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NOTICE: This package has been removed from pkgsrc./
Perl module to parse gzip and zip files and buffers
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 2.015nb1,
Package name: p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.015nb1,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThis module provides a Perl interface to allow reading and writing of RFC
1950, 1951, 1952 (i.e. gzip) and zip files/buffers.
Required to run:[
lang/perl5] [
devel/p5-IO-Compress-Base] [
Master sites: (Expand)
SHA1: a2dd277f083b53d50d683dcf8bff4c7b9177d295
RMD160: 6be8bb18881fd8c2b37f6ec6262e0c3b1ec9c41c
Filesize: 138.329 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2009-04-13) Package deleted from pkgsrc
- (2008-10-20) Updated to version: p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.015nb1
- (2008-10-13) Updated to version: p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.015
- (2008-07-22) Updated to version: p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.012
- (2008-05-29) Updated to version: p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.011
- (2007-12-08) Updated to version: p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.008
CVS history: (Expand)
2009-04-12 01:15:22 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (34) |  |
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
- removed packages p5-IO-Compress-Base, p5-IO-Compress-Zlib,
p5-IO-Compress-Bzip2 and p5-Compress-Zlib because they are
merged into p5-IO-Compress
- Updated dependend packages to depend on p5-IO-Compress
Upstream changes:
2.017 30 March 2009
* Merged IO-Compress-Base, IO-Compress-Bzip2, IO-Compress-Zlib &
Compress-Zlib into IO-Compress.
* The interface to Compress-Raw-Zlib now uses the new LimitOutput
feature. This will make all of the zlib-related IO-Compress modules
less greedy in their memory consumption.
* Removed MAN3PODS from Makefile.PL
* A few changes to get the test harness to work on VMS courtesy of
Craig. A. Berry.
* IO::Compress::Base & IO::Uncompress::Base
Downgraded some croaks in the constructors to just set $! (by letting
the code attempt to open a file and fail).
This makes the behavior more consistent to a standard open.
[RT #42657]
* IO::Uncompress::Base
Doing a seek with MultiStream could drop some of the uncompressed
data. Fixed.
* IO::Compress::Zip
- Fixed problem with the uncompressed & uncompressed fields when
zip64 is enabled. They were set to 0x0000FFFF instead of
0xFFFFFFFF. Also the ZIP64 extra field was 4 bytes short.
Problem spotted by Dino Chiesa.
* IO::Uncompress::Unzip
- use POSIX::mktime instead of Time::Local::timelocal to convert
the zip DOS time field into Unix time.
* Compress::Zlib
- Documented Compress::Zlib::zlib_version()
2008-10-19 21:19:25 by Havard Eidnes | Files touched by this commit (1179) |
Log message:
Bump the PKGREVISION for all packages which depend directly on perl,
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
2008-10-13 14:40:18 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update p5-IO-Compress-Zlib to 2.015.
Based on PR 39555.
2.015 3 September 2008
* Makefile.PL
Backout changes made in 2.014
2.014 2 September 2008
* Makefile.PL
Updated to check for indirect dependencies.
2008-07-17 20:49:47 by Klaus Heinz | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Updated to version 2.012.
Pkgsrc changes:
- Requires p5-IO-Compress-Base-2.012 and p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.012
It looks like there were no functional changes (see the Changes file) and
the version number increased only to stay in line with all the other Zlib
modules. Anyway, Compress::Zlib 2.012 demands version 2.012 of IO::Compress::*, \
thus this update.
2008-05-29 00:15:20 by David Brownlee | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Updated devel/p5-IO-Compress-Zlib to 2.011
2.011 17 May 2008
* IO::Uncompress::Unzip
- Print an error message if the zip file contains a
member compressed with bzip2 and IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 is
not available.
- Could not cope with mixed compression zip files. For example a
zip file that contains both STORED and DEFLATED content.
[RT #35573]
2.010 5 May 2008
* Fixed problem that meant Perl 5.10 could not upgrade this module.
[RT #35343]
2.009 20 April 2008
* IO::Compress::Zip
- Added exUnix2 option to allow storing of UID & GID.
- When running on a Unix derivative the ExtAttr option now defaults
to the equivalent of 0666. For all other systems the default
remains 0.
2007-11-30 16:30:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to 2.008:
2.008 2 November 2007
* Minor documentation changes in README
* t/compress/
EBCDIC Cleanup.
Tidied up the character classes used to defined invalid
2.006 1 September 2007
* Makefile.PL
Added INSTALLDIRS directive to install as a core module when built
on a perl >= 5.9.
* IO::Uncompress::RawDeflate
- Fixed export problem - "$RawDeflateError" and \
"rawdeflate" were
not being exported with ":all".
2.005 18 June 2007
* IO::Compress::Gzip & IO::Uncompress::Gunzip
- RFC1952 says that the FNAME & FCOMMENT header fields must be ISO
8859-1 (LATIN-1) characters. The code can optionally police this.
Added a fix for this logic when running on EBCDIC.
* Makefile.PL
- Check if IO::Compress::Bzip2 is already installed. If it is, add
to the PREREQ_PM list.
2007-10-25 18:59:59 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (980) |
Log message:
Remove empty PLISTs from pkgsrc since revision 1.33 of plist/
can handle packages having no PLIST files.
2007-03-08 20:02:29 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update to 2.004:
2.004 3 March 2007
* IO::Compress::Zip
- Added Zip64 documentation.
- Fixed extended timestamp.
Creation time isn't available in Unix so only store the
modification time and the last access time in the extended field.
- Fixed file mode.
- Added ExtAttr option to control the value of the "external file
attributes" field in the central directory.
- Added Unix2 extended attribute ("Ux").
This stores the UID & GID.
* IO::Compress::Gzip
- Fixed 050interop-gzip.t for Windows