./net/lagrange, Desktop GUI client for browsing Gemini

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.18.4nb1, Package name: lagrange-1.18.4nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Lagrange is a desktop GUI client for browsing Geminispace. It offers modern
conveniences familiar from web browsers, such as smooth scrolling, inline
image viewing, multiple tabs, visual themes, Unicode fonts, bookmarks,
history, and page outlines.

Like Gemini, Lagrange has been designed with minimalism in mind. It depends
on a small number of essential libraries. It is written in C and uses SDL
for hardware-accelerated graphics. OpenSSL is used for secure communications.

Package options: mpg123

Master sites:

Filesize: 11049.306 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-12 07:45:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (850)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/flac-1.5.0
   2024-12-26 18:49:20 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
net/lagrange; update to 1.18.4


    Added option to disable page width expansion to fit long lines.
    Limited page width expansion to 33% so room is left for the current title in \ 
the margin.
    Audio player UI shows number of downloaded bytes if length of audio is still \ 
    Strip CR characters in content pasted to input fields. Line breaks are \ 
expected to be just LFs.
    Fixed use of non-Gemini search URLs. (Do not force-prepend \ 
    Fixed handling of the reserved : character in URL paths.
    TUI: Fixed possible crash at launch.
    Updated UI translations.


    TUI: Fixed background colors in reduced color modes (less than 256 colors).


    Misfin: URI format has changed to "misfin:address?message" instead \ 
of the previously used "misfin://address". The optional query string \ 
("message") is used as the initial message contents if the upload \ 
dialog's text editor is empty.
    Increased number of concurrent feed subscription requests (now 10, was 4).
    Potential workaround for a crash during feed refresh.
    Fixed redirection counting (and related warnings) when requesting Titan URIs.
    Fixed perpetual load spinner animation when redirected to a Titan URL.
    TUI: Fixed Identities sidebar not responding to the context menu action.
    TUI: Fixed screen not being refreshed when a key is held down.
    TUI: Fixed black cursor on empty regions of the screen, regardless of text color.
    TUI: Fixed footer button shortcut keys for trusting the server certificate \ 
and showing Identities sidebar.
    TUI: Fixed dimensions of the New Identity dialog.
    TUI: Fixed first-run bookmarks getting re-added on every launch.
    Updated UI translations.


    macOS: Fixed opening Misfin URIs externally via system handlers.
    Windows: Register Lagrange as a "misfin://" URL handler.
    TUI: Fixed potentially garbled output.
    TUI: Only link Curses statically when using CMake option ENABLE_STATIC.
    Updated UI translations.

New features:

    Support for sending Misfin messages. "misfin://" links are opened \ 
in the upload dialog. You must import a Misfin identity before you can send a \ 
    Misfin: Identity sidebar indicates which identities are for Misfin.
    Support for the Guppy protocol. Contributed by Dima Krasner.
    Titan: Support for the "edit" parameter in opened Titan links. The \ 
target's contents are downloaded and displayed in the upload dialog's text \ 
editor. After editing the contents are uploaded back to the server.
    Option to disable all TLS security warnings.
    Opus audio playback using libopusfile (optional dependency). Contributed by \ 
Martin Chang.

Changes and enhancements:

    The Curses-based clagrange can be built in addition to the GUI, not only \ 
separately. Removed the TUI build script.
    Improved UI focus navigation: arrow keys move focus to an adjacent widget.
    Context menus are keyboard-navigable with arrow keys, and the first letter \ 
of labels acts as a shortcut key to move focus on the item.
    Bookmarked URLs are automatically updated after permanent redirection. (The \ 
original URL is still saved in bookmarks.ini.)
    Line width expands dynamically (up to window size) to account for wide \ 
content like preformatted blocks and plain text lines.
    The file path can be entered manually in the upload dialog. Previously only \ 
drag-and-drop was supported.
    Right-clicking on the site banner shows a link context menu. (Linking to the \ 
capsule's root URL.)
    Show a confirmation popup when saving something to the downloads folder.
    Menubar: When opened via keyboard, reopen the most recently opened menu \ 
instead of "File".
    The Return key is now a (hardcoded) keyboard shortcut for focusing the \ 
navbar URL field.
    Page Information: Clarified meaning of "fingerprint". The type of \ 
hash (SHA-256) and what it was calculated from are specified (full certificate \ 
or just the public key).
    Updated UI symbols for "Go to Root", remote bookmarks, and the \ 
navbar bookmark indicator/button.
    Gopher: Proper parsing of Telnet line types 8 and T.
    Noto Emoji font updated to support Unicode 15.1.
    TUI: Often needed keyboard shortcuts are shown in place of menubar when the \ 
menubar is inactive, to make the UI more approachable.
    TUI: Improved UI layout, targeting a minimum resolution of 80x25.
    TUI: Improved text-mode rendering of various widgets.


