./graphics/R-rgl, 3D Visualization Using OpenGL

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.3.17, Package name: R-rgl-1.3.17, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics,
including functions modelled on base graphics (plot3d(), etc.) as well
as functions for constructing representations of geometric objects
(cube3d(), etc.). Output may be on screen using OpenGL, or to various
standard 3D file formats including WebGL, PLY, OBJ, STL as well as 2D
image formats, including PNG, Postscript, SVG, PGF.

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   2025-02-08 11:04:46 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(graphics/R-rgl) Updatd 1.3.14 to 1.3.17

# rgl 1.3.17

## Bug fix

* The previous fix for `rgl.init()` introduced a new possible
segfault for users who had DISPLAY unset or set to a non-existent

# rgl 1.3.16

## Bug fixes

* `triangulate()` now uses the `earcut` library
from https://github.com/mapbox/earcut.hpp, which
should be faster and more reliable than the
previous R implementation.
* In cases where the X11 server did not provide sufficient
support, `rgl.init()` could sometimes segfault.  That has
been fixed, and warning messages have been made more
   2024-12-07 07:06:28 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(graphics/R-rgl) Updated 1.0.1 to 1.3.14

# rgl 1.3.14

## Minor changes

* `rgl.incrementID()` has been added.
* An example using log axes has been added to the
help page for `axes3d()`.

## Bug fixes

* `clear3d("all")`, calling `bg3d()` on the root
subscene, and some cases of `pop3d()` involving the
background could create a leak of a background object
(issue #439).  For back compatibility of saved results, these cases
still increment the object ID number, but don't
actually create a new object.
* `rglwidget()` displays didn't support objects with
`smooth = FALSE`.

# rgl 1.3.12

## Minor changes

* `readSTL()` can now read (some) ASCII format STL files.
* The configure script has had minor changes, and autoconf
support files have been updated.
* `uname` is no longer used during startup (PR #435
submitted by Jonathon Love).

## Bug fixes

* Background plots did not always appear (issue #421).
* Changing the background resulted in an additional background
object instead of replacing the current one.
* Colors weren't handled correctly by `writePLY()` (issue #425).
* `bbox3d()` objects ignored the `xlen`, `ylen` and `zlen`
settings when rendered using `rglwidget()` (issue #415).
* In certain cases, the `WebGL` vignette started with the
mouse mode set to "selecting".
* The `rglwidget()` function gets a new argument `fastTransparency`
which makes WebGL mimic the `rgl` device when drawing transparent
objects.  The default value is `TRUE` unless option
`rgl.fastTransparency` is set to `FALSE`.
* `writeSTL()` now writes `endsolid`, which is required by some apps.

# rgl 1.3.1

## Major changes

* `sprites3d()` now supports plotting different 3D symbols
at each location (issue #406).

## Minor changes

* ARIA support now declares `rgl` scenes with `role = "img"`.
* The vignettes in this package now use
`markdown::html_format`, so they no longer require Pandoc
(though Pandoc-using output formats like `html_document` will still be supported).
*  Christophe Geuzaine's GL2PS library (used by `rgl.postscript()`)
   updated to version 1.4.2, and blending (transparency)
   has been enabled in formats that support it.
*  The `Makevars.ucrt` file has been changed for compatibility
   with an upcoming change to Windows Rtools. (Pull request #412 submitted by \ 
Tomas Kalibera).

## Bug fixes

* The ARIA support caused `htmlwidgets::saveWidget()` to fail when
run in a Shiny session.
* `text3d()` and `mtext3d()` did not pass the `cex` argument to
`plotmath3d()` (pull request #384).
* `polygon3d()` failed when given exactly 3 points (issue #388).
* `snapshot3d()` failed on Windows with some versions of `webshot2` (issue #391).
* Fixed issues caused by misuse of `dev.off()` using new function
* Fixed issue with `warning()` call reported by CRAN.
* Smooth shapes were not rendered correctly by `rglwidget()`.
  This was especially noticeable for spheres with `fov = 0`, but was present in \ 
other cases as well (issue #401).
* `textype = "alpha"` was not rendered correctly by `rglwidget()` \ 
(issue #408).
* `setUserCallbacks()` and related functions failed when
the `subscene` argument was anything other than the root

# rgl 1.2.1

## Major changes

* Support for non-PNG textures has been added.  Currently
supported:  JPEG files and any other object
for which `grDevices::as.raster()` works, e.g. matrices.
(Fixes issue #196.)

