gscan2pdf (V) | GUI for producing a multipage PDF from a scan | |
kgb-bot (V) | Notify about VCS commits on IRC | |
p5-AI-NeuralNet-Simple (V) | Easy to use backprop neural net | |
p5-AI-Prolog (V) | TODO: Short description of the package | |
p5-Authen-TacacsPlus (V) | Perl extension for authentication using tacacs+ server | |
p5-Config-Any-Merge (V) | Overrinding of configuration variables based on file order | |
p5-Config-Augeas (V) | Edit configuration files through Augeas C library | |
p5-Config-Simple (V) | Simple configuration file class | |
p5-Convert-ASN1 (V) | Perl5 module to encode/decode ASN.1 data | |
p5-Crypt-SSLeay (V) | Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support | |
p5-Data-FormValidator (V) | Validates user input based on input profile | |
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction (V) | Perl 5 package exposing the flag which marks global destruction | |
p5-Devel-OverrideGlobalRequire (V) | Perl 5 package that overrides CORE::GLOBAL::require safely | |
p5-Exporter-Tidy (V) | Alternative way of exporting symbols in perl | |
p5-File-chmod (V) | Perl API-Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes | |
p5-File-Remove (V) | Remove files and directories | |
p5-Font-FreeType (V) | Read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2 | |
p5-Google-API-Client (V) | Perl module for accessing Google APIs | |
p5-GPS-Garmin (V) | GPS::Garmin access module for Perl | |
p5-Hash-AsObject (V) | Treat hashes as objects, with arbitrary accessors/mutators | |
p5-IPC-Run3 (V) | IPC::Run3 - run a subprocess in batch mode | |
p5-JSON (V) | Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure | |
p5-JSON-Any (V) | Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes | |
p5-JSON-MaybeXS (V) | Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::PP | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom (V) | Measure readability of English text | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable (V) | Routine for estimating syllable count in words | |
p5-List-Compare (V) | Compare elements of two or more lists | |
p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate (V) | Library for enabling GSSAPI authentication in LWP | |
p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse (V) | Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP | |
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC (V) | Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm | |
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS (V) | C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm for Perl modules | |
p5-Net-eBay (V) | Perl Interface to XML based eBay API | |
p5-Net-FastCGI (V) | Perl 5 module to build and parse FastCGI messages | |
p5-Net-FTPSSL (V) | Perl FTP over SSL/TLS class | |
p5-Net-HTTP (V) | Perl 5 module for low-level HTTP connections (client) | |
p5-Net-Libdnet6 (V) | Adds IPv6 support to Net::Libdnet | |
p5-Net-SMTP-SSL (V) | Perl5 module providing SSL support for Net::SMTP | |
p5-Net-validMX (V) | Use DNS and/or regular expressions to verify a email address | |
p5-Padre-Plugin-Encrypt (V) | Padre plugin to encrypt/decrypt file | |
p5-Padre-Plugin-Kate (V) | Padre plugin using the Kate syntax highlighter | |
p5-Params-Coerce (V) | Perl 5 module allowing classes to do coercion of parameters | |
p5-RRD-Simple (V) | RRD::Simple implementation for Perl | |
p5-Sereal-Decoder (V) | Perl5 module for fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization | |
p5-Sereal-Encoder (V) | Perl5 module for fast, compact, powerful binary serialization | |
p5-String-Random (V) | Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern | |
p5-SUPER (V) | Perl 5 module to control superclass method dispatch | |
p5-SVN-Class (V) | Manipulate Subversion workspaces with Perl objects | |
p5-SVN-Dump (V) | Perl interface to Subversion dumps | |
p5-SVN-Mirror (V) | Mirrors one Subversion repository to another | |
p5-SVN-Notify (V) | Perl module for mailing messages for Subversion repository activity | |
p5-SVN-Simple (V) | Simple interface to the Subversion delta editor interface | |
p5-SVN-Web (V) | Unstable snapshot of Subversion repository browser | |
p5-Tcl (V) | Tcl extension module for Perl | |
p5-Test-Fake-HTTPD (V) | Fake HTTP Server | |
p5-Test-Mock-LWP (V) | Perl 5 package providing easy mocking of LWP packages | |
p5-Test-MockModule (V) | Perl 5 module to override subroutines in a module for unit testing | |
p5-Test-Script (V) | Test::Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts | |
p5-Test-WWW-Declare (V) | Perl 5 module for declarative testing of web app | |
p5-Test-WWW-Selenium (V) | Perl 5 module to test applications using Selenium Remote Control | |
p5-Test-YAML (V) | Testing Module for YAML Implementations | |
p5-Text-Diff (V) | High-level text diffing module for Perl | |
p5-Text-Diff-HTML (V) | HTML formatting class for Text::Diff | |
p5-Text-Diff-Parser (V) | Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs | |
p5-Text-Morse (V) | Encoding and decoding Morse code | |
p5-Text-Password-Pronounceable (V) | Generate pronounceable passwords | |
p5-Text-Patch (V) | Perl5 module patches text with given patch | |
p5-Text-Quote (V) | Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly | |
p5-Text-Trac (V) | Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki Style | |
p5-Time-Duration (V) | Perl5 module for rounded or exact English expression of durations | |
p5-Time-Duration-Parse (V) | Perl5 module to parse string that represents time duration | |
p5-Time-Period (V) | Perl5 module to deal with time periods | |
p5-Time-Warp (V) | Perl 5 module to control the flow of time | |
p5-Unicode-LineBreak (V) | Text::LineFold, Unicode::GCString and Unicode::LineBreak | |
p5-Unix-ConfigFile (V) | Simple interfaces to various Unix configuration files | |
p5-Unix-Statgrab (V) | Perl extension for collecting information about the machine | |
p5-URI-Find-Rule (V) | Simpler interface to URI::Find | |
p5-XML-RPC (V) | Pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server | |
p5-YAML (V) | YAML implementation for Perl | |
p5-YAML-Syck (V) | Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper | |
p5-YAML-Tiny (V) | Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible |