./graphics/wallust, Generate colors from an image

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.2.0, Package name: wallust-3.2.0, Maintainer: pin

wallust - Generate colors from an image

- Config file at ~/.config/wallust/wallust.toml
- templating integrated in a config file
- backends, colorspaces and filters
- configurable threshold
- cache scheme palette at ~/.cache/wallust

Templating & Config File
- You can use wallust generated colors in your program by __template__ing
them in it's config file and add a new entry to wallust.toml

Master sites:

Filesize: 135.176 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-21 15:35:18 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/wallust: update to 3.2.0

    update deps
    adds wallust theme list 7793a9c31d
    New flags:
        --no-config 571f0b6ba5 that
        avoids creating the default config
    New Palettes:
        ansidark16 #98
    Write to sequences file at last, in case it fails #102 (thanks to felipe)
    Configuration file:
        env_vars = true to enable shell variables #96
    Fix BSDs error #110 (thanks to andrath)
    Use a 1to1 ish replica of the pywal template engine
    c03171cfe2, which allows wallust to read
    the usual pywal templates
    New subcommand: wallust pywal, that accepts command line flags the
    same as pywal. Right now, it ignores all flags, and prioritizes
    reading the wallust config file. 2db417aba0
    SHORT FLAG OF --ignore-sequence is now -I and not -i 07d653934f
    much better config defaults 3faae0282a
    wallust now understands your colorschemes files inside a
    wallust/colorscheme folder. You can use wallust cs mycolorscheme to read, \ 
for example,
    '~/.config/wallust/colorscheme/mycolorscheme.json'. 4ba54330b4
   2024-10-14 20:45:37 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/wallust: update to 3.1.0

 - fix wal sometimes not using srgb (3091f71ef4) #74
 - backends:
     - fix kmeans to use the full image, instead of resizing, and run 5 times \ 
     - lch: reduce MIN_CHROMA so it catches more colors ba8b9bf92b
 - fix up complementary on templates #86 314af00176
 - cache:
     - It now stores the contents hash (cfd81f7835)
     - No more magick number on Windows (c0d81a5704)
 - misc: fix up woodpecker, doc generation, makefile, refactor code on colorspaces
   2024-08-07 10:41:08 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
graphics/wallust: simplify Makefile
   2024-08-07 10:07:21 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
graphics/wallust: remove beta tag
   2024-08-07 08:42:48 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/walllust: update to 3.0.0nb2

New major version, changes from the beta pre-release:

 - update deps, man pages, completions, readme, v3.md
 - output of image is now the basename
 - wallust doesn't require a config file, because of this, the default config \ 
file has been simplify to what most people would 'expect', avoiding advance \ 
 - fix a cache bug (bdd133771d)
 - make some common cli flags globals. (aa7c7af753)
 - new -N/--no-config global flag
 - template:
    * add colors array (906ce4b1f8)
    * HEXA representation of colors (e48c376984) #41
    * avoid UNC windows paths (53efe6ea92) #42
 - overall MASSIVE changes to the code => instead of implementing some \ 
functionality manualy, I'm using the palette crate which is very refined and \ 
displays much better results.

 - rename generation to fallback_generator (a9548c24a8)
 - rename --config-path to --config-file (735bd3861b)
   2024-03-09 22:52:57 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/wallust: update to 3.0.0nb1

This is actually an update from 3.0.0-alpha to 3.0.0-beta.
Unfortunately, I made a mistake on the previous update and pushed it as 3.0.0
instead of 3.0.0-alpha as it should have been.

new major pre-release version: 3.0.0-beta
 - update deps, man pages, completions, readme, v3.md
 - output of image is now the basename
 - wallust doesn't require a config file, because of this, the default
 - config file has been simplify to what most people would 'expect',
 - avoiding advance configuration.
 - fix a cache bug (bdd133771d)
 - make some common cli flags globals. (aa7c7af753)
 - new -N/--no-config global flag
 - template:
    * add colors array (906ce4b1f8)
    * HEXA representation of colors (e48c376984) #41
    * avoid UNC windows paths (53efe6ea92) #42
 - overall MASSIVE changes to the code => instead of implementing some
 - functionality manualy, I'm using the palette crate which is very refined and \ 
displays much better results.

 - rename generation to fallback_generator (a9548c24a8)
 - rename --config-path to --config-file (735bd3861b
   2024-01-26 11:36:27 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/wallust: update to 2.10.0

new minor version: 2.10.0
 - update dependencies
 - Methods for configuring color generation: 8ee3a77386
 - new cli flag: --generation/-g
 - new config optional variable: generation
 - new palettes (filters): a6741f19d6
    - darkcomp, darkcomp16
    - harddarkcomp, harddarkcomp16
    - softdarkcomp, softdarkcomp16
    - softlightcomp, softlightcomp16
    - lightcomp, lightcomp16
    - fixed contrast in softdark 4bfc945091
 - backends:
    - new backend: kmeans algo 80cd0a0a91
    - guess format, instead of using ext #32
 - template variables:
    - wallpaper will display a path (normal usage), a theme (when using theme
      subcommand) or the colorscheme file (when using cs subcommand) ecce329233
    - alpha_hex #23
    - wallpaper will always display the absolute path #33
 - colorspaces:
    - improved color picking 7a701e368f
    - remove some inconsistencies 1ea2b886ee
 - improved sample config generation 004127308e
 - Introduce new changes from v3.md
    - rename filter -> palette, in a backwards compatible way 7fa281f2d6
    - flag --filter/-f renamed to --palette/-p, in a backwards compatible way
    - wallust image.png -> wallust run image.png, the first one is still
      supported (backwards compatible)
    - added new config syntax, backwards compatible c3a2e00d9e

First version of the year, thanks everyone!
   2023-12-28 21:47:21 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
graphics/wallust: update to 2.9.0

new minor version: 2.9 - xmas edition c;

 - New config option, per [[entry]]: new_engine: an optional bool that, when
   defined, uses {{variable}} instead of {variable} and allows escaping
   ({{{{}} for {{ and {{}}}} for }}). It's a flag to be backwards compatible,
   since this is still a minor version release [e45a2c74a8]
 - new themes: rose-pine, rose-pine-dawn and rose-pine-moon [b45cc33f25,
 - fix false positive on testing, formatted text issue with config file
 - update dependencies [0602ff3db9]

* * Have a very happy xmas, well, hope it was good. I'm a little late * *