./geography/R-rgdal, Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.6.7nb7, Package name: R-rgdal-1.6.7nb7, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Provides bindings to the 'Geospatial' Data Abstraction Library
('GDAL') (>= 1.11.4) and access to projection/transformation
operations from the 'PROJ.4' library. The 'GDAL' and 'PROJ.4'
libraries are external to the package, and, when installing the
package from source, must be correctly installed first. From 'rgdal'
1.4.1, provision is made for 'PROJ6' accommodation, with 'PROJ6'
functionality to follow; from 1.4.1 'rgdal' will build and function
when 'PROJ' >= 6. Both 'GDAL' raster and 'OGR' vector map data can be
imported into R, and 'GDAL' raster data and 'OGR' vector data
exported. Use is made of classes defined in the 'sp' package. Windows
and Mac Intel OS X binaries (including 'GDAL', 'PROJ.4' and 'Expat')
are provided on 'CRAN'.

Master sites: (Expand)

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2023-11-08 14:21:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2377)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 74.1
   2023-10-25 00:11:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2298)
Log message:
*: bump for openssl 3
   2023-10-21 19:11:59 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (1345) | Package updated
Log message:
recursive revbump for tiff update
   2023-06-04 09:35:52 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(geography/R-rgdal) Updated 1.5.27 to 1.6.7

# Please note that **rgdal** will be retired during 2023, plan
  transition to sf/stars/terra functions using GDAL and PROJ at your
  earliest convenience (see
  https://r-spatial.org/r/2023/05/15/evolution4.html and earlier blogs
  for guidance).

# Version 1.6-7 (development, rev. 1202-)

* Make retirement in October 2023 explicit, move package start-up
  messages to load from attach

# Version 1.6-6 (2023-04-18, rev. 1200-1201)

* add SharpYuv condition in src/Makevars.ucrt

# Version 1.6-5 (2023-03-02, rev. 1198-1199)

* Upgrade CXX11 to CXX17 (may cause problems for archaic OS)

# Version 1.6-4 (2023-01-12, rev. 1188-1197)

* Update GridsDatums data set

* Warn if retracted GDAL 3.6.0 is being used

* Update `makevars.ucrt` to Rtools 4.3

# Version 1.6-3 (2022-12-14, rev. 1184-1187)

* CRAN error in possibly writing outside tempdir

* CRAN error in printing stored stale `sessionInfo()` output in vignette

# Version 1.6-2 (2022-11-09, rev. 1177-1183)

* deprecation of `project()`, `CRSargs()`, `asSGDF_GROD()`,
  `readGDAL()`, `writeGDAL()`, `create2GDAL()`, `showWKT()`,
  `showEPSG()`, `readOGR()`, `ogrFIDs()`, `ogrInfo()`, `ogrDrivers()`,
  `writeOGR()`, `ogrListLayers()`, `GDALinfo()`, `print.GDALobj()`,
  `GDALcall()`, `rawTransform()`, `OGRSpatialRef()` in favour of
  functions and methods ib **sf** and **terra**.

* handle -Wstrict-prototypes `int main()` to `int main(void)` in

* update `src/Makevars.ucrt` to upgraded MXE geospatial libraries

* address https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/pull/2009 in `src/Makevars.ucrt`

* set PROJ4 warnings default to "none"

* fix -Wstrict-prototypes warnings in code

# Version 1.5-32 (2022-05-09, rev. 1173-1176)

* update src/Makefile.ucrt to accommodate the GDAL raster Geospatial
  PDF driver for reading

# Version 1.5-31 (2022-04-18, rev. 1172)

* unescape underscores in help pages

# Version 1.5-30 (2022-04-08, rev. 1166-1171)

* restore PROJ path assignment for PROJ >= 6 not using PROJ_LIB (was
  used for PROJ 6 but not > 6)

* Update src/Makevars.win to GDAL 3.4.1 for R < 4.2

# Version 1.5-29 (2022-03-15, rev. 1159-1165)

* also convert BOUNDCRS to PROJCRS by default in OGRSpatialRef() and

* test for chunks table in cache.db in vignette

* quietening tests only differing by `proj.db` version.

# Version 1.5-28 (2021-12-15, rev. 1157-1158)

* Adapting to R 4.2 Windows UCRT
   2023-04-19 10:12:01 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2359) | Package updated
Log message:
revbump after textproc/icu update
   2023-01-03 18:38:37 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1416)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for tiff shlib major bump
   2022-11-27 14:55:52 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (34)
Log message:
geography/proj: recursive revbump
   2022-11-23 17:21:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1878) | Package updated
Log message:
massive revision bump after textproc/icu update