## Minor changes

* Support for "alt" text has been added to `rglwidget()`.
Full support in R Markdown or `knitr` requires a `knitr` update
to version 1.42.12 or newer.
* Some of the tests have been relaxed slightly so they
shouldn't trigger errors on the M1Mac test platform.
* Internally, the C++ code has dropped the use of the internally
defined `String` type, settling on `std::string` instead.
* `subdivision3d()`, `clipMesh3d()` and related functions now
(optionally) record the original faces associated with each new one
in a `mesh$tags` addition to the output.

## Bug fixes

* The `Makevars.win` file was being produced incorrectly on
older Windows versions.
* `rgl.window2user()` did not work correctly when multiple panes
were showing.  This caused `arrow3d()` to fail in some panes
(issue #354).
* `selectpoints3d()` had a typo which was revealed by
warnings in recent R versions.
* `getShaders()` was broken in 1.1.3.
* `arc3d()` can now handle "arcs" that are straight lines along
a radius (issue #357).
* Spheres did not show textures correctly (issue #360).
* `hover3d()` failed to display default labels in R (issue #362).
* `shade3d()` didn't handle meshes with a mix of triangles and
quads properly when `meshColor == "faces"`.
* `subdivision3d()` and related functions now handle colors
* `addNormals()` sometimes gave `NaN` values due to rounding
error (issue #372).
* `arc3d()` sometimes missed plotting the last segment of the arc (issue #369).
* `R_NO_REMAP` has been defined and header includes have been
rearranged to prevent conflict between R internals and C++17
library.  (Thanks to Prof. B. D. Ripley and G. Csardi for
suggested fixes.)

# rgl 1.1.3

## Major changes

* A new function `hover3d()` has been added to display
"hover hints":  labels next to points when the mouse
passes near them.
* A new material property `"texmode"` has been added
to control how textures are applied.  The default is `"modulate"`,
consistent with previous versions.  If set to `"replace"`,
the texture is displayed without any lighting effects or dependence
on the original color of the surface.
* Many of the demos have been moved to a new vignette called
* `rgl` now uses the `glad` loader which will eventually allow
access to newer OpenGL functions in systems that support them.

## Minor changes

* The `texenvmap = TRUE` material property is now supported
in WebGL.
* The method of including shader source code
has changed to work around a limitation in Jupyter.
* The default C++ standard is now accepted, rather
than requiring C++11.  On R versions prior to R 4.2.0
C++11 is still requested.

## Bug fixes

* The `as.mesh3d.rglId()` and `as.triangles3d.rglId()` methods
and the `selectpoints3d()`, `writeOBJ()`, `writePLY()`
and `writeSTL()`
functions did not handle indices
in the objects they were processing (issue #293).
* Transparent planes were not always drawn properly
in WebGL (issue #300).
* `view3d()` now returns a `lowlevel()` result so that
it will be handled properly in WebGL vignettes with
auto printing.
* If `transform3d()` or `rotate3d()` changed the orientation
of a `mesh3d` object with normals, the normals ended up
with the wrong sign. (Reported by Stephane Laurent.)
* `scene3d()` (and hence `rglwidget()`) did not save
the normals for unlit objects.  When the objects were
also indexed, this prevented proper calculation of
front and back.  This is fixed, and a warning is
issued if normals are not provided when needed.
* It was possible to call `glVersion` before OpenGL was
initialized; this resulted in a segfault with the new
`glad` loader, and may have been the cause of some older crashes
as well.  This has been fixed.
* `readOBJ()` did not handle comments properly.
* Sprites consisting only of line segments (as used
for example by `pch3d()`) caused rendering to fail in
`rglwidget()` (issue #316).
* Headers have been cleaned up to fix problems
identified by Rtools43.
   2023-03-12 06:58:25 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(graphics/R-rgl) Updated 0.107.14 to 1.0.1

