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Babel support for the Greek language and script
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 1.15,
Package name: tex-babel-greek-1.15,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThe bundle provides comprehensive support for the Greek
language and script via the Babel system. Document authors can
select between the monotonic (single-diacritic), polytonic
(multiple-diacritic), and ancient orthography of the Greek
language. Included are the packages grmath for Greek function
names in mathematics, and athnum for Attic numerals.
Required to run:[
print/kpathsea] [
Required to build:[
Master sites: (Expand)
Version history: (Expand)
- (2024-02-03) Updated to version: tex-babel-greek-1.15
- (2023-06-11) Updated to version: tex-babel-greek-1.13.2
- (2023-04-08) Updated to version: tex-babel-greek-1.13.1
- (2021-02-15) Updated to version: tex-babel-greek-1.10
- (2020-04-28) Updated to version: tex-babel-greek-1.9j
- (2019-08-11) Updated to version: tex-babel-greek-1.9h
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-02-03 02:44:05 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
tex-babel-greek: update to 1.15
Improve the handling of font encodings with 8-bit TeX:
Switch to the previous \encodingdefault (not \cf at encoding) when
exiting Greek text parts.
Exception: use \latinencoding if the initial \encodingdefault
is LGR and “greek” is the main document language.
Fix standard accent macros with pre-2022 \MakeUppercase.
Rename modifier "local-MakeUppercase-fixes" to
2023-06-11 07:17:49 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
tex-babel-greek: update to 1.13.2
Warn of unsupported (or misspelled) "modifiers"
(code contributed by Javier Bezos).
Fix upcasing of text using the Latin transliteration:
drop accents with `\DeclareUppercaseMapping` (new in LaTeX 2023).
2023-04-08 08:02:43 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
tex-babel-greek: update to 1.13.1
Fix errors with the 2022/06 implementation of `\MakeUppercase`:
- Do not change the uccode values if the LaTeX version is newer than 2022/06.
The new ``\MakeUppercase`` definition ignores them and fails
with the "dummy" character 0x9f (cf. [ltnews35], `LaTeX issue 987`).
- TODO: Fix upcasing of accented characters with "short accent macros"
and with "LGR transliteration".
New modifiers ``local-LGR-fixes`` and ``no-LGR-fixes`` to address
indexing problmes with Roman numerals (`Babel issue 170`_). Provisional.
New TextCommand ``\EnsureStandardFontEncoding``.
Rename ``\textgreek`` to ``\lgrfont`` to avoid confusion with a
language changing command.
2021-10-26 13:15:15 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1670) |
Log message:
print: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:52:04 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1670) |
Log message:
print: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-02-14 21:19:46 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
tex-babel-greek: update to 1.10
changes unknown
2020-04-28 00:35:40 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (64) |  |
Log message:
tex-[ab]*: update to texlive 2020 versions
tex-acronym{,-doc} to 1.47
tex-aleph to 0.2.54276
tex-amsmath{,-doc} to 2.17a.53640
tex-apa6{,-doc} to 2.34
tex-appendix{,-doc} to 1.2c
tex-babel{,-doc} to 3.42
tex-babel-french to 3.5h
tex-babel-greek to 1.9j
tex-babel-italian to 1.4.03
tex-babel-serbian to 2.0a
tex-babel-serbianc to 3.0a
tex-beamer{,-doc} to 3.57
tex-biblatex{,-doc} to 3.14
tex-biblatex-apa{,-doc} to 9.10
tex-biblatex-ieee{,-doc} to 1.3b
tex-booktabs{,-doc} to 1.61803398
tex-breqn to 0.98j
tex-atbegshi{,-doc} version 1.19
tex-kvoptions{,-doc} version 3.13
tex-pdftexcmds{,-doc} version 0.31
2019-12-06 21:19:34 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (430) |
Log message: