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Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 1.100nb2,
Package name: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.100nb2,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThe scanner will extract loosely your distribution prerequisites from your
The extraction may not be perfect but tries to do its best. It will
currently find the following prereqs:
* plain lines beginning with use or require in your perl modules and
scripts, including minimum perl version
* regular inheritance declared with the base and parent pragmata
* Moose inheritance declared with the extends keyword
* Moose roles included with the with keyword
* OO namespace aliasing using the aliased module
Required to run:[
lang/perl5] [
devel/p5-List-MoreUtils] [
devel/p5-Params-Util] [
devel/p5-PPI] [
devel/p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive] [
devel/p5-Moose] [
devel/p5-namespace-autoclean] [
textproc/p5-String-RewritePrefix] [
Required to build:[
devel/p5-Try-Tiny] [
devel/p5-Package-DeprecationManager] [
Master sites: (Expand)
Filesize: 28.305 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2024-11-16) Updated to version: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.100nb2
- (2023-07-06) Updated to version: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.100nb1
- (2023-04-30) Updated to version: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.100
- (2022-06-28) Updated to version: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.024nb1
- (2021-07-28) Updated to version: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.024
- (2021-05-25) Updated to version: p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.023nb7
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-11-16 13:08:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2504) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.40
2023-07-06 11:43:03 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2483) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.38
2023-06-06 14:42:56 by Taylor R Campbell | Files touched by this commit (1319) |
Log message:
Mass-change BUILD_DEPENDS to TOOL_DEPENDS outside mk/.
Almost all uses, if not all of them, are wrong, according to the
semantics of BUILD_DEPENDS (packages built for target available for
use _by_ tools at build-time) and TOOL_DEPEPNDS (packages built for
host available for use _as_ tools at build-time).
No change to BUILD_DEPENDS as used correctly inside buildlink3.
As proposed on tech-pkg:
2023-04-30 00:50:42 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Update to 1.100
UPstream changes:
1.100 2023-04-27 10:00:37+02:00 Europe/Paris
- convert to Moo (thanks, Dan Book!)
1.025 2022-12-31 21:10:00-05:00 America/New_York
- update author contact info
2022-06-28 13:38:00 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3952) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for perl 5.36
2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016) |
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Could not be committed due to merge conflict:
The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched
./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017) |
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-07-28 14:43:49 by Wen Heping | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Update to 1.024
Upstream changes:
1.024 2021-07-03 13:28:30-04:00 America/New_York
- switched from List::MoreUtils to List::Util (thanks, Karen
- update author contact info
- add docs on perl version policy