    Titan URLs were incorrectly opening the upload dialog when navigating \ 
through history.
    Titan request in an open tab was resubmitted with empty content when \ 
launching the app.
    Default Titan upload identity was sometimes chosen incorrectly; should match \ 
the active Gemini identity.
    Upload dialog was missing a couple of UI strings for drag-and-drop errors.
    Gopher: Gemtext formatting (headings, quotes, etc.) found on Gopher menu \ 
pages is now escaped so it doesn't unintentionally affect the visual \ 
    Gopher: Allow port number to be blank on i lines.
    Query shortcuts (bang snippets) that already contain a ? character were \ 
prefixed by a redundant ?.
    Link ordinals/letters (when navigating with Alt/Option or home row keys) now \ 
start at the actual top of the view.
    Incorrect event handling order with multiple windows when there is a focused \ 
    macOS: Navigating with trackpad on a non-focused window would cause the \ 
navigation to occur in another window, if the other window had focus.
    Missing focus indication in empty lists and the Snippets list.
    Holding down Alt/Option (link number modifier key) while opening a query \ 
link would prevent the prompt dialog from having input focus.
    Incorrect glyph spacing in a mixed-font preformatted block (fallback glyphs \ 
from different fonts).
    Lede paragraph highlighting was misbehaving with monospace body font; now \ 
gets disabled.
    Glyphs were sometimes partially cut off due to excessive background clearing \ 
on adjacent lines.
    TUI: Color escapes were not applied when rendering.
    TUI: Submenu chevron symbols were missing.
    TUI: Potential hang when wrapping text.
   2024-08-25 08:19:21 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (575)
Log message:
   2024-08-08 19:30:39 by pin | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
net/lagrange: update to 1.17.6


 - Fixed memory leak: fetched pages were not always released from memory
   (reference miscount).
 - Fixed minor memory leak in list widgets.
 - Gopher: Autodetect Gemtext files based on file extension.
 - Updated UI translations.


 - Fixed a few small memory leaks.
 - Fixed unnecessary copying of data while waiting for an audio buffer to become
 - Gopher: Detect audio media type from file extension with the s item type
   (it's not always WAV).
 - Content that uses charset=utf-8 is checked for validity. If the encoding is
   invalid, the content is instead decoded as CP437 (if it has ANSI escapes;
   possibly it's ASCII art) or just Latin-1.
 - Remove ANSI escapes from window titles.
 - Modified rule for when 'text/plain' is assumed to actually be 'text/gemini'
   based on the file extension.
   2024-04-06 10:07:18 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1490)
Log message:
* recursive bump for libxkbcommon 1.7.0

Marc Baudoin reported problems with using old binary packages
with the new libkxbcommon, so force everything to 1.7.0
   2024-01-30 15:22:43 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (672)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudio-17.0
   2023-11-22 08:32:25 by Yorick Hardy | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
net/lagrange: update to lagrange-1.17.4

== Release notes

== 1.17.4
* Removed automatic horizontal scrolling of wide preformatted blocks.
  Instead, hold down the Shift key to scroll horizontally with the
  mouse wheel.
* Fixed an event processing issue where some events were not handled
  as expected, for instance when opening a link into split view the
  opened link was not highlighted.
* Fixed links not reacting to mouse hover after jumping to a heading
  from the Outline.
* Fixed input prompt behaving strangely after changing font size.
  (Lines are now forced to rewrap after changing the font.)
* Fixed mouse cursor not changing its shape in all open windows.
* Updated UI translations.

== 1.17.3
* Fixed activating a pinned identity when opening a bookmark via the
  Bookmarks menu.
* Fixed initial scope of a created identity when using the default
* Fixed issues with dropdown menus when the menu appears as a popup
* Fixed clearing the pinned identity of a bookmark.

== 1.17.2
* Tabs opened in background are immediately added to the URL history.
* Mouse wheel direction switches back to vertical when a wide block
  has been scrolled all the way.
* Fixed current text selection extending during scrolling even after
  mouse button has been released.
* Fixed drag-to-select with the mouse being too sensitive to mouse
* Fixed the numbered links key (default: Alt/Option) while navigating
  to new pages. It is no longer necessary to release and press the
  key again on the new page.
* Fixed long bookmark titles making the Bookmarks menu too wide.
* ANSI Cursor Forward control sequence ("CSI n C") is converted to a
  series of spaces, but only in preformatted text.
* Fixed parsing of ANSI SGR sequences with many attributes
  concatenated (e.g., 0;1;40;30).
* Fixed inline image loading indicator overdrawing itself, becoming
* Windows: Installer restarts the app after updating, and there is a
  checkbox for launching the app if it wasn't running. The
  uninstaller is now signed, too.
* Updated UI translations.

