2023-03-14 15:12:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-mpmath: updated to 1.3.0
Released March 7, 2023
Security issues:
* Fixed ReDOS vulnerability in mpmathify() (CVE-2021-29063) (Vinzent Steinberg)
* Added quadsubdiv() for numerical integration with adaptive path splitting
(Fredrik Johansson)
* Added the Cohen algorithm for inverse Laplace transforms
(Guillermo Navas-Palencia)
* Some speedup of matrix multiplication (Fredrik Johansson)
* Optimizations to Carlson elliptic integrals (Paul Masson)
* Added signal functions (squarew(), trianglew(), sawtoothw(), unit_triangle()
sigmoidw()) (Nike Dattani, Deyan Mihaylov, Tina Yu)
Bug fixes:
* Correct mpf initialization from tuple for finf and fninf (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Support QR decomposition for matrices of width 0 and 1 (Clemens Hofreither)
* Fixed some cases where elliprj() gave inaccurate results (Fredrik Johansson)
* Fixed cases where digamma() hangs for complex input (Fredrik Johansson)
* Fixed cases of polylog() with integer-valued parameter with complex type
(Fredrik Johansson)
* Fixed fp.nsum() with Euler-Maclaurin algorithm (Fredrik Johansson)
* Dropped support for Python 3.4 (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Documentation cleanup (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Removed obsolete files (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Added options to runtests.py to skip tests and exit on failure
(Jonathan Warner)
2022-11-14 19:53:37 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-mpmath: switch to py-gmpy2
2022-01-13 20:31:25 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (43) |
Log message:
*: setuptools_scm: switch to versioned_dependencies
2022-01-04 21:55:40 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1595) |
Log message:
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users
They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
2021-10-26 12:56:13 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (458) |
Log message:
math: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:28:36 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (458) |
Log message:
math: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-05-12 10:32:16 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-mpmath: updated to 1.2.1
Released February 1, 2021
Features and optimizations:
* Support @ operator for matrix multiplication (Max Gaukler)
* Add eta() implementing the Dedekind eta function
* Optimized the python_trailing function (adhoc-king)
* Implement unary plus for matrices (Max Gaukler)
* Improved calculation of gram_index (p15-git-acc)
* Enable sage backend by default only if SAGE_ROOT is set (Pauli Virtanen)
* Fix syntax warnings on CPython 3.8 (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Changed version requirements to Python 2.7 and 3.4 or later
(Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Improvements to the setup and test code (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Fix sys.version comparisons for compatibility with Python 3.10 (Jakub Wilk)
* Fixes to Python2/3 compatibility for printing (Christian Clauss)
Bug fixes:
* Fix a possible division by zero in shanks() (Pascal Hebbeker)
* Fixed indexing errors in deHoog, Knight & Stokes inverse laplace
transform algorithm (Kris Kuhlman)
* Corrected branch cuts of the elliprj() function in some cases
* Fix initialization of iv.matrix from non-interval matrix (Max Gaukler)
* Preserve function signatures in PrecisionManager (Viet Tran)
* Implemented float and complex conversions for ivmpf
(Jonathan Warner)
* Fixed issue with scalar-matrix multiplication for interval matrices
(Jonathan Warner)
* Fix estimation of quadrature error with multiple subintervals (Tom Minka)
* Fixed a problem with the defun decorators (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Fix eigenvalue sorting by absolute value (Georg Ostrovski)
* Documentation corrections (Paul Masson, S.Y. Lee)
* Remove inaccessible logic in fsum/fdot (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Remove broken force_type option for matrix constructor (Max Gaukler)
* Fix text of the BSD license in LICENSE (Sergey B Kirpichev)
* Minor code cleanup (Frédéric Chapoton)
* Removed old, unused code
2019-05-06 10:48:06 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-mpmath: updated to 1.1.0
* Fixed severe bug in householder() for complex matrices
* Fixed frequently-reported bug where findroot() mysteriously raised
* Corrected rounding in binary-to-decimal conversion above 500 digits
* Fixed minor loss of accuracy affecting rf(), ff(), binomial(), beta()
* Fixed incorrect computation of the Hurwitz zeta function in some cases
* Fixed accuracy of digamma function near 0
* Fixed RuntimeError in qfac() in Python 3.7 caused by raising
* Fix to allow NumPy arrays in fdot()
Features and improvements:
* Added more automatic conversions from Fraction, Decimal, NumPy types
* Support creating mpf from a long literal
* Implemented log1p()
* Slight speedup of eig()
* Implement polylog() for general complex s and z by using Hurwitz zeta
algorithm as a fallback
* Test more CPython and PyPy versions
* Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2
* Use py.test for test code; lots of code cleanup
* Corrections to the documentation