# rgl 1.0.1

## Major changes

* The long promised deprecations of the `rgl.*` functions
have happened.  Now deprecated: `rgl.abclines`,
`rgl.bbox`, `rgl.bg`, `rgl.clear`, `rgl.clipplanes`,
`rgl.close`, `rgl.light`, `rgl.lines`,
`rgl.linestrips`, `rgl.material`,  `rgl.open`,
`rgl.planes`, `rgl.points`, `rgl.quads`,
`rgl.select3d`, `rgl.set`, `rgl.setAxisCallback`,
`rgl.sprites`, `rgl.surface`, `rgl.texts`,
`rgl.triangles`, and `rgl.viewpoint`.
* A vignette "Deprecating the `rgl.*` interface"
has been added.
* Also deprecated: `elementId2Prefix`, `writeWebGL`

## Minor changes

* Since `rgl.material` is deprecated and no
longer contains the list of material types in its
argument list, `rgl.material.names` and `rgl.material.readonly` have been
* Similarly, `rgl.par3d.names` and `rgl.par3d.readonly`
contain lists of properties that may be set or queried
in `par3d()`.
* The flexibility improvements for `surface3d()` in
0.111.6 were incomplete.
* Argument `flip` has been added to `surface3d()` to allow
front and back to be switched.

# rgl 0.111.6

## Minor changes

* Added a panning example to the help page for `setUserCallbacks()`.
* Replaced all calls to `sprintf` from C/C++ code with calls to
* `surface3d` and `rgl.surface` are now more flexible,
allowing any of the 3 coordinates to be a vector or matrix
as long as at least one is a matrix.
* `material3d` can now specify an `id` to query properties
for individual objects.
* Since `rgl.material` is soon to be deprecated and no
longer contain the list of material types in its
argument list, `rgl.material.names` and `rgl.material.readonly` have been
* Similarly, `rgl.par3d.names` and `rgl.par3d.readonly`
contain lists of properties that may be set or queried
in `par3d()`.
* Made some examples conditional on interactive use
to save time on CRAN.

## Bug fixes

* Default mouse modes used when a window is opened by an `rgl.*`
call (which is not recommended!) now match
the defaults in `rgl::r3dDefaults`.
* Missing values could cause `surface3d()` to segfault.
* The C source code for `gl2psGetFileFormat` missed declaring
a prototype.

# rgl 0.110.2

## Major changes

* Material property `"blend"` has been added, to allow
various kinds of blending for semi-transparent objects
(issue #245).

## Minor changes

* The `Buffer` object now handles reading of sparse
* Low level drawing of primitives has been made more
memory efficient.  This is only likely to make a
noticeable change with very large objects, where R
was running out of memory because of unnecessary
duplication. (Related to issue #260.)
* Recycling of x, y and z vectors in several functions
is more consistent.
* The `polygon3d()` function now chooses coordinates
automatically, as `triangulate()` does (PR #262.)
* The `mtext3d()` and related functions such as
`title3d()` now accept language objects
other than expressions, as `plotmath3d()` always has
(issue #273).

## Bug fixes

* The bounding box could be calculated incorrectly
if data all had large values (issue #250).
* Shiny displays failed to load the shaders (issue #249).
* `transform3d()` failed due to missing argument (issue #253).
* `readOBJ()` is now more flexible in what kinds of
separators it will accept. (issue #258).
* Failure to initialize could cause a segfault.
* On non-macOS platforms, gray-scale textures failed
to display, with a message about an invalid enumerant.
* The third coordinate for `adj` that was added in 0.108.3
was not rendered properly in `rglwidget()` displays of
text.  This sometimes caused text to disappear when it
was near the far limit of the display (issue #269).
* The X11 error fix in 0.109.6 could result in R
freezing in `Rcmdr`.
* Low level drawing functions are now more consistent
about returning an invisible `NULL` if asked to plot zero
items, rather than raising an error or crashing (issue #274).
* Calling `axis3d()` with no ticks or labels no longer triggers
an error, it now silently returns `NULL`.

# rgl  0.109.6

## Minor changes

* `rglwidget()` displays now act on "pointer" events,
not just "mouse" events, so they should be more usable
on touch screens and tablets (PR #240).

## Bug fixes

* Plotting `scene3d()` objects didn't handle suppressed
axes properly, drawing the default axis instead (issue
* On some systems using X11, `rgl` would segfault when
the "fixed" font was not found.
* X11 errors could cause R to abort.

