ce31b544)
   2023-07-30 06:03:31 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.1.0

2.1.0 (2023-07-27)

External changes

* Fix compatibility with Minitest (#614) - thanks to @kyrofa & @manewitz for
  reporting and to @zenspider for his input

Internal changes

* Update URLs for links to Ruby & MIT licenses (d6470af4)
   2023-06-11 16:28:04 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.0.4

2.0.3 (2023-06-10)

External changes

* Fix BacktraceFilter to handle special characters (e242033f, #592) - thanks
  to @casperisfine

Internal changes

* Add Ruby v3.1 to the CircleCI build (3e460489)
* DRY up regexp_matches test (ae9fed4a)
* Fix regexp_matches tests in Ruby v3.2 (26b106a5, #590)
* Use Ruby 1.9 hash syntax (8bc0ad2f, #598, #537) - thanks to @herwinw
* Simplify storage of MOCHA_OPTIONS (b70507a1, #600) - thanks to @herwinw
* Pin JRuby to v9.3.9.0 in CircleCI builds (b8e6d064, #591)
* Rubocop: enable Style/FormatStringToken cop (089a688e, #603) - thanks to
* Remove Ruby version check from RespondsLikeTest (21583129)
* Add Ruby v3.2 to CircleCI build (f7e17636, #601)
* Use Ruby v2.6 vs v2.2 to run lint CI job (af40b7db)
* Pin yard version to v0.9.28 to avoid ArgumentError (12f1eef7)
* Revert "Pin JRuby to v9.3.9.0 in CircleCI builds" (4f5bb2f0, #591)
* Remove invalid CircleCI token from badge URL (7078e76a)
* Revert "Pin yard version to v0.9.28 to avoid ArgumentError" \ 
(7c6c10c5, #609)
* Remove Google Analytics tracking code (2279c49d, #612)
* Update (48162b4e)
* Update (f3152376)

2.0.4 (2023-06-10)

Internal changes

* Update
   2022-11-29 14:04:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-mocha: update to 2.0.2

2.0.0 (2022-11-01)

External changes

* Remove support for Ruby v1.9 - thanks to @wasabigeek (#552)
* Support strict keyword argument matching - see docs for Expectation#with &
  - thanks to @wasabigeek (#446,#535,#544,#562)
* Deprecate Hash args that don't strictly match (#563,981c31be)
* Drop support for older versions of test-unit - gem versions of test-unit
  earlier than v2.5.1 and versions of test-unit from the Ruby v1.8 standard
  library are no longer supported (#540,969f4845)
* Drop support for older versions of minitest - versions of minitest earlier
  than v3.3.0 are no longer supported (#541,ca69dc9e)
* Remove deprecated mocha/setup.rb mechanism (642a0ff4)
* Add missing docs for API#stub parameter (257b4cb4)
* Remove optional reinstatement of v1.9 behaviour (#436,#438,#569,1473ee25)
* Remove deprecated methods in Configuration (#421,e7ff7528)
* Fail fast when mock receives invocations in another test
* Improve docs re using matchers in Expectation#with (da7237cd)
* Expand Expectation#with docs re keyword arguments (fed6808d)
* Improve docs for strict_keyword_argument_matching (8d8f881d)
* Remove deprecated Rails plugin init.rb file (1c617175)
* Improve strict keyword argument matching deprecation warning by including
  the source location of the stub definition (77c0d4cc)
* Add README section re semantic versioning (00758246)

Internal changes

* Separate linting from tests in terms of Rake tasks & CircleCI jobs
  - thanks to @wasabigeek (#556)
* Remove tests specific to Ruby v1.8 behaviour (46fca7ac, 3b369e99)
* Multi-line rubocop disable in Mock#method_missing (af2194c4)
* Remove unused arg for HashMethods#mocha_inspect (4f59e27f)
* Improve test runner assertions - failure vs error (eec7200a)
* Improve test coverage of PositionalOrKeywordHash (c294fe70)
* More consistent Test::Unit & Minitest integration (27dd3817)
* Remove redundant require statements (d82218a8,fa17b114)
* Add missing require statement (73493761)
* Disable Style/Semicolon cop globally (8cd0b705)

2.0.1 (2022-11-03)

External changes

* Fix LoadError when using v2.0.0 with Ruby < v2.7 by moving declaration of
  runtime dependency on ruby2_keywords gem from Gemfile to mocha.gemspec -
  thanks to @mishina2228 for reporting (#581, #582, cdeb0356)

2.0.2 (2022-11-07)

External changes

* Fix regression in Mock#responds_like behaviour - thanks to
  @adrianna-chang-shopify for reporting (#580,#583,ba4d619e)

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