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Apache Projects software project management and comprehension tool
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 3.8.6,
Package name: apache-maven-3.8.6,
Maintainer: yyamanoMaven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven
can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from
a central piece of information.
Required to run:[
Required to build:[
Master sites: (Expand)
Version history: (Expand)
- (2022-12-08) Updated to version: apache-maven-3.8.6
- (2021-10-08) Updated to version: apache-maven-3.8.3
- (2020-06-29) Updated to version: apache-maven-3.6.3
- (2020-05-22) Updated to version: apache-maven-3.5.4nb1
- (2018-08-21) Updated to version: apache-maven-3.5.4
- (2018-06-04) Updated to version: apache-maven-3.5.3
CVS history: (Expand)
2022-12-08 13:28:41 by Amitai Schleier | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Update to 3.8.6. From the changelog:
** Bug
* [[MNG-7432](] - [REGRESSION] \
Resolver session contains non-MavenWorkspaceReader
* [[MNG-7433](] - [REGRESSION] \
Multiple maven instances working on same source tree can lock each other
* [[MNG-7441](] - Update \
Version of (optional) Logback to Address CVE-2021-42550
* [[MNG-7448](] - Don't ignore \
bin/ otherwise bin/ in apache-maven module cannot be readded
* [[MNG-7455](] - [REGRESSION] \
IllegalStateException in SessionScope during guice injection in multithreaded \
* [[MNG-7459](] - Revert \
MNG-7347 (SessionScoped beans should be singletons for a given session)
* [[MNG-7467](] - [REGRESSION] \
Compilation failure with relocated transitive dependency
* [[MNG-7487](] - Fix deadlock \
during forked lifecycle executions
* [[MNG-7493](] - [REGRESSION] \
Resolving dependencies between submodules fails
** New Feature
* [[MNG-7486](] - Create a \
multiline message helper for boxed log messages
** Improvement
* [[MNG-7445](] - to refactor \
some useless code
* [[MNG-7476](] - Display a \
warning when an aggregator mojo is locking other mojo executions
** Task
* [[MNG-7466](] - Align \
Assembly Descriptor NS versions
** Dependency upgrade
* [[MNG-7488](] - Upgrade SLF4J \
to 1.7.36
* [[MNG-7489](] - Upgrade JUnit \
to 4.13.2
* [[MNG-7490](] - Upgrade \
Plexus Utils to 3.3.1
** Bug
* [[MNG-5180](] - Versioning's \
snapshot version list is not included in metadata merge
* [[MNG-5561](] - Plugin \
relocation loses configuration
* [[MNG-5982](] - The POM for \
... is invalid, transitive dependencies ... while property was overriden
* [[MNG-6326](] - Build \
continues when core extensions aren't found
* [[MNG-6727](] - Using version \
range in parent and CI Friendly Version fails
* [[MNG-6802](] - \
FileProfileActivator changes FileProfileActivator.exists which lets flattened \
resolveCiFriendliesOnly depending fail activating profile
* [[MNG-7156](] - Parallel \
build can cause issues between clean and forked goals
* [[MNG-7335](] - [Regression] \
Parallel build fails due to missing JAR artifacts in compilePath
* [[MNG-7347](] - SessionScoped \
beans should be singletons for a given session
* [[MNG-7357](] - All Maven \
Core JARs have unusual entry order
* [[MNG-7362](] - \
DefaultArtifactResolver has spurious "Failure detected" INFO log
* [[MNG-7374](] - Mutating \
RelocatedArtifact does not retain type
* [[MNG-7386](] - \
ModelMerger$MergingList is not serializable
* [[MNG-7402](] - \
BuildListCalculator never detaches the classloader
* [[MNG-7417](] - Several \
classes do not set properties properly for building requests
** New Feature
* [[MNG-7395](] - Support \
interpolation in extensions.xml
* [[MNG-7407](] - Introduce a \
ModelVersionProcessor component to make CI Friendly Versions pluggable
** Improvement
* [[MNG-6960](] - Use \
RuntimeInformation instead of reading properties
* [[MNG-7349](] - Limit \
relocation warning message to direct dependencies only
* [[MNG-7380](] - Don't log \
non-threadsafe warning if only building a single module
* [[MNG-7381](] - Shorten \
parallel builder thread name to artifactId, conditionally with groupId
