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CVS Commit History:

   2019-02-06 16:12:13 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-rspec-core: update to 3.8.0

### 3.8.0 / 2018-08-04
[Full Changelog](


* Improve shell escaping used by `RSpec::Core::RakeTask` and `--bisect` so
  that it works on `Pathname` objects. (Andrew Vit, #2479)
* Nicely format errors encountered while loading files specified
  by `--require` option.  (Myron Marston, #2504)
* Significantly improve the performance of `--bisect` on platforms that
  support forking by replacing the shell-based runner with one that uses
  forking so that RSpec and the application environment can be booted only
  once, instead of once per spec run. (Myron Marston, #2511)
* Provide a configuration API to pick which bisect runner is used for
  `--bisect`. Pick a runner via `config.bisect_runner = :shell` or
  `config.bisect_runner = :fork` in a file loaded by a `--require`
  option passed at the command line or set in `.rspec`. (Myron Marston, #2511)
* Support the [XDG Base Directory
  for the global options file. `~/.rspec` is still supported when no
  options file is found in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rspec/options` (Magnus Bergmark, #2538)
* Extract `` that sets up the
  example filtering for custom RSpec runners. (Oleg Pudeyev, #2552)

Bug Fixes:

* Prevent an `ArgumentError` when truncating backtraces with two identical
  backtraces. (Systho, #2515, Benoit Tigeot, #2539)
   2018-03-14 15:18:50 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-rspec-core: update to 3.7.1

### 3.7.1 / 2018-01-02
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Work around duplicate config hook regression introduced
  by Ruby 2.5's lazy proc allocation. (Myron Marston, #2497)

### 3.7.0 / 2017-10-17
[Full Changelog](


* Add `-n` alias for `--next-failure`. (Ian Ker-Seymer, #2434)
* Improve compatibility with `--enable-frozen-string-literal` option
  on Ruby 2.3+. (Pat Allan, #2425, #2427, #2437)
* Do not run `:context` hooks for example groups that have been skipped.
  (Devon Estes, #2442)
* Add `errors_outside_of_examples_count` to the JSON formatter.
  (Takeshi Arabiki, #2448)

Bug Fixes:

* Improve compatibility with frozen string literal flag. (#2425, Pat Allan)
   2017-09-04 20:08:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (163)
Log message:
Follow some redirects.
   2017-06-05 16:05:16 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-core to 3.6.0.

### 3.6.0 / 2017-05-04
[Full Changelog](


* Add seed information to JSON formatter output. (#2388, Mitsutaka Mimura)
* Include example id in the JSON formatter output. (#2369, Xavier Shay)
* Respect changes to `config.output_stream` after formatters have been
  setup. (#2401, #2419, Ilya Lavrov)

Bug Fixes:

* Delay formatter loading until the last minute to allow accessing the reporter
  without triggering formatter setup. (Jon Rowe, #2243)
* Ensure context hook failures running before an example can access the
  reporter. (Jon Jensen, #2387)
* Multiple fixes to allow using the runner multiple times within the same
  process: `RSpec.clear_examples` resets the formatter and no longer clears
  shared examples, and streams can be used across multiple runs rather than
  being closed after the first. (#2368, Xavier Shay)
* Prevent unexpected `example_group_finished` notifications causing an error.
  (#2396, VTJamie)
* Fix bugs where `config.when_first_matching_example_defined` hooks would fire
  multiple times in some cases. (Yuji Nakayama, #2400)
* Default `last_run_status` to "unknown" when the `status` field in the
  persistence file contains an unrecognized value. (#2360, matrinox)
* Prevent `let` from defining an `initialize` method. (#2414, Jon Rowe)

### 3.6.0.beta2 / 2016-12-12
[Full \ 


* Include count of errors occurring outside examples in default summaries.
  (#2351, Jon Rowe)
* Warn when including shared example groups recursively. (#2356, Jon Rowe)
* Improve failure snippet syntax highlighting with CodeRay to highlight
  RSpec "keywords" like `expect`. (#2358, Myron Marston)

### 3.6.0.beta1 / 2016-10-09
[Full Changelog](


* Warn when duplicate shared examples definitions are loaded due to being
  defined in files matching the spec pattern (e.g. `_spec.rb`) (#2278, Devon Estes)
* Improve metadata filtering so that it can match against any object
  that implements `===` instead of treating regular expressions as
  special. (Myron Marston, #2294)
* Improve `rspec -v` so that it prints out the versions of each part of
  RSpec to prevent confusion. (Myron Marston, #2304)
* Add `config.fail_if_no_examples` option which causes RSpec to fail if
  no examples are found. (Ewa Czechowska, #2302)
* Nicely format errors encountered while loading spec files.
  (Myron Marston, #2323)
* Improve the API for enabling and disabling color output (Josh
  Justice, #2321):
  * Automatically enable color if the output is a TTY, since color is
    nearly always desirable if the output can handle it.
  * Introduce new CLI flag to force color on (`--force-color`), even
    if the output is not a TTY. `--no-color` continues to work as well.
  * Introduce `config.color_mode` for configuring the color from Ruby.
    `:automatic` is the default and will produce color if the output is
    a TTY. `:on` forces it on and `:off` forces it off.
   2016-10-09 17:03:12 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-core to 3.5.4.

