./devel/p5-Tcl, Tcl extension module for Perl

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.51, Package name: p5-Tcl-1.51, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The Tcl extension module gives access to the Tcl library with
functionality and interface similar to the C functions of Tcl.

In other words, you can
create Tcl interpreters
execute Tcl code in an interpreter
bind in new Tcl procedures
Manipulate the result field of a Tcl interpreter
Set and get values of variables in a Tcl interpreter
Tie perl variables to variables in a Tcl interpreter

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   2025-01-31 02:41:29 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
devel/p5-Tcl: initial import of package

Tcl extension module for Perl