# rgl  0.109.2

## Major changes

* Changes to support glTF animation:
  - Handling of `embedding = "modify"` for the model matrix
    has changed.  Now the centering step is only done for
    `embedding = "replace"`.  In addition, various bugs
    have been fixed.
  - If a subscene has no lights defined, the lights from the parent
    are used.
  - `plot.rglscene()` now ends with the root subscene as
    current.  It also allows specification of `open3d()`
    parameters in a list.
  - The `MATn` types in `Buffer` are returned as arrays with
    dim `c(n, n, count)`.
  - The `plot3d.rglscene` method now passes `...` to `open3d()`.
  - The `setUserShaders()` function now allows arrays of 4x4 matrices as \ 
"uniforms", and allows additional textures to be specified.
* `sprites3d()` now has the option of
`rotating = TRUE`, to allow 3D sprites to rotate with
the scene.
* Added `getShaders()` function to get shaders used in WebGL.
* Now detects if `rgl` is running within `reprex::reprex()`
and if so arranges that a screenshot will be included in the
* Added default shaders to be used in `rglwidget()`, rather than
constructing them on the fly.  This incompatibly affects the use
of lights and clipping planes with user shaders:  their data
is now stored in arrays rather than multiple numbered variables.

## Minor changes

* Now that `pkgdown` 2.0.0 has been released, a number
of internal workarounds to support the development version
have been removed.
* Added `as.mesh3d()` methods for `"rglsubscene"` and \ 
* `open3d()` now handles `useNULL` and `silent` arguments
passed in `params`.
* Controls passed to `playwidget()` may now include a
component specifying HTML dependencies.
* Added `rglwidgetClass.readAccessor()` method to let other
code use the buffering.
* Changed the internal organization of bounding box calculations.
* All functions that produce meshes now accept
material properties.  Newly modified to do so using the `...`
argument:  `cylinder3d()`, and `getBoundary3d()`.
* Updated the system requirements and installation instructions.
* Solid bounding box decorations now try harder to display 3 faces (issue #206).
* Now that `webshot2` is on CRAN, instructions for
installing it from Github have been removed.
* Sometimes `webshot2` snapshots are very slow, so
the default for the `webshot` argument to `snapshot3d()`
now depends on the `RGL_USE_WEBSHOT` environment
variable, using `TRUE` if it is unset. (Reported by Prof. B. D. Ripley.)
* If the Chrome browser is not found, `snapshot3d(webshot = TRUE)` now issues a \ 
warning and
reverts to using `rgl.snapshot()`.
* Buffers now use "normalized integers" to store
color or texture coordinate values that lie between 0
and 1 when it saves some space.
* At the request of CRAN, the `akima` package is no
longer suggested.

## Bug fixes

* `as.mesh3d.rglobject()` didn't handle objects with indices
* In WebGL, the front vs back calculation sometimes
got the wrong result (issue #164).
* `pop3d(tag = x)` did not always find the objects with `tag == x` if they were \ 
not in the current subscene.
* The default values for `front` and `back` in `rgl.material`
and `material3d` are now `"filled"`, as documented in some
* The `fog` setting wasn't handled properly by `bg3d()`.
* Numerous cases of partial argument matching were fixed
(suggestion of Henrik Bengtsson in issue #170.)
* Argument `col` is accepted as a synonym for `color` in `material3d()` and \ 
* `planes3d()` objects were not displayed consistently
in `rgl` windows and WebGL displays, because the bounding
boxes were not computed consistently (issue #169).
* Some initialization wasn't done properly in Shiny apps,
so they failed after a redraw (issue #173).
* Buffers are now optional, as they don't work with
Shiny scene changes (also issue #173).
* The NULL device would sometimes miscalculate the
bounding box.
* `selectpoints3d(closest = TRUE)` selected too many points
when multiple objects were in the scene.
* Clearing nested subscenes could cause a segfault and crash.
* In `knitr` and `rmarkdown`, blank plots could be shown
when `par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE)` was set (issue #188).
* Objects drawn with `sprites3d()` weren't lit correctly
in WebGL (issue #189).
* Objects with textures were sometimes drawn more than once, both
before the texture loaded and after.  This was most noticeable for
objects with user textures.
* Axis mode `"pretty"` got lost when scenes were redrawn.
* Tick labels were sometimes lost in WebGL displays and
`snapshot3d()` results (issue #197).
* The new material properties from 0.107.10 and 0.108.3
were not handled properly by `plotmath3d()`.
* `rglMouse()` did not set the default value of the drop-down
selector properly (issue #213).
* `merge.mesh3d()`, used by `filledContour3d()`, didn't handle
colors properly (issue #212).
* `bg3d(sphere = TRUE)` has been fixed (issue #207).
* Textures were not appearing on spheres, and front-back
differences weren't being rendered (issue #217).
* When "knitting" within RStudio under R 4.2.0 on
Windows, `rgl` scenes didn't appear (reported by
Dieter Menne.) A workaround has been added.
* In `rglwidget()`, axis labels were not always
displayed, and did not move with solid bounding box
decorations properly (issue #206).
* On some systems, `lines3d()` using both missing values
and transparency did not draw properly (issue #234,
originally reported by Gaspar Jekely).
* The `rglShared()` example failed when `crosstalk`
was uninstalled.

