./devel/hs-th-abstraction, Nicer interface for reified information about data types

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: hs-th-abstraction-, Maintainer: pho

This package normalizes variations in the interface for inspecting
datatype information via Template Haskell so that packages and support
a single, easier to use informational datatype while supporting many
versions of Template Haskell.

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Filesize: 44.363 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-05 04:40:14 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
recursive revbump after patching lang/ghc910
   2025-02-02 14:06:08 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
Bump all Haskell packages after switching the default compiler.
   2025-01-29 20:19:35 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/hs-th-abstraction: update to th-abstraction-

## -- 2024.12.05
* Drop support for pre-8.0 versions of GHC.
   2024-05-09 03:32:57 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1137)
Log message:
Recursive revbump after changing the default Haskell compiler
   2024-05-05 15:05:54 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
devel/hs-th-abstraction: Update buildlink3.mk
   2024-05-03 01:23:12 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
hs-th-abstraction: update to

## -- 2024.03.17
* `DatatypeInfo` now has an additional `datatypeReturnKind` field. Most of the
  time, this will be `StarT`, but this can also be more exotic kinds such as
  `ConT ''UnliftedType` if dealing with primitive types, `UnliftedDatatypes`,
  or `UnliftedNewtypes`.
* `reifyDatatype` and related functions now support primitive types such as
  `Int#`. These will be reified as `DatatypeInfo`s with no `ConstructorInfo`s
  and with `Datatype` as the `datatypeVariant`.
* `normalizeCon` now takes a `Kind` argument representing the return kind of
  the parent data type. (This is sometimes necessary to determine which type
  variables in the data constructor are universal or existential, depending
  on if the variables appear in the return kind.)
* Fix a couple of bugs in which `normalizeDec` would return incorrect results
  for GADTs that use `forall`s in their return kind.
   2023-11-02 07:37:49 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1141)
Log message:
Revbump all Haskell after updating lang/ghc96
   2023-10-27 08:20:29 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
devel/hs-th-abstraction: Update to

The release note is too long to paste here. See: