./graphics/nsxiv, Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 33, Package name: nsxiv-33, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer.

nsxiv is a fork of now unmaintained sxiv with the purpose of being a drop-in
replacement of sxiv, maintaining it and adding simple, sensible features.
nsxiv is free software licensed under GPLv2 and aims to be easy to modify
and customize.

Master sites:

Filesize: 75.819 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-24 13:23:30 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/nsxiv: update to 33

  * Moved key-handler prompts to the right side bar [#481][]
  * Rename `--class` to `--name` [#515][]
  * Print usage output to `stderr` on usage error [#510][]

  * Added cli flags `--cache-{allow,deny}` to white/black list directories from \ 
thumbnail caching [#461][]
  * Print ellipsis when text is truncated in the statusbar [#501][]
  * Allow disabling thumbnail mode via `--thumbnail=no` [#502][]
  * Allow disabling animation playback via `-A 0` [#502][]
  * Add `--bar` to enable statusbar [#502][]
  * Updated `rotate()` in key-handler example to support `nsxiv -0` [#521][]

  * Unresponsive UI when animation is too fast [#489][]
  * Fixed image placement when rotating [#493][]
  * More reliable reading of various script output [#490][]
  * Statusbar getting stuck at "Running key-handler..." [#481][]
  * Fixed autoreload when directory is root [#498][]
  * Fixed `-A` not working [#503][]
  * Selecting incorrect thumbnail when clicking outside the thumbnail area [#517][]
  * Fix exiv2 argument order in key-handler example [#518][]
   2024-01-03 16:32:37 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/nsxiv: update to 32

v32 (October 01, 2023)
 - Removed legacy multi-frame loaders. Animated image support now requires
   Imlib2 v1.8.0 or above.
 - Move loading/caching messages to right side bar #446
 - Set a default delay if delay is 0 in a multi-frame image #445
 - config.mk: default to -O2 #435
 - config.mk no longer explicitly sets CC to c99 #455
 - Assertions are now opt-in and requires explicitly defining DEBUG #447

 - Added a pick-quit key-binding #432
 - Ability to configure Xresources class name in config.h #427
 - --version output now also includes compiled-in feature list #462
 - Document handling of empty X resources values #428
 - Experimental flag --bg-cache to generate thumbnail cache in a background
   process #438

 - Changing brightness/contrast on multi-frame images #440
 - Brightness keybindings on manpage #467
 - Various autoreload bugs #437, #459, #460
 - *-info scripts not updating when selecting thumbnail with mouse #477
 - Updated openbsd configuration in config.mk #453
 - Memory leak in win_draw_bar #444
 - Thumbnail leak when removing the last file #423

v31 (January 28, 2023)
 - Uncritical files moved to etc/. #350
 - Empty Xresource entry will now be ignored. #340
 - win-title will be read in a non-blocking manner. #314

 - Support for multi-frame images via Imlib2. #373
 - Support for long-opts. #332
 - Cli flag --anti-alias to enable/disable anti-aliasing. #361
 - Cli flag --alpha-layer to enable/disable checkerboard background. #408
 - Accept directory via stdin (-i) #383
 - Support for modifying brightness and contrast #396

 - Build failure when _SC_PHYS_PAGES is not defined. #334
 - Various statusbar issues. #353,#341
 - Crashes due to faulty signal-handler. #411
 - Potential memory leak in r_readdir(). #319
 - Potentially printing incorrect error message. #321
 - Wrong slideshow length on animated webp. #381
 - Document missing Ctrl+6 binding in the manpage. #347

SPECIAL NOTE: Due to this incident we have moved development over to Codeberg.

A lot of the references below may now be 404 on GitHub. Any threads which
survived the wipe have been migrated over to nsxiv-record. All of the references
above can be found on the new main nsxiv repository on Codeberg.

v30 (June 15, 2022)
 - Development and main repository moved over to Codeberg. See the special note
   above for more info.
 - autoreload_{inotify,nop}.c merged into a single file, autoreload.c. #263
 - Moved all configuration related macros to config.mk. #264
 - win-title is now called only when there's change rather than being called on
   each redraw. #266

 - Added more mimetypes to the .desktop entry. #260
 - Added thumb-info for customizing the statusbar in thumbnail-mode. #265
 - Added comments for building on OpenBSD. #264

 - "Too many open file" error due to not closing the win-title script. #245
 - -f now directly starts in fullscreen mode rather than opening a normal
   window and then going fullscreen. #251
 - Broken slideshow on slow systems or fast animations. #282
 - Memory leak when removing an image in thumbnail mode. #247
 - Correctly setting _NET_WM_PID. #251
 - Don't override statusbar if info script doesn't exist. #271
 - Potential misbehavior regarding font. #250
   2023-11-12 14:24:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2570)
Log message:
*: revebump for new brotli option for freetype2

Addresses PR 57693
   2023-01-29 22:18:34 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (2527)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbup from graphics/freetype2
   2022-04-13 11:36:32 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
graphics/nsxiv: remove conflict flag
   2022-04-13 10:31:25 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
graphics/nsxiv: import package

Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer.

nsxiv is a fork of now unmaintained sxiv with the purpose of being a drop-in
replacement of sxiv, maintaining it and adding simple, sensible features.
nsxiv is free software licensed under GPLv2 and aims to be easy to modify
and customize.