./devel/p5-App-cpanminus, Perl5 script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.7048, Package name: p5-App-cpanminus-1.7048, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

cpanminus is a script to get, unpack, build and install modules
from CPAN.

Why? It's dependency free, requires zero configuration, and stands
alone -- but it's maintainable and extensible with plugins and
friendly to shell scripting. When running, it requires only 10MB
of RAM.

Required to run:

Required to build:

Master sites: (Expand)

Filesize: 309.094 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-23 12:29:34 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update to 1.7048

Upstream changes:
1.7048  2024-10-29 11:48:22 PDT
   [Bug Fix]
      - Upgrade fatpacked version to 0.9929 (#682)
   2024-11-16 13:08:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2504)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.40
   2023-12-13 12:40:44 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/p5-App-cpanminus) Updated 1.7044 to 1.7047

See http://github.com/miyagawa/cpanminus/ for the latest development.

1.7047  2023-07-29 22:59:16 PDT
   [Bug Fix]
      - Upgrade fatpacked CPAN::Meta::Check to 0.018 (#662)

1.7046  2022-04-26 23:00:56 PDT
      - Remove git.io URL that's going to be deprecated.

1.7045  2022-01-26 19:03:44 PST
      - [CVE-2020-16154] remove the functionality to verify CHECKSUMS signature
   2023-07-06 11:43:03 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2483)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.38
   2022-06-28 13:38:00 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3952)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.36
   2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016)
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Could not be committed due to merge conflict:

The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched

./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
./devel/eclipse/distinfo eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-3.0.1.zip
   2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017)
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-05-24 21:56:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3575)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.34