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The following packages where found to depend on lang/python27Previous - Results
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Next- wip/py-sexy, Required to run
- wip/rust, Required to run
- wip/pythoncad, Required to run
- wip/py-angr, Required to run
- wip/rope, Required to run
- wip/py-arrow, Required to run
- wip/py-altgraph, Required to run
- wip/py-readlike, Required to run
- wip/py-editor, Required to run
- wip/py-theano, Required to run
- wip/py-qwt, Required to run
- wip/kdelibs4support, Required to build
- wip/uhd, Required to run
- wip/py-jxmlease, Required to run
- wip/py-gds, Required to run
- wip/gnubg, Required to run
- wip/cvs20hg, Required to run
- wip/py-simulators, Required to run
- wip/doxygen, Required to run
- wip/, Required to run
- wip/navit-current, Required to run
- wip/py-certbot, Required to run
- wip/py-kombu, Required to run
- wip/libgtask, Required to run
- wip/chronograf, Required to build
- wip/bleachbit, Required to run
- wip/py-pydot, Required to run
- wip/py-gnucash, Required to run
- wip/py-ioflo, Required to run
- wip/v8, Required to run
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