* [[MNG-7385](] - Improve \
documentation on repository metadata
* [[MNG-7400](] - Allow more \
WorkspaceReaders to participate
* [[MNG-7408](] - Explain \
reporting plugin version automatic selection (in Maven 3)
** Dependency upgrade
* [[MNG-7370](] - Upgrade Maven \
Wagon to 3.5.1
* [[MNG-7384](] - Upgrade Maven \
JAR Plugin to 3.2.2
* [[MNG-7428](] - Upgrade Maven \
Parent to 35
** Bug
* [[MNG-7270](] - Maven startup \
script (init) calls which(1) which is an external command
* [[MNG-7285](] - [Regression] \
MavenProject.getArtifacts() not returning correct value across multiple threads
* [[MNG-7300](] - [Regression] \
Reloading web application (Enter) fails due to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
** Task
* [[MNG-7312](] - Revert \
ThreadLocal approach from MNG-6843 and MNG-7251
** Dependency upgrade
* [[MNG-7331](] - Upgrade Jansi \
to 2.4.0
2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016) |
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Could not be committed due to merge conflict:
The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched
./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
2021-10-08 17:08:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
apache-maven: update to 3.8.3.
** Bug
* [MNG-7045] - Drop CDI API from Maven
* [MNG-7214] - Bad transitive dependency parent from CDI API
* [MNG-7215] - [Regression] Maven Site Plugin cannot resolve parent site \
descriptor without locale
* [MNG-7216] - Revert MNG-7170
* [MNG-7218] - [Regression] o.a.m.model.Build.getSourceDirectory() \
incorrectly returns absolute dir on 3.8.2
* [MNG-7219] - [Regression] plexus-cipher missing from transitive dependencies
* [MNG-7220] - [REGRESSION] test-classpath incorrectly resolved
* [MNG-7251] - Fix threadLocalArtifactsHolder leaking into cloned project
* [MNG-7253] - Relocation message is never shown
** New Feature
* [MNG-7164] - Add constructor MojoExecutionException(Throwable)
** Improvement
* [MNG-7235] - Speed improvements when calculating the sorted project graph
* [MNG-7236] - The DefaultPluginVersionResolver should cache results for \
the session
** Task
* [MNG-7252] - Fix warnings issued by dependency:analyze
* [MNG-7254] - Expand Windows native libraries for Jansi due to JDK-8195129 \
** Sub-task
* [MNG-6281] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caused by pom.xml with \
invalid/duplicate XML
** Bug
* [MNG-4706] - Multithreaded building can create bad files for downloaded \
artifacts in local repository
* [MNG-5307] - NPE during resolution of dependencies - parallel mode
* [MNG-5315] - Artifact resolution sporadically fails in parallel builds
* [MNG-5838] - Maven on No-File-Lock Systems
* [MNG-5868] - Adding serval times the same artifact via MavenProjectHelper \
(attachArtifact) keep adding to the List duplicate artifacts
* [MNG-6071] - GetResource ('/) returns 'null' if build is started with -f
* [MNG-6216] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing POM
* [MNG-6239] - Jansi messes up System.err and System.out
* [MNG-6380] - Option -Dstyle.color=always doesn't force color output
* [MNG-6604] - Intermittent failures while downloading GAVs from Nexus
* [MNG-6648] - 'mavenrc_pre' script does not receive arguments like mavenrc \
in Bourne shell does
* [MNG-6719] - mvn color output escape keys w/ "| tee xxx.log" on \
Win with git/bash
* [MNG-6737] - StackOverflowError when version ranges are unsolvable and \
graph contains a cycle
* [MNG-6767] - Plugin with ${project.groupId} resolved improperly
* [MNG-6819] - NullPointerException for DefaultArtifactDescriptorReader.loadPom
* [MNG-6828] - DependencyResolutionException breaks serialization
* [MNG-6842] - ProjectBuilderTest uses Guava, but Guava is not defined in \
* [MNG-6843] - Parallel build fails due to missing JAR artifacts in compilePath
* [MNG-6850] - Prevent printing the EXEC_DIR when it's just a disk letter
* [MNG-6921] - Maven compile with properties ${artifactId} and \
${} occurs java.lang.NullPointerException
* [MNG-6937] - StringSearchModelInterpolatorTest fails on symlinked paths