### 3.5.4 / 2016-09-30
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Remove accumulated `ExampleGroup` constants when reseting RSpec,
  preventing a memory leak. (TravisSpangle, #2328)

### 3.5.3 / 2016-09-02
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* When applying shared group metadata to a host group, overwrite
  conflicting keys if the value in the host group was inherited from
  a parent group instead of being specified at that level.
  (Myron Marston, #2307)
* Handle errors in `:suite` hooks and provide the same nicely formatted
  output as errors that happen in examples. (Myron Marston, #2316)
* Set the exit status to non-zero when an error occurs in an
  `after(:context)` hook. (Myron Marston, #2320)

### 3.5.2 / 2016-07-28
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Wait to report `example_finished` until the example's `execution_result`
  has been completely filled in. (Myron Marston, #2291)
* Make sure example block is still available when using `duplicate_with`
  to clone examples. (bootstraponline, #2298)
* Don't include the default `--pattern` in the Rake task when
  `rspec_opts` specifies its own. (Jon Rowe, #2305)

### 3.5.1 / 2016-07-06
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Ensure that config hooks that are added to existing example groups are
  added only once. (Eugene Kenny, #2280)

### 3.5.0 / 2016-07-01
[Full Changelog](


* Include any `SPEC_OPTS` in reproduction command printed at the end of
  a bisect run. (Simon Coffey, #2274)

Bug Fixes:

* Handle `--bisect` in `SPEC_OPTS` environment variable correctly so as
  to avoid infinite recursion. (Simon Coffey, #2271)

### 3.5.0.beta4 / 2016-06-05
[Full \ 


* Filter out bundler stackframes from backtraces by default, since
  Bundler 1.12 now includes its own frames in stack traces produced
  by using `bundle exec`. (Myron Marston, #2240)
* HTML Formatter uses exception presenter to get failure message
  for consistency with other formatters. (@mrageh, #2222)
* Load spec files in the order of the directories or files passed
  at the command line, making it easy to make some specs run before
  others in a one-off manner.  For example, `rspec spec/unit
  spec/acceptance --order defined` will run unit specs before acceptance
  specs. (Myron Marston, #2253)
* Add new `config.include_context` API for configuring global or
  filtered inclusion of shared contexts in example groups.
  (Myron Marston, #2256)
* Add new `config.shared_context_metadata_behavior = :apply_to_host_groups`
  option, which causes shared context metadata to be inherited by the
  metadata hash of all host groups and examples instead of configuring
  implicit auto-inclusion based on the passed metadata. (Myron Marston, #2256)

Bug Fixes:

* Fix `--bisect` so it works on large spec suites that were previously triggering
  "Argument list too long errors" due to all the spec locations being \ 
passed as
  CLI args. (Matt Jones, #2223).
* Fix deprecated `:example_group`-based filtering so that it properly
  applies to matching example groups. (Myron Marston, #2234)
* Fix `NoMethodError` caused by Java backtraces on JRuby. (Michele Piccirillo, #2244)

### 3.5.0.beta3 / 2016-04-02
[Full \ 


* Add new `config.filter_run_when_matching` API, intended to replace
  the combination of `config.filter_run` and
  `config.run_all_when_everything_filtered` (Myron Marston, #2206)

Bug Fixes:

* Use the encoded string logic for source extraction. (Jon Rowe, #2183)
* Fix rounding issue in duration formatting helper. (Fabersky, Jon Rowe, #2208)
* Fix failure snippet extraction so that `def-end` snippets
  ending with `end`-only line can be extracted properly.
  (Yuji Nakayama, #2215)

### 3.5.0.beta2 / 2016-03-10
[Full \ 


* Remove unneeded `:execution_result` example group metadata, saving a
  bit of memory. (Myron Marston, #2172)
* Apply hooks registered with `config` to previously defined groups.
  (Myron Marston, #2189)
* `RSpec::Core::Configuration#reporter` is now public API under SemVer.
  (Jon Rowe, #2193)
* Add new `config.when_first_matching_example_defined` hook. (Myron
  Marston, #2175)

### 3.5.0.beta1 / 2016-02-06
[Full Changelog](


* Add `RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.currently_executing_a_context_hook?`,
  primarily for use by rspec-rails. (Sam Phippen, #2131)

Bug Fixes:

* Ensure `MultipleExceptionError` does not contain a recursive reference
  to itself. (Sam Phippen, #2133)
   2016-03-09 14:35:11 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-core to 3.4.4.

### Development
[Full Changelog](

### 3.4.4 / 2016-03-09
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Fix `RSpec::Core::RakeTask` so that it works with Rake 11.
  (Travis Grathwell, #2197)
   2016-03-08 15:32:28 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-core to 3.4.3.

