./databases/prometheus, The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 2.55.1nb1, Package name: prometheus-2.55.1nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.

Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and
service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at
given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and
can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.

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Filesize: 6220.813 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-07 21:54:34 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (190) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go124 update

I realize I forgot to do the revbump after updating the default Go
version to 1.24, so let's do that now.
   2024-11-11 09:18:04 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
prometheus: update to 2.55.1.

## 2.55.1 / 2024-01-04

* [BUGFIX] `round()` function did not remove `__name__` label. #15250
   2024-11-04 19:21:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package updated
Log message:
prometheus: update to 2.55.0.

## 2.55.0 / 2024-10-22

* [FEATURE] PromQL: Add experimental `info` function. #14495
* [FEATURE] Support UTF-8 characters in label names - feature flag `utf8-names`. \ 
#14482, #14880, #14736, #14727
* [FEATURE] Scraping: Add the ability to set custom `http_headers` in config. #14817
* [FEATURE] Scraping: Support feature flag `created-timestamp-zero-ingestion` in \ 
OpenMetrics. #14356, #14815
* [FEATURE] Scraping: `scrape_failure_log_file` option to log failures to a \ 
file. #14734
* [FEATURE] OTLP receiver: Optional promotion of resource attributes to series \ 
labels. #14200
* [FEATURE] Remote-Write: Support Google Cloud Monitoring authorization. #14346
* [FEATURE] Promtool: `tsdb create-blocks` new option to add labels. #14403
* [FEATURE] Promtool: `promtool test` adds `--junit` flag to format results. #14506
* [FEATURE] TSDB: Add `delayed-compaction` feature flag, for people running many \ 
Prometheus to randomize timing. #12532
* [ENHANCEMENT] OTLP receiver: Warn on exponential histograms with zero count \ 
and non-zero sum. #14706
* [ENHANCEMENT] OTLP receiver: Interrupt translation on context \ 
cancellation/timeout. #14612
* [ENHANCEMENT] Remote Read client: Enable streaming remote read if the server \ 
supports it. #11379
* [ENHANCEMENT] Remote-Write: Don't reshard if we haven't successfully sent a \ 
sample since last update. #14450
* [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Delay deletion of `__name__` label to the end of the \ 
query evaluation. This is **experimental** and enabled under the feature-flag \ 
`promql-delayed-name-removal`. #14477
* [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Experimental `sort_by_label` and `sort_by_label_desc` \ 
sort by all labels when label is equal. #14655, #14985
* [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Clarify error message logged when Go runtime panic \ 
occurs during query evaluation. #14621
* [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Use Kahan summation for better accuracy in `avg` and \ 
`avg_over_time`. #14413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Tracing: Improve PromQL tracing, including showing the operation \ 
performed for aggregates, operators, and calls. #14816
* [ENHANCEMENT] API: Support multiple listening addresses. #14665
* [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Backward compatibility with upcoming index v3. #14934
* [PERF] TSDB: Query in-order and out-of-order series together. #14354, #14693, \ 
#14714, #14831, #14874, #14948, #15120
* [PERF] TSDB: Streamline reading of overlapping out-of-order head chunks. #14729
* [BUGFIX] PromQL: make sort_by_label stable. #14985
* [BUGFIX] SD: Fix dropping targets (with feature flag \ 
`new-service-discovery-manager`). #13147
* [BUGFIX] SD: Stop storing stale targets (with feature flag \ 
`new-service-discovery-manager`). #13622
* [BUGFIX] Scraping: exemplars could be dropped in protobuf scraping. #14810
* [BUGFIX] Remote-Write: fix metadata sending for experimental Remote-Write V2. \ 
* [BUGFIX] Remote-Write: Return 4xx not 5xx when timeseries has duplicate label. \ 
* [BUGFIX] Experimental Native Histograms: many fixes for incorrect results, \ 
panics, warnings. #14513, #14575, #14598, #14609, #14611, #14771, #14821
* [BUGFIX] TSDB: Only count unknown record types in \ 
`record_decode_failures_total` metric. #14042
   2024-09-21 12:32:46 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package updated
Log message:
prometheus: update to 2.54.1.