== 1.17.1
* Added "Vibrant Light" color theme.
* Improved readability of "Colorful Light" headings.
* Tuned autoscrolling when selecting text to avoid accidental
* Preformatted blocks no longer switch to a smaller font to fit to
  the page.
* Mouse wheel scrolls a wide preformatted block when hovering over
  the block, instead of scrolling vertically. You can hold the Shift
  key to swap the scroll direction.
* Fixed horizontal scrolling issues with preformatted blocks: only
  scroll if needed, allow scrolling anywhere on the block and not
  just on non-empty text lines, and when scrolling disallow swipe
  navigation over the area.
* Fixed visual artifacts around and next to preformatted blocks
 (e.g., streaking).
* Fixed potential crash after (un)folding a preformatted block.
* Fixed links being non-clickable after searching text on a page has
  scrolled the view.
* Fixed scroll position being reset when reloading the page.
* Fixed initial size of the upload dialog when font size has been
* Fixed "View as Plain Text" context menu item after reloading a page.
* Strip any null characters from the page source during whitespace

== 1.17
Caps Lock is no longer treated as a modifier key in keybindings. Use
`--capslock` to enable it.

New features:
* The Bookmarks menu lists all of your bookmarks and folders.
* Snippets: A collection of short text segments that can be pasted
  into any input field via the context menu. For example, useful for
  your gemlog header/footer and other often-repeated parts.
* Snippets can be managed in Preferences > Snippets and created by
  right-clicking on links or selected text on a page.
* Custom search queries: Snippets whose name starts with a bang
  (e.g., "!w") can be invoked in the URL field to make customized
  queries. The snippet content should be a Gemini search URL, for
  example: "gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/wp.cgi/search".
* Quick lookup shows matching snippets as a new type of search result.
* Keyboard shortcut Shift+1/⇧1 for conveniently making a snippet
* Input prompts, upload dialogs, and bookmark editors can be resized
  by dragging the left or right edge.
* Text zooming in the upload text editor.
* Gemtext syntax highlighting in the upload dialog.
* Recently submitted input prompt contents are saved persistently and
  can be restored via the Ellipsis utility menu in the prompt dialog.
* You can force the input prompt to appear before a certain URL is
  requested so you can enter a query string. This is useful for
  avoiding an extra request when it is known that a URL will require
  input (e.g., search engine, game input).
* When importing links as bookmarks, you can optionally create
  subfolders from headings. You can also choose a destination folder
  for the imported bookmarks.
* Quickly add/move a bookmark into a folder with the navbar bookmark
  button context menu.
* User-selectable feed refresh interval. Previously the interval been
  hardcoded to four hours. (Based on a patch by Michael Nordmeyer.)
* Setting to never/always collapse preformatted blocks, disabling the
  ability to toggle the folding.
* "Fold All" and "Unfold All" in Bookmarks sidebar context menu.
* "Search" context menu item on selected text to make a search query
  with it.
* "Use as Search URL" in link context menu.
* "Mark All Links as Visited" in the Tools submenu.
* Option `--capslock`: enable Caps Lock as a modifier in keybindings.
* Option `--theme` (`-t`): change UI color theme of open Lagrange
  windows. Can be used in scripts to switch the theme automatically
  (for example, see the `darkman` utility; thanks to Jason McBrayer
  for suggesting this).
* Support for the Nex protocol
* Keyboard shortcut for deleting bookmarks (Backspace). Useful when
  the Bookmarks list has input focus.
* macOS: System UI accent color can be chosen as the accent color.

Changes and enhancements:
* Menus can have submenus. Several of the old menus were reorganized
  accordingly. For example, the page context menu has a Tools submenu
  for translation, Titan uploads, etc.
* Show unsupported media types as plain text if the content is valid
  UTF-8 encoded text.
* The page scrolls while selecting text near top/bottom.
* Display a logo graphic in empty windows/tabs as a placeholder.
* Visualize input focus in lists by drawing a focus rectangle around
  the current item.
* Menu separators are taller and more distinct for a clearer item
* Adjusted colors of the Import Identity dialog.
* Auto-hide sidebars when resizing a window/split if the document area
  would become narrower than the sidebar.
* Tuned theme color palette and improved background colors of
  "Colorful Light".
* Newly created client certificates have a default expiration date in
  the year 9999, which means they won't expire. One can still also
  set a specific date as before.
* Periodically save UI state (including each tab's navigation history)
  to prevent data loss in case the app crashes. These runtime saves do
  not include any cached page content. The full cache is still saved
  as before when quitting the app.

