./editors/featherpad, Lightweight Qt6 plain-text editor

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.6.0, Package name: featherpad-1.6.0, Maintainer: pin

FeatherPad is a lightweight Qt6 plain-text editor.
It is independent of any desktop environment and has:
* Drag-and-drop support, including tab detachment and attachment;
* X11 virtual desktop awareness;
* An optionally permanent search-bar;
* Instant highlighting of found matches when searching;
* A docked window for text replacement;
* Support for line numbers and jumping to a specific line;
* Automatic detection of text encoding;
* Syntax highlighting for common programming languages;
* Ability to open URLs with appropriate applications;
* Session management;
* Side-pane mode;
* Auto-saving;
* Spell checking with Hunspell;
* Printing;
* Text zooming;
* Haiku OS and macOS support.

Required to run:
[graphics/hicolor-icon-theme] [textproc/hunspell] [x11/qt5-qtsvg] [x11/qt5-qtx11extras] [x11/qt5-qtbase]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [x11/xcb-proto] [x11/fixesproto4] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xorgproto]

Master sites:

Filesize: 1073.52 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-28 09:24:31 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
editors/featherpad: revert to MAINTAINER
   2025-02-27 22:41:25 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
editors/featherpad: MAINTAINER -> OWNER, Make things clear
   2025-01-29 22:45:47 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 1.6.0

 * Support column selection.
 * Dropped the support for translating the Help file because it was not \ 
practical. An online translation service can be used instead.
 * Fixed a rare case of finding/highlighting whole words.
 * Replaced the deprecated method QMouseEvent::pos().
 * Used localized string for position on the statusbar.
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-09 20:43:19 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/featherpad: update to 1.5.2
 * Fixed the printing thread. (Previously, it created many instances of the \ 
warning message "QBasicTimer::start: Timers cannot be started from another \ 
thread" because the document wasn't inside the printing thread.)
 * Fixed an old issue in replacement highlighting of multiple tabs.
 * Demand attention under Wayland when a window needs activation, although \ 
window managers may ignore it.
 * Don't escape a start single quote in C/C++ when it follows a letter or number.
 * Skip double-parenthesis constructs with bash here-docs.
 * Don't try to save as root when the parent directory doesn't exist.
 * Respect the enforced syntax of an unsaved document when removing its trailing \ 
spaces on saving it.
 * Check the existence of "gio" before using it for opening URLs.
 * Fixed the localization of date and time with Qt6.
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-05-29 18:35:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1929) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after icu and protobuf updates