### Development
[Full Changelog](

### 3.4.3 / 2016-02-19
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Prevent a `TypeError` from occuring when running via the rake task when
  Ruby crashes. (Patrik Wenger, #2161)
* Only consider example and group declaration lines from a specific file
  when applying line number filtering, instead of considering all
  declaration lines from all spec files. (Myron Marston, #2170)
* Fix failure snippet extraction so that snippets that contain `do-end` style
  block and end with `end`-only line can be extracted properly.
  (Yuji Nakayama, #2173)
   2016-02-16 16:59:42 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-core to 3.4.2.

### 3.4.2 / 2016-01-26
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Fix `rspec --profile` when an example calls `abort` or `exit`.
  (Bradley Schaefer, #2144)
* Fix `--drb` so that when no DRb server is running, it prevents
  the DRb connection error from being listed as the cause of all
  expectation failures. (Myron Marston, #2156)
* Fix syntax highlighter so that it works when the `coderay` gem is
  installed as a rubygem but not already available on your load path
  (as happens when you use bundler). (Myron Marston, #2159)
   2015-11-29 15:49:49 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update ruby-rspec-core to 3.4.1.

### 3.4.1 / 2015-11-18
[Full Changelog](

Bug Fixes:

* Fix backtrace formatter to handle backtraces that are `nil`.
  (Myron Marston, #2118)

### 3.4.0 / 2015-11-11
[Full Changelog](


* Combine multiple `--pattern` arguments making them equivalent to
  `--pattern=1,2,...,n`. (Jon Rowe, #2002)
* Improve `inspect` and `to_s` output for `RSpec::Core::Example`
  objects, replacing Ruby's excessively verbose output. (Gavin Miller, #1922)
* Add `silence_filter_announcements` configuration option.
  (David Raffensperger, #2007)
* Add optional `example_finished` notification to the reporter protocol for
  when you don't care about the example outcome. (Jon Rowe, #2013)
* Switch `--bisect` to a recursion-based bisection algorithm rather than
  a permutation-based one. This better handles cases where an example
  depends upon multiple other examples instead of just one and minimizes
  the number of runs necessary to determine that an example set cannot be
  minimized further. (Simon Coffey, #1997)
* Allow simple filters (e.g. `:symbol` key only) to be triggered by truthey
  values. (Tim Mertens, #2035)
* Remove unneeded warning about need for `ansicon` on Windows when using
  RSpec's `--color` option. (Ashley Engelund, #2038)
* Add option to configure RSpec to raise errors when issuing warnings.
  (Jon Rowe, #2052)
* Append the root `cause` of a failure or error to the printed failure
  output when a `cause` is available. (Adam Magan)
* Stop rescuing `NoMemoryError`, `SignalExcepetion`, `Interrupt` and
  `SystemExit`. It is dangerous to interfere with these. (Myron Marston, #2063)
* Add `config.project_source_dirs` setting which RSpec uses to determine
  if a backtrace line comes from your project source or from some
  external library. It defaults to `spec`, `lib` and `app` but can be
  configured differently. (Myron Marston, #2088)
* Improve failure line detection so that it looks for the failure line
  in any project source directory instead of just in the spec file.
  In addition, if no backtrace lines can be found from a project source
  file, we fall back to displaying the source of the first backtrace
  line. This should virtually eliminate the "Unable to find matching
  line from backtrace" messages. (Myron Marston, #2088)
* Add support for `:extra_failure_lines` example metadata that will
  be appended to the failure output. (bootstraponline, #2092).
* Add `RSpec::Core::Example#duplicate_with` to produce new examples
  with cloned metadata. (bootstraponline, #2098)
* Add `RSpec::Core::Configuration#on_example_group_definition` to register
  hooks to be invoked when example groups are created. (bootstraponline, #2094)
* Add `add_example` and `remove_example` to `RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup` to
  allow  manipulating an example groups examples. (bootstraponline, #2095)
* Display multiline failure source lines in failure output when Ripper is
  available (MRI >= 1.9.2, and JRuby >= 1.7.5 && <
  (Yuji Nakayama, #2083)
* Add `max_displayed_failure_line_count` configuration option
  (defaults to 10). (Yuji Nakayama, #2083)
* Enhance `fail_fast` option so it can take a number (e.g. `--fail-fast=3`)
  to force the run to abort after the specified number of failures.
  (Jack Scotti, #2065)
* Syntax highlight the failure snippets in text formatters when `color`
  is enabled and the `coderay` gem is installed on a POSIX system.
  (Myron Marston, #2109)

Bug Fixes:

* Lock `example_status_persistence_file` when reading from and writing
  to it to prevent race conditions when multiple processes try to use
  it. (Ben Woosley, #2029)
* Fix regression in 3.3 that caused spec file names with square brackets in
  them (such as `1[]_spec.rb`) to not be loaded properly. (Myron Marston, #2041)
* Fix output encoding issue caused by ASCII literal on 1.9.3 (Jon Rowe, #2072)
* Fix requires in `rspec/core/rake_task.rb` to avoid double requires
  seen by some users. (Myron Marston, #2101)
   2015-11-03 04:29:40 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1995)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category

Issues found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these distinfo files.

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.

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