./devel/ocaml-findlib, Library finder for OCaml

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.9.8nb1, Package name: ocaml-findlib-1.9.8nb1, Maintainer: jaapb

The "findlib" software provides a scheme to manage reusable software
components in the form of libraries, and includes tools that support
this scheme. A library installed as a findlib component is also called
a package. The point is that the findlib scheme allows it to store
metainformation about the library, especially how it can be used in
programs. The packages are kept in the filesystem hierarchy, but the
directory structure is defined by findlib, and there is no way to
deviate from this standard. The library contains functions to look the
directory up that stores a package, to query metainformation about a
package, and to retrieve dependency information about multiple packages.
There is also a tool that allows the user to enter queries on the
command-line. In order to simplify compilation and linkage, there are
new frontends of the various OCaml compilers that can directly deal
with packages.

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Filesize: 268.23 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-16 02:22:05 by David A. Holland | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
ocaml-findlib: add "stublibs" to base directory set.

This fixes some build problems that have appeared in downstream
packages where libraries that live in the "stublibs" directory don't
get found, e.g. the failure in print/advi that came up this past week.

The problem doesn't affect packages using dune and therefore was
somewhat confusing to sort through.

   2025-01-19 19:57:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
ocaml-findlib: update to 1.9.8.

Changes not found.
   2023-01-09 15:24:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (7) | Package removed
Log message:
ocaml-findlib: update to 1.9.6.

Summary of changes not found, 9 months of commits.
   2022-05-24 20:51:57 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (118) | Package updated
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with update of ocaml.

Also change of mk/ocaml.mk to lang/ocaml/ocaml.mk.
   2022-02-02 15:45:18 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package updated
Log message:
ocaml-findlib: update to 1.9.3.

Changes not found.
   2022-02-02 15:35:34 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
ocaml-findlib: use upstream DESTDIR variable called 'prefix'

Bump PKGREVISION to be on the safe side.
   2022-01-23 23:21:45 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
ocaml-findlib: update to 1.9.2.

Changes not found.
   2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016)
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Could not be committed due to merge conflict:

The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched

./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
./devel/eclipse/distinfo eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-3.0.1.zip