* [MNG-6964] - Maven version sorting is internally inconsistent
* [MNG-6983] - Plugin key can get out of sync with artifactId and groupId
* [MNG-7000] - metadata.mdo contains invalid link to schema
* [MNG-7032] - Option -B still showing formatting when used with --version
* [MNG-7034] - StackOverflowError thrown if a cycle exists in BOM imports
* [MNG-7090] - mvnDebug does not work on Java 11+
* [MNG-7127] - NullPointerException in MavenCliTest.testStyleColors in JDK 16
* [MNG-7155] - make sources jar reproducible (upgrade maven-source-plugin \
to 3.2.1)
* [MNG-7161] - Error thrown during uninstalling of JAnsi
** New Feature
* [MNG-7149] - Introduce MAVEN_DEBUG_ADDRESS in mvnDebug scripts
** Improvement
* [MNG-2802] - Concurrent-safe access to local Maven repository
* [MNG-6471] - Parallel builder should use the module name as thread name
* [MNG-6754] - Set the same timestamp in multi module builds
* [MNG-6810] - Remove profiles in maven-model
* [MNG-6811] - Remove unnecessary filtering configuration
* [MNG-6816] - Prefer System.lineSeparator() over system properties
* [MNG-6827] - Replace deprecated StringUtils#defaultString() from Plexus Utils
* [MNG-6837] - Simplify detection of the MAVEN_HOME and make it fully \
qualified on Windows
* [MNG-6844] - Use StandardCharsets and remove outdated @SuppressWarnings
* [MNG-6853] - Don't box primitives where it's not needed
* [MNG-6859] - Build not easily reproducible when built from source release \
* [MNG-6873] - Inconsistent library versions notice
* [MNG-6967] - Improve the command line output from maven-artifact
* [MNG-6987] - Reorder groupId before artifactId when writing an exclusion \
using maven-model
* [MNG-7010] - Omit "NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a \
JRE" except when that is the problem
* [MNG-7064] - Use HTTPS for schema location in global settings.xml
* [MNG-7080] - Add a --color option
* [MNG-7170] - Allow to associate pomFile/${basedir} with \, ...)
* [MNG-7180] - Make --color option behave more like BSD/GNU grep's --color \
* [MNG-7181] - Make --version support -q
* [MNG-7185] - Describe explicit and recommended version for \
* [MNG-7190] - Load mavenrc from /usr/local/etc also in Bourne shell script
** Task
* [MNG-6598] - Maven 3.6.0 and Surefire problem
* [MNG-6884] - Cleanup POM File after version upgrade
* [MNG-7172] - Remove expansion of Jansi native libraries
* [MNG-7184] - document .mavenrc/maven_pre.bat|cmd scripts and
MAVEN_SKIP_RC environment variable
This release with CVE fixes is a result based on the findings and feedback of \
Jonathan Leitschuh
and Olaf Flebbe.
One of the changes that might impact your builds is the way custom repositories \
defined in
dependency POMs will be handled.
By default external insecure repositories will now be blocked (localhost over \
HTTP will still
Configuration can be adjusted via the conf/settings.xml.
Release Notes - Maven - Version 3.8.1
** Bug
* [MNG-7128] - improve error message when blocked repository defined in build POM
** New Feature
* [MNG-7116] - Add support for mirror selector on external:http:*
* [MNG-7117] - Add support for blocking mirrors
* [MNG-7118] - Block external HTTP repositories by default
** Dependency upgrade
* [MNG-7119] - Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.4.3
* [MNG-7123] - Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.6.2
2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017) |
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2020-06-29 14:39:55 by Yuji Yamano | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update apache-maven to 3.6.3. Closes PR pkg/55221.
The patch is provided by Vicente Chaves. Thank you!
Changes from Maven 3.6.2 to 3.6.3
* This is a regression release to fix some critical issues shipped with 3.6.2.
* Some license issues on binary distribution have been fixed.
* This Maven distribution is now Reproducible: if you download Maven source
archive ( or .tar.gz), build it on Windows with
JDK 8 using following command:
See for the detailed \
issue list.