# rgl

## Bug fixes

* Changes introduced in 0.100.50 lacked checks; these caused
segfaults in Windows with R 4.2.0 and RStudio (issue #208).
* A typo caused problems loading fonts on some systems.

# rgl  0.108.3

## Major changes

* Added `getBoundary3d()` function to extract the boundary
edges of a mesh.
* Added material property `tag`, a string associated
with each object.  The value is reported by `ids3d(tags = TRUE)` and
may be used to select objects in most functions that use ids,
but otherwise is
largely ignored by `rgl`.  The `tagged3d()` function returns
information on tags.
* Primitive types (points, lines, segments, triangles, quads)
can now accept an `indices` parameter, similar to the
indices in `mesh3d` objects.
* Added `Buffer` object, based on glTF design, for holding binary
data for `rglwidget()`.

## Minor changes

* Allowed for a third coordinate in `text3d()`'s `adj`
* Added support for `adj`, `pos` and `offset` to
* Added support for `pos` values of `0` (at specified
location), `5` (in front of it), and `6` (behind it) in
`text3d()`, `sprites3d()` and `plotmath3d()`.
* `crosstalk` is now a Suggested package, rather than
a required one.
* The `Makevars.ucrt` file has been modified with
contributions from Tomas Kalibera to work with his `winutf8`
build of R.
* `bgplot3d()` no longer pauses for each page when running
* `deldir` version 1.0-2 is incompatible with `rgl`.  Added
the `checkDeldir()` function to avoid running it.
* `shade3d()` treated texture coordinates like colors, and
  duplicated the first one for the whole face when `meshColor = \ 
"faces"` was chosen.
  Instead, they are now treated like vertex coordinates.
  (Reported by Michael Sumner in issue #145).
* Corrected the documentation and made the implementations
of `asHomogeneous()`, `asEuclidean()` etc. more consistent.
* An `as.rglscene()` generic has been added, though no methods
are defined in this package.
* `downlit` 0.4.0 has been released with support for `rgl`, so instructions
for installing the devel version have been removed.

## Bug fixes

* Fixed rendering of text as sprites3d() objects.
* Added `--static` flag to configure script for FreeType
  installation.  (Suggestion of Simon Urbanek and Prof. Brian Ripley.)
* `shade3d()`, `wire3d()` and `dots3d()` overrode
  `"front"` and `"back"` material settings in mesh objects.
* `rglwidget()` handling of bounding box decorations had
  several bugs.
* `rgl` could not find routines in the DLL on some Windows
installs (Issue 148.)
* Some cases where allocations were not protected have been fixed.
   2021-10-26 12:47:26 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (800)
Log message:
graphics: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
   2021-10-07 16:13:27 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (800)
Log message:
graphics: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-09-11 14:25:58 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
(graphics/R-rgl) import R-rgl-0.107.14

Provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics,
including functions modelled on base graphics (plot3d(), etc.) as well
as functions for constructing representations of geometric objects
(cube3d(), etc.).  Output may be on screen using OpenGL, or to various
standard 3D file formats including WebGL, PLY, OBJ, STL as well as 2D
image formats, including PNG, Postscript, SVG, PGF.