./editors/texworks, Simple TeX front-end program

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.6.9nb5, Package name: texworks-0.6.9nb5, Maintainer: markd

The TeXworks project is an effort to build a simple TeX front-end program
(working environment) that will be available for all todays major desktop
operating systems-in particular, MS Windows (XP/Vista/7), typical GNU/Linux
distros and other X11-based systems, as well as Mac OS X. It is deliberately
modeled on Dick Koch's award-winning TeXShop for Mac OS X, which is credited
with a resurgence of TeX usage on the Mac platform.

To provide a similar experience across all systems, TeXworks is based on
cross-platform, open source tools and libraries. The Qt toolkit was chosen
for the quality of its cross-platform user interface capabilities, with
native "look and feel" on each platform being a realistic target. Qt also
provides a rich application framework, facilitating the relatively rapid
development of a usable product.

The normal TeXworks workflow is PDF-centric, using pdfTeX and XeTeX as
typesetting engines and generating PDF documents as the default formatted
output. Although it is possible to configure a processing path based on DVI,
newcomers to the TeX world need not be concerned with DVI at all, but can
generally treat TeX as a system that goes directly from marked-up text files
to ready-to-use PDF documents.

Required to run:
[sysutils/desktop-file-utils] [textproc/hunspell] [print/poppler-data] [x11/qt5-qttools] [x11/qt5-qtscript] [x11/qt5-qtbase] [print/poppler-qt5]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [x11/xcb-proto] [x11/fixesproto4] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [lang/gcc5] [x11/xorgproto]

Master sites:

Filesize: 12212.39 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-12 07:45:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (850)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/flac-1.5.0
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-10-15 18:15:37 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (42)
Log message:
revbump for poppler
   2024-08-22 13:21:58 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (6) | Package updated
Log message:
texworks: update to 0.6.9

Release 0.6.9 (TL'24) [February 2024]
  * Add support for PDF layers
  * Add support for "--insert-text" and "--insert-cite" \ 
command line options
  * Enable customization of which columns are shown in the "Insert
    Citations..." dialog
  * Enable customization of the default citation command used by the "Insert
    Citations..." dialog
  * Add dtx tag patterns
  * Improve command line parsing
  * Improve the "message to the mailing list" template text
  * Update translations
  * Refactor and modernize parts of the code
  * Update the libraries for the pre-built binaries
  * Fix the limited range of possible guideline positions
  * Fix handling of existing \cite commands when using the "Insert
    Citations..." dialog
  * Fix searching in the PDF preview
  * Fix selecting text in the PDF preview
  * Fix potentially garbled unicode output in the console window

Release 0.6.8 (TL'23) [February 2023]
  * Make the maximum RAM usage of the PDF previewer configurable (and reduce
     the default to 256 MiB)
  * Enable typesetting from preview if no source is open
  * Make the PDF paper color configurable
  * Add AppImage support
  * Speed up populating the recently opened files menu (particularly when
    containing files on slow network drives)
  * Disable the typesetting button in the preview if no source is available
  * Update translations
  * Refactor and modernize parts of the code
  * Update the libraries for the pre-built binaries
  * Fix crash when closing a source opened after the preview
  * Fix crash when killing a typesetting process by closing the source window
  * Fix several memory leaks
  * Fix the PDF preview of files that are in the process of being changed
    (e.g., during typesetting)
  * Fix focusing of the console when typesetting from the preview
  * Fix (potential) non-sequential ordering of PDF search results
  * Fix repeated PDF searches with the same search string but different search
  * Fix blocking UI while performing long PDF searches
  * Fix PDF search result highlighting disappearing too quickly
  * Fix the display of PDF search results in single page view
  * Fix typesetting with symlinked root files
  * Fix quotation of paths in the TEXEDIT & MIKTEX_EDITOR environment
  * Pre-select the ruler unit in the "Edit guideline" dialog
  * Fix saving with arbitrary extensions on Windows
  * Fix displaying embedded jpg images on macOS
  * Fix the look and feel on macOS with Qt6

