./devel/nss, Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.108nb1, Package name: nss-3.108nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support
cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications.
Applications built with NSS can support SSL v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7,
PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and other security

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[databases/sqlite3] [devel/nspr]

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Filesize: 74834.006 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-12 17:34:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package removed
Log message:
devel/nss: The latest misc/libreoffice accepts NSS_DB_TYPE_SQL

* Remove patches related to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1377940
   2025-03-04 10:37:39 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (31)
Log message:
*: Assume that the user has a C99-capable compiler.

A compiler that supports -std=c99 is required for
bootstrap, so it doesn't make sense to specify a c99
compiler everywhere in package makefiles.

At any rate, I would bet my entire life's savings that
this is a small fraction of the total number of packages
requiring c99.

Note that compilers that default to c89 but support c99
are still supported...
   2025-02-11 22:53:28 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
nss: update to 3.108.


   - Bug 1923285 - libclang-16 -> libclang-19
   - Bug 1939086 - Turn off Secure Email Trust Bit for Security
     Communication ECC RootCA1.
   - Bug 1937332 - Turn off Secure Email Trust Bit for BJCA Global Root CA1
     and BJCA Global Root CA2.
   - Bug 1915902 - Remove SwissSign Silver CA – G2.
   - Bug 1938245 - Add D-Trust 2023 TLS Roots to NSS
   - Bug 1942301 - fix fips test failure on windows.
   - Bug 1935925 - change default sensitivity of KEM keys.
   - Bug 1936001 - Part 1: Introduce frida hooks and script,
   - Bug 1942350 - add missing arm_neon.h include to gcm.c.
   - Bug 1831552 - ci: update windows workers to win2022
     r=nss-reviewers,nkulatova NSS_3_108_BETA2
   - Bug 1831552 - strip trailing carriage returns in tools tests
   - Bug 1880256 - work around unix/windows path translation issues in cert
     test script r=nss-reviewers,nkulatova
   - Bug 1831552 - ci: let the windows setup script work without $m
   - Bug 1880255 - detect msys r=nss-reviewers,nkulatova
   - Bug 1936680 - add a specialized CTR_Update variant for AES-GCM.
   - Bug 1930807 NSS policy updates - cavs NSS_3_108_BETA1
   - Bug 1930806 FIPS changes need to be upstreamed: FIPS 140-3 RNG
   - Bug 1930806 FIPS changes need to be upstreamed: Add SafeZero
   - Bug 1930806 FIPS changes need to be upstreamed - updated POST
   - Bug 1933031 Segmentation fault in SECITEM_Hash during pkcs12 processing
   - Bug 1929922 - Extending NSS with LoadModuleFromFunction functionality
   - Bug 1935984 - Ensure zero-initialization of collectArgs.cert,
   - Bug 1934526 - pkcs7 fuzz target use CERT_DestroyCertificate,
   - Bug 1915898 - Fix actual underlying ODR violations issue,
   - Bug 1184059 - mozilla::pkix: allow reference ID labels to begin and/or
     end with hyphens r=jschanck
   - Bug 1927953 - don't look for secmod.db in nssutil_ReadSecmodDB if
     NSS_DISABLE_DBM is set r=jschanck
   - Bug 1934526 - Fix memory leak in pkcs7 fuzz target,
   - Bug 1934529 - Set -O2 for ASan builds in CI, r=djackson,nss-reviewers
   - Bug 1934543 - Change branch of tlsfuzzer dependency,
   - Bug 1915898 - Run tests in CI for ASan builds with
     detect_odr_violation=1, r=djackson,nss-reviewers
   - Bug 1934241 - Fix coverage failure in CI, r=djackson,nss-reviewers
   - Bug 1934213 - Add fuzzing for delegated credentials, DTLS short header
     and Tls13BackendEch, r=djackson,nss-reviewers
   - Bug 1927142 - Add fuzzing for SSL_EnableTls13GreaseEch and
     SSL_SetDtls13VersionWorkaround, r=djackson,nss-reviewers
   - Bug 1913677 - Part 3: Restructure fuzz/, r=djackson,nss-reviewers
   - Bug 1931925 - Extract testcases from ssl gtests for fuzzing,
   - Bug 1923037 - Force Cryptofuzz to use NSS in CI,
   - Bug 1923037 - Fix Cryptofuzz on 32 bit in CI, r=nss-reviewers,nkulatova
   - Bug 1933154 - Update Cryptofuzz repository link,
   - Bug 1926256 - fix build error from 9505f79d r=jschanck
   - Bug 1926256 - simplify error handling in get_token_objects_for_cache.
   - Bug 1931973 - nss doc: fix a warning r=bbeurdouche
   - Bug 1930797 pkcs12 fixes from RHEL need to be picked up.
   2024-11-21 22:03:17 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
nss: update to 3.107.