    [BUGFIX] Scraping: allow multiple samples on same series, with explicit \ 
timestamps. #14685
    [BUGFIX] Docker SD: fix crash in match_first_network mode when container is \ 
reconnected to a new network. #14654
    [BUGFIX] PromQL: fix experimental native histogram counter reset detection \ 
on stale samples. #14514
    [BUGFIX] PromQL: fix experimental native histograms getting corrupted due to \ 
vector selector bug in range queries. #14538
    [BUGFIX] PromQL: fix experimental native histogram memory corruption when \ 
using histogram_count or histogram_sum. #14605


Release 2.54 brings a release candidate of a major new version of Remote Write: 2.0.
This is experimental at this time and may still change.
Remote-write v2 is enabled by default, but can be disabled via feature-flag \ 

    [CHANGE] Remote-Write: highest_timestamp_in_seconds and \ 
queue_highest_sent_timestamp_seconds metrics now initialized to 0. #14437
    [CHANGE] API: Split warnings from info annotations in API response. #14327
    [FEATURE] Remote-Write: Version 2.0 experimental, plus metadata in WAL via \ 
feature flag metadata-wal-records (defaults on). #14395,#14427,#14444
    [FEATURE] PromQL: add limitk() and limit_ratio() aggregation operators. #12503
    [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Accept underscores in literal numbers, e.g. 1_000_000 \ 
for 1 million. #12821
    [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: float literal numbers and durations are now \ 
interchangeable (experimental). Example: time() - my_timestamp > 10m. #9138
    [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: use Kahan summation for sum(). #14074,#14362
    [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL (experimental native histograms): Optimize \ 
histogram_count and histogram_sum functions. #14097
    [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Better support for out-of-order experimental native \ 
histogram samples. #14438
    [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Optimise seek within index. #14393
    [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Optimise deletion of stale series. #14307
    [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Reduce locking to optimise adding and removing series. \ 
    [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Small optimisation: streamline special handling for \ 
out-of-order data. #14396,#14584
    [ENHANCEMENT] Regexps: Optimize patterns with multiple prefixes. #13843,#14368
    [ENHANCEMENT] Regexps: Optimize patterns containing multiple literal \ 
strings. #14173
    [ENHANCEMENT] AWS SD: expose Primary IPv6 addresses as \ 
__meta_ec2_primary_ipv6_addresses. #14156
    [ENHANCEMENT] Docker SD: add MatchFirstNetwork for containers with multiple \ 
networks. #10490
    [ENHANCEMENT] OpenStack SD: Use flavor.original_name if available. #14312
    [ENHANCEMENT] UI (experimental native histograms): more accurate \ 
representation. #13680,#14430
    [ENHANCEMENT] Agent: out_of_order_time_window config option now applies to \ 
agent. #14094
    [ENHANCEMENT] Notifier: Send any outstanding Alertmanager notifications when \ 
shutting down. #14290
    [ENHANCEMENT] Rules: Add label-matcher support to Rules API. #10194
    [ENHANCEMENT] HTTP API: Add url to message logged on error while sending \ 
response. #14209
    [BUGFIX] CLI: escape | characters when generating docs. #14420
    [BUGFIX] PromQL (experimental native histograms): Fix some binary operators \ 
between native histogram values. #14454
    [BUGFIX] TSDB: LabelNames API could fail during compaction. #14279
    [BUGFIX] TSDB: Fix rare issue where pending OOO read can be left dangling if \ 
creating querier fails. #14341
    [BUGFIX] TSDB: fix check for context cancellation in LabelNamesFor. #14302
    [BUGFIX] Rules: Fix rare panic on reload. #14366
    [BUGFIX] Config: In YAML marshalling, do not output a regexp field if it was \ 
never set. #14004
    [BUGFIX] Remote-Write: reject samples with future timestamps. #14304
    [BUGFIX] Remote-Write: Fix data corruption in remote write if max_sample_age \ 
is applied. #14078
    [BUGFIX] Notifier: Fix Alertmanager discovery not updating under heavy load. \ 
    [BUGFIX] Regexes: some Unicode characters were not matched by \ 
case-insensitive comparison. #14170,#14299
    [BUGFIX] Remote-Read: Resolve occasional segmentation fault on query. #14515
   2024-09-06 20:49:02 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (180) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after go122 update
   2024-08-11 17:57:15 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (176) | Package updated
Log message:
Revbump all Go packages after update
   2024-07-25 18:02:56 by Tobias Nygren | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
prometheus: don't overwrite logfile on restart
   2024-07-25 16:41:32 by Tobias Nygren | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
prometheus: don't add VARBASE to BUILD_DEFS twice