Changes from Maven 3.6.1 to 3.6.2
* This release focuses mostly performance improvements, better memory footprint,
and less CPU usage.
* We are continuing to convert Maven Core to use JSR 330 annotations instead of
Plexus (still not finished, see MNG-5577).
* New support for 'release' qualifier (see MNG-6655).
* The toolchain.xml file supports environment variables (see MNG-6665).
See for the detailed \
issue list.
Changes from Maven 3.6.0 to 3.6.1
* An issue has been fixed causing multiple executions of plugin goals, related
to using parallel build options like mvn plugin:goal -T 4. This resulted in
duplicated executions of phases. This has been fixed with MNG-5965.
* NullPointerException related to call in parallel build like mvn -T 1C clean
javadoc:aggregate MNG-5705
* A performance issue related to artifact transfer has been found related to
WAGON-537. It has been solved via the update to Maven Wagon 3.3.1.
* There had been issues related calling Maven script like this: mvn -f ..
* Having parentheses within the path, which has been fixed with MNG-6346.
* Script can break having special characters as part of the path, which has been
solved with MNG-6256.
* Issue related to the Maven Resolver API which broke some IDEs (for example; this has been fixed by MNG-6538.
* Issue related to missing event for ToolchainsBuildingResult on EventSpy MNG-6558.
* Issue related to support Java 9+ ClassLoader.findClass(String moduleName,
String name) in Mojos. This has been fixed with MNG-6543.
* Improvement about the memory consumption has been done with MNG-6571.
* Issue related to relative parent POM resolution failing in 3.5.0 with complex
multimodule builds has been fixed with MNG-6261.
* Missing export for org.slf4j.event.Level has been done with MNG-6618
See for the detailed \
issue list.
# Changes from Maven 3.5.4 to 3.6.0
* There had been issues related to the project discoverytime which has been
increased in previous version which influenced some of our users. This should
have been fixed MNG-6311, MNG-6383 and MNG-6412.
* The output in the reactor summary has been improved MNG-6391 cause it confused
* There was an issue related to the classpath ordering MNG-6415 in Maven which
can cause issues which has been fixed.
See for the detailed \
issue list.
2020-05-22 06:31:48 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
apache-maven: darwin needs to be initialised to false.
2020-01-19 00:36:14 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (3046) |
Log message:
all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to https
pkglint --only "https instead of http" -r -F
With manual adjustments afterwards since pkglint 19.4.4 fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines.
This mainly affects projects hosted at SourceForce, as well as, CTAN and GNU.
2018-08-21 17:22:01 by Patrick Welche | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update apache-maven to 3.5.4
Overview about the changes
This release is primarily aimed to resolve the two regressions
introduced in the 3.5.3 release, specifically MNG-6372 and MNG-6388.
There are some additional minor improvements, the most notable of which
* The Maven Super POM changes the default execution of the
maven-source-plugin jar goal into jar-no-fork which should resolve
some issues complex projects had running releases.
The detailed issue list
* MNG-6370 ConcurrencyDependencyGraph#getNumberOfBuilds() does not
remove finished projects from unfinished ones
* MNG-6372 On Windows Maven can output spurious ANSI escapes such as
[0m [0m
* MNG-6382 JANSI fails frequently with NumberFormatException when
building in parallel
* MNG-6386 ${project.baseUri} is not a valid URI (according to RFC
* MNG-6388 Error Fetching Artifacts: “[B cannot be cast to
* MNG-6403 Artifact#VERSION_FILE_PATTERN does not escape period
between date and time
* MNG-6410 Add groupId to --resume-from suggestion if artifactId is
not unique in reactor
* MNG-5756 Java home output in mvn -v is misleading
* MNG-5940 Change the maven-source-plugin jar goal into jar-no-fork
in Maven Super POM
* MNG-6362 Add documentation information for GitHub
* MNG-6363 Remove secret thread configuration property from code
* MNG-6364 Enhanced Jenkinsfile to test Core with JDK 9
* MNG-6411 Improve readability of project list returned when
--resume-from option value is invalid
* MNG-6377 switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox
Dependency upgrades
* MNG-6344 Upgrade Guice to 4.2.0
* MNG-6423 Upgrade to Wagon 3.1.0