./misc/tui-journal, Your journal app if you live in a terminal

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.9.1, Package name: tui-journal-0.9.1, Maintainer: pin

TUI-Journal is a terminal-based application written in Rust that allows you to
write and manage your journal/notes from within the comfort of your terminal.
It provides a simple and efficient interface for creating and organizing your
thoughts, ideas, and reflections.

TUI-Journal supports two different local back-ends: a plain text back-end in
JSON format and a database back-end using SQLite.

- Write and manage journal/notes entries from the terminal.
- Store your entries in either a plain text file using the JSON format or a
SQLite database.
- Intuitive, responsive and user-friendly text-based user interface (TUI).
- Create, edit, and delete entries easily.
- Keybindigs is a combination of VIM and Emacs motions (VIM for navigation and
Emacs for editing texts in edit-mode).
- See the keybindings from inside the app
- Cross-platform compatibility

Master sites:

Filesize: 1945.683 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-29 15:44:09 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.8.3

 - Added --locked to Install Instruction & Update dependencies by \ 
@AmmarAbouZor in #376
 - Fixed: Specify arm target on mac build and release by @AmmarAbouZor in #377
 - Update all dependencies to their latest versions
   2024-02-01 21:36:00 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.8.2

What's Changed
 - Fixed: Change Help popup shortcut on windows by @AmmarAbouZor in #320
   2024-01-22 08:32:57 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.8.1

What's Changed
 - Fixed: Aeruginous: migrate from deprecated comment-changes option -T by \ 
@kevinmatthes in #308
 - Added: Rust minimum supported version to cargo manifest by @AmmarAbouZor in #310
 - Enhancement: Remove explicit inline annotations by @AmmarAbouZor in #311
   2024-01-17 08:39:59 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.8.0

What's Changed
 - Added: Add an optional priority field to the journals by @AmmarAbouZor in #280
 - Added: Add Default suggested priority while creating a journal by \ 
@AmmarAbouZor in #294
 - Added: CLI Sub-Command to assign priority to journals by @AmmarAbouZor in #296
 - Added: Add sort Functionality for journals by @AmmarAbouZor in #299
 - Changed: Skip Rendering the UI on Key-Release & Key-Repeat Events by \ 
@AmmarAbouZor in #302
 - Added: Go to Top/Bottom & Page Up/Down Commands by @AmmarAbouZor in #303
 - Added: App State (Sorting and Full-Screen Options) will be persisted by \ 
@AmmarAbouZor in #304
   2024-01-06 10:09:23 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.7.0

What's Changed
- Changed: Aeruginous CHANGELOG fragment creation logic by @kevinmatthes in #279
- Changed: Use native rust support for async traits by @AmmarAbouZor in #265
- Added: Add full screen mode by @orhun in #281
- Changed: Main Footer Height is calculated dynamically by @AmmarAbouZor in #284
- Fixed: App will be redrawn on not handled input too by @AmmarAbouZor in #285
- Fixed: CHANGELOG creation logic; fixes #286 by @kevinmatthes in #287
- Fixed: Call to Aeruginous; fixes #286 by @kevinmatthes in #288
- Fixed: Commit fetch depth in CHANGELOG assembly; fixes #286 by @kevinmatthes \ 
in #289
   2024-01-01 20:07:20 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.6.1

What's Changed
 - Update Ratatui to 0.25 + Update dependencies by @AmmarAbouZor in #261
 - Chore: Bump thiserror from 1.0.51 to 1.0.52 by @dependabot in #263
 - Ignore key events of types other than press by @AmmarAbouZor in #267
   2023-12-17 08:05:13 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.6.0

What's Changed
 - Added: Support to Copy, Cut and Paste text between Built-in Editor and OS
   Clipboard by @AmmarAbouZor in #254
 - Chore: Update dependencies by @AmmarAbouZor
   2023-11-29 14:44:41 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
misc/tui-journal: update to 0.5.1

What's Changed
 - Added: Navigation between journals popup inputs via arrow keys
   by @AmmarAbouZor in #246
 - Fixed: Letter V can't be typed in built-in editor insert mode
   by @AmmarAbouZor in #249