Release 0.6.7 (TL'22) [February 2022]
  * Add a ruler with draggable guidelines to the PDF previewer
  * Improve preservation of Unicode characters during loading/saving
  * Prevent concurrent typesetting in multi-file sources
  * Disable "Remove Aux Files" during typesetting
  * Add full paths as tool tips in the "Open Recent" menu
  * Use native separators (/ or \) in the recent files menu
  * Add "Fit to Content Width" to the PDF preview zoom context menu \ 
and to the
    scaling preferences
  * Improve support for dark themes (changing the syntax highlighting color
    palette; fixing the color of the current line when changing OS color
    schemes; fixing the background color of the screen calibration widget for
    dark themes)
  * Improve interoperability with docstrip by adding support for
    "%^^A ! TeX..." magic comments
  * Fix crash when using the PDF preview zoom context menu
  * Fix search results for unsaved .tex documents
  * Fix linespacing when (re-)loading a document
  * Fix hang when recent files are on (inaccessible) network drives
  * Fix bugs when populating the recent files menu
  * Fix focus when switching windows from the "Windows" menu
  * Fix filtering in the citation select dialog
  * Fix parsing BiBTeX @STRING entries
  * Fix toggling of items in the "Remove Aux Files" dialog
  * Fix quotes smartening after \
  * Fix display of ScreenCalibrationWidget on macOS
  * Update translations
  * Update libraries for pre-built binaries
  * Modernize and restructure the code to improve quality, stability,
    maintainability, and the possibilities for future enhancements
  * Improve automatic building, testing, and packaging
  * Automatically build pre-compiled binaries for macOS >= 10.12 and >= 10.15
  * Improve the look and feel of the pre-compiled macOS binaries
  * Improve texworks.appdata.xml
  * Add "Keywords" to texworks.desktop

Release 0.6.6 (TL'21) [March 2021]
  * Add support for macOS 11 Big Sur
  * Add support for HiDPI screens (e.g., Retina screens)
  * Make the text cursor width customizable
  * Add support for environment variables in paths to typesetting tools
  * Add support for custom shortcuts for quickly changing typesetting tools
  * Pre-select *.pdf when the open dialog is called from the preview
  * Only reload a file if its content changed (this improves support for
    network shares, cloud services, etc.)
  * Add support for Qt's new Javascript engine
  * Fix some crashes
  * Fix some potential memory leaks
  * Fix refreshing of the PDF preview on Windows
  * Fix opening links to PDFs specified with relative paths
  * Fix the context menu in the PDF preview
  * Fix File > Close in the PDF preview
  * Fix <Esc> switching the PDF to fullscreen mode on first press
  * Fix resizing of the columns in the template dialog
  * Fix running some typesetting tools on macOS (by adding their path to $PATH)
  * Fix macOS installer styling
  * Work around vanishing menu items on macOS
  * Fix the disappearance of several text encodings
  * Move resources to (OS dependent) standard locations
  * Update translations
  * Update libraries for pre-built binaries
  * Modernize and restructure the code to improve quality, stability,
    maintainability, and the possibilities for future enhancements
  * Improve automatic building, testing, and packaging
  * Initial support for Qt6

Release 0.6.5 (TL'20) [March 2020]
  * Fix text selection handling when moving the mouse
  * Fix auto-reloading of TeX documents that were changed outside TeXworks
  * Update translations

Release 0.6.4 [March 2020]
  * Add shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+J) to invoke SyncTeX at the cursor position
  * Make shortcuts for autocompletion configurable
  * Make "Auto-Follow Focus" configurable in the preferences
  * Make editor line spacing customizable
  * Make console output accessible by keyboard; among other things, this makes
    the console work with screen readers
  * Migrate to a more powerful regular expressions engine (e.g. for finding
    and replacing)
  * Fix opening empty files
  * Fix the highlighting of TeX commands that include non-ASCII characters
  * Fix the auto-closing of PDFs with the associated TeXs
  * Fix the PDF display on high-dpi screens like Retina displays
  * Properly handle "&" for recent files menu
  * Fix syntax highlighting in the "New from template" dialog
  * Sort interface locales alphabetically in the preferences
  * Don't show invalid PDF page sizes in the meta data dock
  * Properly show the PDF file size in the meta data dock even for locked or
    invalid files
  * Fix the conversion of Lua tables in Lua scripts
      * Fix the installation of icons on *nix platforms
      * Update translations
      * Update libraries for pre-built binaries
      * Modernize and restructure the code to improve quality, stability,
        maintainability, and the possibilities for future enhancements
      * Improve unit tests and add automated testing on Windows; this ensures
        better code quality across all supported operating systems
  * Discontinue Qt4 support; TeXworks uses the more modern Qt5 exclusively now
   2024-05-29 18:35:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1929) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after icu and protobuf updates
   2024-04-07 09:35:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1138)
Log message:
*: bump for cairo buildlink3.mk change

lzo was made an option