./devel/hs-stm-chans, Additional types of channels for STM

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: hs-stm-chans-, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This package offers a collection of channel types, similar to
Control.Concurrent.STM.{TChan,TQueue} but with additional features. In
particular we offer the following data types:

Bounded FIFO channels. When the channel is full, writers will
block/retry. This ensures that the writers do not get too far ahead of
the readers, which helps to make sure that memory and cpu resources are
used responsibly.

Closeable FIFO channels.

Closeable FIFO queues. Like TChan (Maybe a) but with a monotonicity
guarantee that once Nothing is returned all future reads will be
Nothing as well.

Bounded Closeable FIFO channels.

Bounded Closeable FIFO queues. Combines the capabilities of TBChan and

Master sites:

Filesize: 9.753 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-05 04:40:14 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
recursive revbump after patching lang/ghc910
   2025-02-02 14:06:08 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
Bump all Haskell packages after switching the default compiler.
   2024-05-09 03:32:57 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1137)
Log message:
Recursive revbump after changing the default Haskell compiler
   2024-04-28 22:20:44 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
devel/hs-stm-chans: Fix build with GHC 9.8

This breaks build with the currently default GHC 9.6. Please bear with me
until I switch the default compiler.
   2023-11-02 07:37:49 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1141)
Log message:
Revbump all Haskell after updating lang/ghc96
   2023-10-25 20:00:02 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
devel/hs-stm-chans: Update to (2023-03-19):
    - Added `Tested-With: GHC == 9.6.1` (didn't actually need to
      nudge the upper bound on 'base', because it's already lenient) (2022-08-28):
    - Added `Tested-With: GHC == 9.4.1` (didn't actually need to
      nudge the upper bound on 'base', because it's already lenient) (2021-11-22):
    - Added `Tested-With: GHC == 9.2.1` (didn't actually need to
      nudge the upper bound on 'base', because it's already lenient)
   2023-10-09 06:55:01 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (988)
Log message:
Bump Haskell packages after updating lang/ghc94
   2022-02-26 04:58:36 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (872)
Log message:
Bump all Haskell packages after enabling "split sections" in mk/haskell.mk