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Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 5.0,
Package name: tex-pgfgantt-5.0,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThe package provides an environment for drawing Gantt charts
that contain various elements (titles, bars, milestones, groups
and links). Several keys customize the appearance of the chart
Required to run:[
print/tex-pgf] [
Required to build:[
Master sites: (Expand)
Version history: (Expand)
- (2018-04-25) Updated to version: tex-pgfgantt-5.0
- (2017-11-23) Package has been reborn
- (2016-04-24) Package added to, version tex-pgfgantt-4.0 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2021-10-26 12:47:26 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (800) |
Log message:
graphics: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:13:27 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (800) |
Log message:
graphics: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2020-01-19 00:36:14 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (3046) |
Log message:
all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to https
pkglint --only "https instead of http" -r -F
With manual adjustments afterwards since pkglint 19.4.4 fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines.
This mainly affects projects hosted at SourceForce, as well as, CTAN and GNU.
2019-12-06 21:04:42 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (216) |
Log message:
2018-04-25 13:13:07 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
tex-pgfgantt{,-doc}: update to 5.0
This major update includes:
* a new key 'decade' for \gantttitlecalendar
* a new key 'time slot unit' for using one day, month or year per time
slot; this key replaces 'compress calendar' % a new macro \ganttvrule
for drawing arbitrary vertical rules (similar to the today rule), as
well as associated keys 'vrule', 'vrule offset', 'vrule label font',
and 'vrule label text' % a new key 'expand chart', which specifies that
a chart should expand horizontally to a given dimension % a new key
'title label text', which allows fine-tuning of title label formatting
% compatibility with the amsgen package
2016-04-24 00:32:03 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (32) |
Log message:
Add tex-pgfgantt{,-doc} 4.0 - Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
Add tex-pst-ovl{,-doc} 0.06 - Create and manage graphical overlays
Add tex-pst-tools{,-doc} 0.05 - PStricks support functions
Add tex-tikz-cd{,-doc} 0.9e - Create commutative diagrams with TikZ