./news/canlock-hp, Parsers for RFC 5536 message headers and RFC 8315 header fields

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.3.1, Package name: canlock-hp-3.3.1, Maintainer: micha

The canlock-hp package contains standalone header parsers that can be used to
implement RFC 8315 Netnews Cancel-Locks on the receiving (server) side.
They are intended as preprocessors for canlock, the command line frontend of
libcanlock, but are independent programs.

canlock-mhp (Message Header Parser) is intended to process RFC 5536 Netnews
articles and can be used to extract and unfold a single header field.

canlock-hfp (Header Field Parser) is intended to process RFC 8315 header fields
("Cancel-Lock" and "Cancel-Key").

There is also libcanlock-hp, a library to access the header parsers.

Required to build:

Master sites:

Filesize: 621.251 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-29 14:34:31 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
news/canlock-hp: Improve pkg-config support.

- Add main include directory to Cflags in "libcanlock-hp-3.pc.in".
- Add PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE to Makefile for runtime search path.

   2023-08-30 15:16:32 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
news/canlock-hp: Use new variables to request a C99 compiler

Bump, because now the mode should always be set (if default is not C99).
   2022-10-14 13:39:56 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
news/canlock-hp: Update homepage

canlock-hp was merged into libcanlock.
   2021-12-03 11:59:16 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
news/canlock-hp: Update to 3.3.0

Feature release to make the package more useful for servers.
Added buildlink3.mk.

- Bugfix: canlock-mhp utility no longer hangs if field name was not
- Bugfix: Two memory leaks fixed in canlock-hfp utility
  (Reported by Dennis Preiser)
- Bugfix: Typo in canlock-mhp man page fixed
  (Reported by Julien Élie)
- Library libcanlock-hp added to execute the header parsers
  (for operating systems with POSIX API)
- New libcanlock-hp API function to unfold header fields added
  (Suggested by Julien Élie)
- Test suite extended for the new library. Tests for parser functions
  are skipped by default (because they require the installed parser
- Manual pages added for the new library
- Example programs added to the "hp/examples" subdirectory
  (Suggested by Julien Élie)
   2021-10-26 13:09:37 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (27)
Log message:
news: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
   2021-10-07 16:45:00 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (27)
Log message:
news: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-01-11 13:23:19 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
news/canlock-hp: Update to 3.2.2


3.2.2      2021-01-07
           Bugfix: Header field name is not found by canlock-mhp if
            there is another header field for which only the prefix
            differs (and that other field is processed first)
           Test suite for canlock-mhp parser extended: It now tests
            headers larger than 4 KiByte and for the field prefix bug
            fixed in this version
           Lexer of canlock-hfp has problems to detect T_CTEXT tokens on
            HP-UX (relevant only if the header field contains comments).
            The syntax of the ERE for T_CTEXT was rewritten to be
            compatible with the SysV lex of HP-UX 11.11
           Test suite for canlock-hfp parser extended to test comments
           Namespace clash of internal library functions with libc on
            Changed internal API function names hmac* to RFC2104Hmac*
            Changed internal API function names hkdf* to RFC5869Hkdf*
            Library API and ABI are fully compatible if no undocumented
            functions are used
           libcanlock-3.pc: Changed protocol in URL from http to https
   2020-11-30 12:28:14 by Michael Baeuerle | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
news/libcanlock: Update to 3.2.1


3.2.1      2020-11-28
           Bugfix: off-by-one heap buffer overflow fixed in canlock-mhp
            (If header is larger than 4 KiByte. Found by Valgrind)
           Bugfix: canlock-mhp end of header detection fixed
            (Found by test suite on openSUSE. Reported by Martin Hauke)