* Potential crash at shutdown when a feed update is ongoing.
* Problems with window refresh when multiple windows are open. For
  example, the cursor not blinking in input fields.
* Incorrect name displayed in page banner when URL query string
  contains a tilde name.
* Fixed navbar spinner animation going too fast when both sides of a
  split view are being loaded.
* Glitches during swipe navigation (touch screens, macOS trackpad).
  Behavior is more robust at ends of history and when content is not
  immediately available in cache.
* Fixed opening of context menus via keyboard (incorrect click
* Fixed a text rendering issue where glyphs were incorrect when
  preceded by a Narrow No-Break Space.

== 1.16.7
* Workaround for window refresh potentially getting stuck while
  receiving a streaming response. (Limit update frequency.)
* Don't navigate back when stopping a streaming request.

== 1.16.6
* Fixed crash on gemini://sdf.org/ where the contents of a link line
  would fail to be recognized as valid characters.
* Fixed splitting a long wrapped line in input fields where part of
  the text would remain on the preceding line. (Mixup between byte
  and character index.)

== 1.16.5
* "New Tab" (Ctrl+T) and the tab bar [+] button append the tab to the
  right edge. Previously it was inserted next to the active tab.
* Flatpak: Fixed crash when opening Preferences.

== 1.16.4
* Context/button menus use a popup window if they would otherwise
  have to scroll (e.g., "Dark theme:" in Preferences and \ 
  in the bookmark editor).
* Improved tab closing order: close all sibling tabs opened from an
  origin tab before switching back to the origin tab.
* Center a short title under the icon in the page margin.
* Fixed navbar URL text selection when opening new tabs (keep all
* Fixed too much empty space in the input prompt layout.
* Fixed input field not being updated after cutting text.
* Fixed stuck mouse button when opening a context menu while
  performing a drag.
* Fixed incorrect mouse button state and other potential incorrect
  behavior after resizing the window.
* macOS: Fixed drag operation getting stuck if a context menu is
  opened during the drag.
* macOS: Fixed a few cases of potential window freezing during swipe
* Windows: Updated SDL to 2.26.5.
* Linux: The x86_64 AppImage now uses SDL 2.26.5 built from source,
  fixing issues with window and popup behavior.
* TUI: Fixed build error.

== 1.16.3
* Remove whitespace from ends of a URL pasted into an input field.
* Fixed links whose label is a single Emoji sometimes not appearing.
* Fixed zooming not affecting unfocused windows right away.
* Fixed current zoom level not being applied to newly created windows.
* Fixed updating of selected text range in navbar URL when changing
* Fixed mouse wheel scrolling not working in unfocused windows.
* macOS: Fixed an issue where the input focus is given to the wrong
  window when the application comes to the foreground.

== 1.16.2
* Set input focus to navbar URL field when opening an empty window.
* The navbar URL field only omits the "gemini:" scheme when the text
  actually doesn't fit horizontally, and only when the field is
* Fixed problems with handling URLs in input fields. For example,
  copying the URL to the clipboard sometimes had unexpected or
  incorrect results.
* Updated UI translations.

== 1.16.1
* Fixed handling of the AltGr key during text input (again).
* Updated UI translations.

== 1.16
New features:
* Input prompt font size can be changed with the Zoom In/Out/Reset
* Preferences: Option for silently following scheme-changing
  redirects (Network tab; default: no).

Changes and enhancements:
* Tab creation and closing follows common browser conventions: new
  tabs are opened next to the most recently opened tab, so they
  retain the correct left-to-right order.
* Preferences: Moved cache/memory size settings to Content tab.
* Page title in margin omits prefix Emoji if it matches the bookmark
* Adjusted word-wrapping to break at a period inside a word (e.g.,
  domain names).
* If the page is missing a level 1 heading, use the first content
  line as the title.

* Fixed tab order getting reversed when restoring tabs at launch.
* Fixed order of opened tabs when using "Open in New Tabs" on a
  bookmark folder.
* Fixed input focus going to the wrong split when pressing Ctrl+L
  with an Upload dialog open.
* Fixed text fields becoming nonresponsive when multiple fields are
* Fixed input query dialogs not being hidden when the tab changes.
* Fixed incorrect parsing of "hostname:port" in URL field (without
  `//` or `gemini://`).
* Fixed potential crash when switching between cached pages while
  navigating in history.
* Fixed potential crash when closing split view during a scrolling

== 1.15.9
* Added new UI translation: Basque (euskara).
* Improved opening and closing of tabs. New tabs now open to the
  right of the current tab.
* Allow scaling up small images up to 2x size.
* Fixed possible crash when closing tabs.
* Fixed crashes on Wayland due to use of X11-specific code.
* Updated UI translations.
   2023-11-12 14:24:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2570)
Log message:
*: revebump for new brotli option for freetype2

Addresses PR 57693