./finance/rex, TUI for keeping track of incomes and expenses

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.1.17, Package name: rex-0.1.17, Maintainer: pin

Rex is a terminal user interface app for managing incomes, expenses, and
transactions. Built with Rust and ratatui with a simple interface that's
easy to use.

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Filesize: 1339.596 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-02 21:37:53 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/rex: update to 0.1.16

 - All amount fields now recognize 'k' and 'm' number suffixes as a thousand
   and a million allowing usage of 1k, 5m.
 - The initial page text layout has been updated.
 - The Home page now has two more rows in the Balance section highlighting
   daily income and expense amount.
 - Pressing 'v' on a selected transaction/activity will show the full
   transaction details. Useful in case the detail is too large.
 - The chart page now has the option to enable/disable TX methods from the
   chart on the 'space' press.
 - All popups have been updated and now can be scrolled using the Arrow Up
   or Down keys.
 - The Add Transaction page now shows the transaction impact as the fields
   are filled up.
 - The number animation system has been improved with reduced/minimal freezing.
 - All dependencies and Rust have been updated to the latest version.

 - Recognize number suffix by @TheRustyPickle in #76
 - Revamp initial page by @TheRustyPickle in #77
 - Add daily income and expense rows by @TheRustyPickle in #79
 - Show tx details on V key press by @TheRustyPickle in #81
 - Add chart point selection by @TheRustyPickle in #83
 - Add scrolling to all popup by @TheRustyPickle in #84
 - Fix number suffix crash by @TheRustyPickle in #85
 - Show balance change from a tx on add tx page by @TheRustyPickle in #86
 - Dependency updates by @TheRustyPickle in #87
 - Update version by @TheRustyPickle in #88
   2024-03-04 11:09:10 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/rex: update to 0.1.15

    Fix negative balance getting stuck at 0.00
    Fix the search page not giving correct results when tx type is transfer and \ 
both from and to method fields are not filled up
    Fix a bug that caused unrelated transactions to show up on the home page
    On the Home page transactions with the same date can now be moved up with \ 
',' and down with '.'
    A new option on J press to add backup locations. On q press, the latest DB \ 
will be copied there
    Added previously missing option to reset new app data location when the \ 
input is blank
    New and modified status updates for better clarity
    New offset-based scrolling when scrolling tables
    A new Activity page on 'y' press that will show activity details such as \ 
when transactions were added, deleted, edited, etc
    Popup help texts have been updated
    Dependency updates and minor performance improvements

    Fix negative balance not loading by @TheRustyPickle in #57
    Allow switching position of a tx by @TheRustyPickle in #60
    Show a new info status when switching to normal tx mode by @TheRustyPickle in #65
    Backup path by @TheRustyPickle in #66
    Update dependencies by @TheRustyPickle in #67
    Add a history page by @TheRustyPickle in #68
    Fix id swap UI bug by @TheRustyPickle in #72
    Update popup text by @TheRustyPickle in #74
   2024-02-02 13:41:02 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finace/rex: update to 0.1.14


    New option to change app data location on 'J' press.
    The home page now has slight animation as the number changes.
    A status will now be shown when a transaction is being edited.


    Improve path handling by @TheRustyPickle in #46
    Add the option to change file data location by @TheRustyPickle in #47
    Dependency updates by @TheRustyPickle in #48
    Update test coverage by @TheRustyPickle in #49
    Add number animation by @TheRustyPickle in #50
    Add a info status on tx edit by @TheRustyPickle in #53
    Update version by @TheRustyPickle in #54
   2023-11-08 14:21:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2377)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 74.1
   2023-11-06 16:32:29 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/rex: update to 0.1.13

 - Home page now shows a breakdown of total expense/income per transaction

 - Show detailed income expense info on the home page by @TheRustyPickle in #43
 - Update version by @TheRustyPickle in #44
   2023-10-25 00:11:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2298)
Log message:
*: bump for openssl 3
   2023-08-02 19:33:50 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
finance/rex: update to 0.1.12

 - Moved Summary sorting key to 'X'
 - Added new key support 'X' on the Search page to cycle date types for
 - Support for verification and value stepping for all date types on the Seach
 - Search page no longer auto-fills the date field
 - Fixed Search page matching partial tag, resulting in unrelated transactions
 - Transactions can now be deleted on the search page using 'D'
 - Transactions can now be edited on the search page using 'E'

 - Add NetBSD by @0323pin in #29
 - Update logo to make it round, small and transparent by @vlad-onis in #34
 - Fix db query by @TheRustyPickle in #37
 - Added searching by date, month, year by @TheRustyPickle in #38
 - Added edit and deleting function on search page directly by @TheRustyPickle
   in #39
 - Bump version by @TheRustyPickle in #40
   2023-07-02 21:49:21 by pin | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
finance/rex: import package

Rex is a terminal user interface app for managing incomes, expenses, and
transactions. Built with Rust and ratatui with a simple interface that's
easy to use.