./devel/hs-vector, Efficient Arrays for Haskell

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: hs-vector-, Maintainer: pho

An efficient implementation of Int-indexed arrays (both mutable and
immutable), with a powerful loop fusion optimization framework.

It is structured as follows:
* Data.Vector
Boxed vectors of arbitrary types.
* Data.Vector.Unboxed
Unboxed vectors with an adaptive representation based on data type
* Data.Vector.Storable
Unboxed vectors of Storable types.
* Data.Vector.Primitive
Unboxed vectors of primitive types as defined by the primitive
package. Data.Vector.Unboxed is more flexible at no performance
* Data.Vector.Generic
Generic interface to the vector types.

There is also a (draft) tutorial on common uses of vector.
* http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Numeric_Haskell:_A_Vector_Tutorial

Required to run:
[devel/hs-primitive] [lang/ghc88]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 181.386 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-05 04:40:14 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
recursive revbump after patching lang/ghc910
   2025-02-02 14:06:08 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
Bump all Haskell packages after switching the default compiler.
   2025-01-29 18:21:33 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/hs-vector: update to vector-

# Changes in version

 * Strict boxed vector `Data.Vector.Strict` and `Data.Vector.Strict.Mutable` is
   added (#488). it ensures that all values in the vector are evaluated to WHNF.
 * `DoNotUnboxStrict`, `DoNotUnboxLazy`, and `DoNotUnboxNormalForm` wrapper are
   added for defining unbox instances for types that contain not unboxable fields.
 * `spanR` and `breakR` were added \ 
   They allow parsing vector from the right.
 * We had some improvements on `*.Mutable.{next,prev}Permutation{,By}`
   * Add `*.Mutable.prevPermutation{,By}` and `*.Mutable.nextPermutationBy`
   * Improve time performance. We may now expect good specialization supported \ 
by inlining.
     The implementation has also been algorithmically updated: in the previous \ 
     the full enumeration of all the permutations of `[1..n]` took Omega(n*n!), \ 
but it now takes O(n!).
   * Add tests for `{next,prev}Permutation`
   * Add benchmarks for `{next,prev}Permutation`
 * Cabal >= 3.0 is now required for building package (#481).
 * `vector:benchmarks-O2` public sublibrary containing benchmarks is added (#481).
 * Type family `Mutable` provides instances for arrays from `primitive`.
 * Various documentation improvements.
   2024-05-09 03:32:57 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1137)
Log message:
Recursive revbump after changing the default Haskell compiler
   2024-04-29 05:39:34 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
devel/hs-vector: Fix build with GHC 9.8

This breaks build with the currently default GHC 9.6. Please bear with me
until I switch the default compiler.
   2023-11-02 07:37:49 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1141)
Log message:
Revbump all Haskell after updating lang/ghc96
   2023-10-28 19:01:01 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
devel/hs-vector: Update to

Changes in version
* Specialized variants of findIndexR are reexported for all vector
  types. #469
* UnboxViaPrim could be used for deriving Unbox instances (V_UnboxViaPrim
  constructor is exported) #450
* Fields of Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Size are now strict #456
* Compatibility with future GHC 9.10 release #462
* Test suite no longer fails when built with QuickCheck-2.14 #461
* Doctests now work with current versions of GHC #465
* Various documentation improvements
   2023-10-09 06:55:01 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (988)
Log message:
Bump Haskell packages after updating lang/ghc94