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CVS Commit History:

   2021-10-26 13:31:15 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1030)
Log message:
www: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Not committed (merge conflicts):

Unfetchable distfiles (almost certainly fetched conditionally...):
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo array-var-nginx-module-0.05.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo echo-nginx-module-0.62.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo encrypted-session-nginx-module-0.08.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo form-input-nginx-module-0.12.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo headers-more-nginx-module-0.33.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo lua-nginx-module-0.10.19.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo naxsi-1.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo nginx-dav-ext-module-3.0.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo nginx-rtmp-module-1.2.2.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo nginx_http_push_module-1.2.10.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo ngx_cache_purge-2.5.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo ngx_devel_kit-0.3.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo ngx_http_geoip2_module-3.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo njs-0.5.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx-devel/distinfo set-misc-nginx-module-0.32.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo array-var-nginx-module-0.05.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo echo-nginx-module-0.62.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo encrypted-session-nginx-module-0.08.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo form-input-nginx-module-0.12.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo headers-more-nginx-module-0.33.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo lua-nginx-module-0.10.19.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo naxsi-1.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo nginx-dav-ext-module-3.0.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo nginx-rtmp-module-1.2.2.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo nginx_http_push_module-1.2.10.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo ngx_cache_purge-2.5.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo ngx_devel_kit-0.3.1.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo ngx_http_geoip2_module-3.3.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo njs-0.5.0.tar.gz
./www/nginx/distinfo set-misc-nginx-module-0.32.tar.gz
   2021-10-07 17:09:00 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1033)
Log message:
www: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-09-19 19:48:05 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 1.8.0

1.7.2 (2021-09-13)

* Fix deprecation warning (#1323)

1.8.0 (2021-09-18)


* Backport authorization procs (#1322, @jarl-dk)
   2021-06-03 16:35:12 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 1.4.2

1.4.2 (2021-05-22)


* Add proxy setting when url_prefix is changed (#1276, @ci)
* Default proxy scheme to http:// if necessary, fixes #1282 (#1283, @gurgeous)


* Improve introduction page (#1273, @gurgeous)
* Docs: add more middleware examples (#1277, @gurgeous)


* Use external em_http and em_synchrony adapters (#1274, @iMacTia)

1.4.1 (2021-04-18)


* Fix dependencies from external adapter gems (#1269, @iMacTia)

1.4.0 (2021-04-16)


* With this release, we continue the work of gradually moving out adapters
  into their own gems
* Thanks to @MikeRogers0 for helping the Faraday team in progressing with
  this quest
* And thanks to @olleolleolle efforts, Faraday is becoming more inclusive
  than ever
* Faraday's master branch has been renamed into main, we have an official
  policy on inclusive language and even a rubocop plugin to check for
  non-inclusive words!
* Checkout the "Misc" section below for more details!


* Fix NoMethodError undefined method 'coverage' (#1255, @Maroo-b)


* Some docs on EventMachine adapters. (#1232, @damau)
* CONTRIBUTING: Fix grammar and layout (#1261, @olleolleolle)


* Replacing Net::HTTP::Persistent with faraday-net_http_persistent (#1250,
* CI: Configure the regenerated Coveralls token (#1256, @olleolleolle)
* Replace Excon adapter with Faraday::Excon gem, and fix autoloading issue
  with Faraday::NetHttpPersistent (#1257, @iMacTia)
* Drop CodeClimate (#1259, @olleolleolle)
* CI: Rename default branch to main (#1263, @olleolleolle)
* Drop RDoc support file .document (#1264, @olleolleolle, @iMacTia)
* CONTRIBUTING: add a policy on inclusive language (#1262, @olleolleolle)
* Add rubocop-inclusivity (#1267, @olleolleolle, @iMacTia)

1.3.1 (2021-04-16)


* Escape colon in path segment (#1237, @yarafan)
* Handle IPv6 address String on Faraday::Connection#proxy_from_env (#1252,


* Fix broken links (#1236, @nickcampbell18)
* Add httpx to list of external adapters (#1246, @HoneyryderChuck)


* Refactor CI to remove duplicated line (#1230, @tricknotes)
* Gemspec: Pick a good ruby2_keywords release (#1241, @olleolleolle)
   2021-01-16 13:50:18 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 1.3.0

1.3.0 (2020-12-31)


Faraday v1.3.0 is the first release to officially support Ruby 3.0 in the
CI pipeline!

This is also the first release with a previously "included" adapter
(Net::HTTP) being isolated into a separate gem !  The new adapter is added
to Faraday as a dependency for now, so that means full
backwards-compatibility, but just to be safe be careful when upgrading!

This is a huge step towards are Faraday v2.0 objective of pushing adapters
and middleware into separate gems.  Many thanks to the Faraday Team,
@JanDintel and everyone who attended the ROSS Conf remote event


* Improves consistency with Faraday::Error and Faraday::RaiseError (#1229,
  @qsona, @iMacTia)


* Don't assign to global ::Timer (#1227, @bpo)


* CHANGELOG: add releases after 1.0 (#1225, @olleolleolle)
* Improves retry middleware documentation. (#1228, @iMacTia)


* Move out Net::HTTP adapter (#1222, @JanDintel, @iMacTia)
* Adds Ruby 3.0 to CI Matrix (#1226, @iMacTia)

v1.2.0 (2020-12-23)


* Introduces on_request and on_complete methods in
  Faraday::Middleware. (#1194, @iMacTia)


* Require 'date' to avoid retry exception (#1206, @rustygeldmacher)
* Fix rdebug recursion issue (#1205, @native-api)
* Update call to em_http_ssl_patch (#1202, @kylekeesling)
* EmHttp adapter: drop superfluous loaded? check (#1213, @olleolleolle)
* Avoid 1 use of keyword hackery (#1211, @grosser)
* Fix #1219 Net::HTTP still uses env proxy (#1221, @iMacTia)


* Add comment in gemspec to explain exposure of examples and spec
  folders. (#1192, @iMacTia)
* Adapters, how to create them (#1193, @olleolleolle)
* Update documentation on using the logger (#1196, @tijmenb)
* Adjust the retry documentation and spec to align with implementation
  (#1198, @nbeyer)


* Test against ruby head (#1208, @grosser)
   2020-06-14 18:20:03 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 1.0.1

Update ruby-faraday to 1.0.1.

## v1.0


* Add #trace support to Faraday::Connection #861 (@technoweenie)
* Add the log formatter that is easy to override and safe to inherit #889 (@prikha)
* Support standalone adapters #941 (@iMacTia)
* Introduce Faraday::ConflictError for 409 response code #979 (@lucasmoreno)
* Add support for setting `read_timeout` option separately #1003 (@springerigor)
* Refactor and cleanup timeout settings across adapters #1022 (@technoweenie)
* Create ParamPart class to allow multipart posts with JSON content and file \ 
upload at the same time #1017 (@jeremy-israel)
* Copy UploadIO const -> FilePart for consistency with ParamPart #1018, #1021 \ 
* Implement streaming responses in the Excon adapter #1026 (@technoweenie)
* Add default implementation of `Middleware#close`. #1069 (@ioquatix)
* Add `Adapter#close` so that derived classes can call super. #1091 (@ioquatix)
* Add log_level option to logger default formatter #1079 (@amrrbakry)
* Fix empty array for FlatParamsEncoder `{key: []} -> "key="` #1084 \ 


* Explicitly require date for DateTime library in Retry middleware #844 (@nickpresta)
* Refactor Adapter as final endpoints #846 (@iMacTia)
* Separate Request and Response bodies in Faraday::Env #847 (@iMacTia)
* Implement Faraday::Connection#options to make HTTP requests with the OPTIONS \ 
verb. #857 (@technoweenie)
* Multipart: Drop Ruby 1.8 String behavior compat #892 (@olleolleolle)
* Fix Ruby warnings in Faraday::Options.memoized #962 (@technoweenie)
* Allow setting min/max SSL version for a Net::HTTP::Persistent connection #972, \ 
#973 (@bdewater, @olleolleolle)
* Fix instances of frozen empty string literals #1040 (@BobbyMcWho)
* remove temp_proxy and improve proxy tests #1063 (@technoweenie)
* improve error initializer consistency #1095 (@technoweenie)


* Convert minitest suite to RSpec #832 (@iMacTia, with help from @gaynetdinov, \ 
@Insti, @technoweenie)
* Major effort to update code to RuboCop standards. #854 (@olleolleolle, \ 
@iMacTia, @technoweenie, @htwroclau, @jherdman, @Drenmi, @Insti)
* Rubocop #1044, #1047 (@BobbyMcWho, @olleolleolle)
* Documentation tweaks (@adsteel, @Hubro, @iMacTia, @olleolleolle, @technoweenie)
* Update license year #981 (@Kevin-Kawai)
* Configure Jekyll plugin jekyll-remote-theme to support Docker usage #999 \ 
* Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings #1009 (@tenderlove)
* Cleanup adapter connections #1023 (@technoweenie)
* Describe clearing cached stubs #1045 (@viraptor)
* Add project metadata to the gemspec #1046 (@orien)
   2020-03-21 18:07:23 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 0.17.3

Update ruby-faraday to 0.17.3.  This is not latest version of faraday but
www/ruby-faraday_middleware require prior to 1.0.

## v0.17.3


* Reverts changes in error classes hierarchy. #1092 (@iMacTia)
* Fix Ruby 1.9 syntax errors and improve Error class testing #1094 (@BanzaiMan,
  @mrexox, @technoweenie)


* Stops using `&` for block forwarding. #1083 (@olleolleolle)
* Update CI to test against ruby 2.0-2.7 #1087, #1099 (@iMacTia, @olleolleolle,
* require FARADAY_DEPRECATE=warn to show Faraday v1.0 deprecation warnings
  #1098 (@technoweenie)

## v0.17.1

Final release before Faraday v1.0, with important fixes for Ruby 2.7.


* RaiseError response middleware raises exception if HTTP client returns a nil
  status. (#1042)


* Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings (#1009)
* Add `Faraday::Deprecate` to warn about upcoming v1.0 changes. (#1054, #1059,
    #1076, #1077)
* Add release notes up to current in (#1066)
* Port minimal rspec suite from main branch to run backported tests. (#1058)

## v0.17.0

This release is the same as v0.15.4. It was pushed to cover up releases

## v0.15.4

* Expose `pool_size` as a option for the NetHttpPersistent adapter (#834)
   2018-09-23 18:51:55 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 0.15.3

0.15.3 (2018/09/19)

* Make Faraday::Request serialisable with Marshal. (#803)
* Add DEFAULT_EXCEPTIONS constant to Request::Retry (#814)
* Add support for Ruby 2.6 Net::HTTP write_timeout (#824)

0.15.2 (2018/05/23)

* Prevents Net::HTTP adapters to retry request internally by setting
  max_retries to 0 if available (Ruby 2.5+). (#799)
* Fixes NestedParamsEncoder handling of empty array values (#801)

0.15.1 (2018/05/10)

* NetHttpPersistent adapter better reuse of SSL connections (#793)
* Refactor: inline cached_connection (#797)
* Logger middleware: use $stdout instead of STDOUT (#794)
* Fix: do not memoize/reuse Patron session (#796)

Also in this release:

* Allow setting min/max ssl version for Net::HTTP (#792)
* Allow setting min/max ssl version for Excon (#795)

0.15.0 (2018/04/19)


* Added retry block option to retry middleware. (#770)
* Retry middleware improvements (honour Retry-After header, retry statuses)
* Improve response logger middleware output (#784)


* Remove unused class error (#767)
* Fix minor typo in README (#760)
* Reuse persistent connections when using net-http-persistent (#778)
* Fix Retry middleware documentation (#781)
* Returns the http response when giving up on retrying by status (#783)
   2018-03-17 17:15:07 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-faraday: update to 0.14.0

Faraday 0.14.0					2018/01/20

* If proxy is manually provided, this takes priority over find_proxy (#724)
* Allow overriding env proxy (#754)
* Fixes the behaviour for Excon's open_timeout (not setting write_timeout
  anymore) (#731)
* Remove Typhoeus adapter (#715)
* External Typhoeus Adapter Compatibility (#748)
* Warn about missing adapter when making a request (#743)
* Faraday::Adapter::Test stubs now support entire urls (with host) (#741)
* Handle all connection timeout messages in Patron (#687)
   2017-09-11 16:52:27 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update ruby-faraday to 0.13.1.

0.13.1 (2017/8/18)

* Fixes an incompatibility with Addressable::URI being used as uri_parser

0.13.0 (2017/8/15)

* Dynamically reloads the proxy when performing a request on an absolute
  domain (#701)
* Prefer #hostname over #host. (#714)
* Adapter support for Net::HTTP::Persistent v3.0.0 (#619)
* Fixes an edge-case issue with response headers parsing (missing HTTP header)

0.12.2 (2017/07/21)

* Parse headers from aggregated proxy requests/responses (#681)
* Guard against invalid middleware configuration with warning (#685)
* Do not use :insecure option by default in Patron (#691)
* Fixes an issue with HTTPClient not raising a Faraday::ConnectionFailed
* Fixes YAML serialization/deserialization for Faraday::Utils::Headers (#690)
* Fixes an issue with Options having a nil value (#694)
* Fixes an issue with Faraday.default_connection not using
  Faraday.default_connection_options (#698)
* Fixes an issue with Options.merge! and Faraday instrumentation middleware

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