   - Bug 1923038 - Remove MPI fuzz targets.
   - Bug 1925512 - Remove globals `lockStatus` and `locksEverDisabled`.
   - Bug 1919015 - Enable PKCS8 fuzz target.
   - Bug 1923037 - Integrate Cryptofuzz in CI.
   - Bug 1913677 - Part 2: Set tls server target socket options in config class.
   - Bug 1913677 - Part 1: Set tls client target socket options in config class.
   - Bug 1913680 - Support building with thread sanitizer.
   - Bug 1922392 - set nssckbi version number to 2.72.
   - Bug 1919913 - remove Websites Trust Bit from Entrust Root Certification \ 
Authority - G4.
   - Bug 1920641 - remove Security Communication RootCA3 root cert.
   - Bug 1918559 - remove SecureSign RootCA11 root cert.
   - Bug 1922387 - Add distrust-after for TLS to Entrust Roots.
   - Bug 1927096 - update expected error code in pk12util pbmac1 tests.
   - Bug 1929041 - Use random tstclnt args with handshake collection script.
   - Bug 1920466 - Remove extraneous assert in ssl3gthr.c.
   - Bug 1928402 - Adding missing release notes for NSS_3_105.
   - Bug 1874451 - Enable the disabled mlkem tests for dtls.
   - Bug 1874451 - NSS gtests filter cleans up the constucted buffer before the use.
   - Bug 1925505 - Make ssl_SetDefaultsFromEnvironment thread-safe.
   - Bug 1925503 - Remove short circuit test from ssl_Init.
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-10-25 09:35:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
nss: update to 3.106.


   - Bug 1925975 - NSS 3.106 should be distributed with NSPR 4.36.
   - Bug 1923767 - pk12util: improve error handling in p12U_ReadPKCS12File.
   - Bug 1899402 - Correctly destroy bulkkey in error scenario.
   - Bug 1919997 - PKCS7 fuzz target, r=djackson,nss-reviewers.
   - Bug 1923002 - Extract certificates with handshake collection script.
   - Bug 1923006 - Specify len_control for fuzz targets.
   - Bug 1923280 - Fix memory leak in dumpCertificatePEM.
   - Bug 1102981 - Fix UBSan errors for SECU_PrintCertificate and
   - Bug 1921528 - add new error codes to mozilla::pkix for Firefox to use.
   - Bug 1921768 - allow null phKey in NSC_DeriveKey.
   - Bug 1921801 - Only create seed corpus zip from existing corpus.
   - Bug 1826035 - Use explicit allowlist for for KDF PRFS.
   - Bug 1920138 - Increase optimization level for fuzz builds.
   - Bug 1920470 - Remove incorrect assert.
   - Bug 1914870 - Use libFuzzer options from fuzz/options/\*.options in CI.
   - Bug 1920945 - Polish corpus collection for automation.
   - Bug 1917572 - Detect new and unfuzzed SSL options.
   - Bug 1804646 - PKCS12 fuzzing target.