./geography/R-sf, Simple Features for R

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.0.19, Package name: R-sf-1.0.19, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial
vector data. Binds to 'GDAL' for reading and writing data, to 'GEOS'
for geometrical operations, and to 'PROJ' for projection conversions
and datum transformations. Optionally uses the 's2' package for
spherical geometry operations on geographic coordinates.

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Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-19 13:42:25 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
(geography/R-sf) -TEST_DEPENDS+= R-rgdal, adjust DEPENDS version
   2024-12-04 14:08:24 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
(geography/R-sf) Fix missing c++ at USE_LANGUAGES+=
   2024-11-28 00:26:16 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(geography/R-sf) 1.0.13 to 1.0.19

# version 1.0-19

* fix type checks in C++ GDAL area and length computation functions,
  anticipating GDAL 3.10.0; #2466, #2468, #2469 by @rsbivand and

* improve test on empty geometries, which changed in 1.0-18; #2463

* `gdal_utils()` `ogrinfo` has an argument `read_only` which, when
  `TRUE` (or `options` includes `"-ro"`), opens a datasource in
  read-only mode (#2460; `sf` did this before 1.0-17); by default a
  datasource is opened in update (read-write) mode (since sf 1.0-17;

* the `sf` -> `ppp` conversion `as.ppp.sf()` accepts a data.frame of
  marks instead of just 1 column #2450, by @agila5

* add flag for preservation of point order in `st_voronoi` #1371 for
  GEOS >= 3.12

# version 1.0-18

* support `POLYGON FULL` simple feature geometry, representing the
  entire Earth surface, as used by `s2geometry`; see also
  https://r-spatial.org/r/2024/10/11/polygonfull.html for a longer
  introduction; #2441

* `st_sfc()` has an argument `oriented` which, when set to `TRUE`,
  adds an attribute `oriented=TRUE` to an `sfc` object, indicating
  that this object should not be reoriented in conversion to
  `s2_geography` (avoiding using the global option `s2_oriented`);
  `st_as_sfc.bbox()` sets this to `TRUE`; #2441

* fix build failure with GDAL < 3.4.0 #2436

* `st_simplify()` now accepts feature-wise tolerance values when `s2`
  is switched on #2442

# version 1.0-17

* add `st_transform()` method for `bbox` objects; this uses
  OGRCoordinateTransformation::TransformBounds(), densifying first and
  antemeridian proof; #2415

* `st_filter.sf()` correctly scopes `x` and `y` arguments using !!
  operator; #2416

* `[.sfc` and `[<-.sfc` use matrix/array type subsetting for `sfc`
  objects that have a `dim` attribute

* add `st_exterior_ring()` to extract exterior rings (remove holes);

* add `text.sf()`, `text.sfc()`, `points.sf()`, `points.sfc()` to
  annotate base plots at geometry centroids; #2399

* `st_sf()` no longer strips `tbl` or `tbl_df` class labels; #2378

* `st_layers()` returns an object of class `c("sf_layers",
  "data.frame")`, with a dedicated `print` method.

* when `dim` is not `XYZM`, `sf_as_sf.data.frame()` interprets a
  length 4 `coords` argument to specify the corners of a rectangular
  polygon; #2357

* `st_interpolate_aw()` gains an `na.rm` argument, for removing
  features with `NA` attributes before interpolating; #830

* `merge.sf()` no longer renames geometry column; #2334

# version 1.0-16

* `st_join()` no longer renames the geometry column; #2327

* `st_sample()` works when unprojected polygon geometry crosses the
  antemeridian; #2331

* clean up and modernization of S3 registration of methods and tests;
  #2285, #2288, #2316, #2341, #2342, by @olivroy

* `[.sfc` works when setting argument `op`; #2320

* `st_sample()` for polygons is sensitive to setting `oriented = TRUE`
  to prevent wrongly correcting ring directions; #2308

* add support for the GDAL `footprint` utility (requiring GDAL >=
  3.8.0) to `gdal_utils`; #2305, by @goergen95

* existing environment variables `PROJ_LIB` and `PROJ_DATA` are
  (again) ignored on `sf` binary CRAN installations (win + macos),
  effectively by overwriting them during the R session and restoring
  them on exit; this does not happen if environment variable
  `R_SF_USE_PROJ_DATA` is set to `true`. #2298

* add `st_line_project()` to find how far a point is when projected on
  a line; #2291

* add `st_line_interpolate()` to obtain a point at a certain distance
  along a line; #2291

# version 1.0-15

* add `st_perimeter()` generic to cover both geographic and projected
  coordinates; #268, #2279, by @JosiahParry

* add `st_sample()` method for `bbox`, with special provisions for
  ellipsoidal coordinates; #2283

* documentation clean-up by @olivroy; #2266, #2285

* `st_convex_hull()` uses `s2::s2_convex_hull()` for geodetic
  coordinates; #2250

* add `directed` argument to `st_line_merge()`; #2264

* `st_union.sfc()` given `x` and `y` works consistently across
  geodetic and projected objects; #2262

* `st_union.sf()` given `x` and `y` unions pairwise if `by_feature = TRUE`; #2259

* `st_read()` work around issue with GPKG driver if `wkt_filter` is set; #2248

* `st_read()` uses GDAL's stream reading when `use_stream = TRUE`;
  #2238 by @paleolimbot

* `st_transform()` responds to in-session changes to `sf_proj_network()`; #2166

* `plot.sf()`: `key.width` is sensitive to pointsize graphics
  parameter `par("ps")`; keys with factor levels suggest a proper size
  if they won't fit.

* `plot.sf()`: `key.pos` can hold a second value in [0, 1] determining
  the relative position of the key in the available space

* `[<-.sf` fixes the `agr` attribute when it is broken; #2211

* if the env. variable `ADD_SF_NAMESPACE` is set to `true`, `sf`
  objects get a new attribute, `.sf_namespace`, which forces loading
  the `sf` namespace when it has not been loaded so far, e.g. for
  proper printing or plotting of an `sf` object; #2212 by Mike Mahoney

* `distinct.sf()` is type-safe for `sf` objects with zero rows; #2204

* `summarise.sf()` raises an error if `.by` is given but no `across()`
  on the geometry; #2207

* `st_write()` matches fields on name first, than on position; this
  matters for formats that have pre-defined names, such as GPX; #2202

# version 1.0-14

* fix `plot.sf()` when using a key for multiple factor variables; #2196, #2195

* fix use of `as.numeric_version` in a test, for upcoming change in r-devel

* code tidy-ing: fix many lintr suggestions, thanks to Michael Chirico
  (#2181 - #2191)
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-07 14:34:45 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (17)
Log message:
*: revbump for gdal
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-09-01 16:56:36 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (30) | Package updated
Log message:
*: revbump for proj update

less gdal, postgis, due to in-flight updates, to be handled separately