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Customising captions in floating environments
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 20230805,
Package name: tex-caption-20230805,
Maintainer: minskimThe caption package provides many ways to customise the
captions in floating environments like figure and table, and
cooperates with many other packages. Facilities include
rotating captions, sideways captions, continued captions (for
tables or figures that come in several parts). A list of
compatibility notes, for other packages, is provided in the
documentation. The package also provides the "caption outside
float" facility, in the same way that simpler packages like
capt-of do. The package supersedes caption2.
Required to run:[
print/kpathsea] [
print/tex-graphics] [
Master sites: (Expand)
Version history: (Expand)
- (2024-02-03) Updated to version: tex-caption-20230805
- (2023-04-08) Updated to version: tex-caption-20230312
- (2022-04-14) Updated to version: tex-caption-20220317
- (2021-02-13) Updated to version: tex-caption-20201026
- (2020-05-01) Updated to version: tex-caption-20200103
- (2019-01-26) Updated to version: tex-caption-20181006
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-02-03 05:00:44 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
tex-caption{,-doc}: update to 20230805
* \subcaptionbox not working without hyperref
* subfig-Paket bringt die Option captions=nooneline des KOMA-Script durcheinander
* Typo in documentation section 7.3
* broken hyperlinks with memoir, caption, hyperref, sidecaption, and pdflatex
2023-04-08 08:31:22 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
tex-caption{,-doc}: update to 20230312
This is a bugfix release of the caption package bundle.
Changes since release 20220317:
* "Revise subfigure counter ownership"
* "subcaption: Change the default value for
\subcaption at minipage's 1st (optional) argument from 'b'
to either 'b' or 't'"
* "\captionsetup[wrapfigure]{hypcap=false} does
not work as intended"
* "Package caption with package sidecap"
* "Re-add \caption at ifcompatibility macro"
* "'LaTeX Warning: Label `1` multiply defined.'
with twoside document and option `margin`"
* "add support for algorithm environment in
bicaption package"
* "SX: KOMA-Script's addmargin environment in
combination with caption command"
Furthermore the commands \bicaptionsetup resp. \subcaptionsetup
have been added to the bicaption resp. subcaption package.
2022-04-14 08:32:01 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (7) |  |
Log message:
tex-caption{,-doc}: update to 20220317
This is a bugfix release of the caption package bundle. Changes since release
* Influence of \normalsize to the vertical spacing between the two captions
described in bicaption package documentation
* "SX: how to use bicaption in longtable without errors"
* "Version v2.3 introduced a bug in `floatrow`
(`\caption at setposition{a}` involved)"
This is a new release of the caption package bundle. Changes since release
caption v3.6:
* Fallback to versions "v1", "v3.0", "v3.1", \
"v3.2", "v3.3", "v3.4", and "v3.5"
* The caption-subcaption counter handling is now independent on the \
* Option "compatibility=true" dropped in favor of \
* Option "parboxrestore=partial/full" removed (was obsolete since v3.5)
* \captionsetup{margin={...,}} sets only the left margin,
\captionsetup{margin={,...}} only the right one
* The font option "stretch" does not require the setspace package anymore
* New command \nextfloat to influence the (new) counter handling
* New command \DeclareCaptionPosition to declare custom postion settings
* New command \AtCaptionSingleLineCheck to add re-definitions to the
* New command \captiontext to typeset a caption without counter increment and
without list entry
* Optional argument added to \setcaptiontype (which specifies options to be
applied additionally)
* New environments `captiongroup' and `captionblock'
* Adapted to the `tablefootnote' package
bicaption v1.5:
* Support of all available caption fallback versions since "v3.2" added
* Support of the listings package added
subcaption v1.5:
* Support of all available caption fallback versions since "v3.1" added
* New environments subcaptiongroup and subcaptionblock
* New command \subcaptionlistentry to make an entry into the list of figures
resp. tables
* New command \subcaptiontext to typeset a sub-caption without counter increment
and list entry
2021-10-26 13:15:15 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1670) |
Log message:
print: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:52:04 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1670) |
Log message:
print: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-02-13 11:27:35 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (6) |  |
Log message:
tex-caption{,-doc}: update to 20201026
changes unknown
2020-05-01 02:15:14 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (90) |  |
Log message:
tex-[cd]*: update to texlive 2020 versions
tex-caption{,-doc} to 20200103
tex-cases{,-doc} to 3.2
tex-changes{,-doc} to 3.2.1
tex-chemgreek{,-doc} to 1.1a
tex-chess-problem-diagrams{,-doc} to 1.15
tex-cjk-gs-integrate{,-doc} to 20200307.0
tex-colortbl{,-doc} to 1.0e
tex-context{,-doc} to 2020
tex-context-letter{,-doc} to 2020
tex-csbulletin{,-doc} to 2020
tex-cslatex to 2020
tex-csplain to 2020
tex-csquotes{,-doc} to 5.2j
tex-cweb{,-doc} to 3.70.54276
tex-cyrillic-bin{,-doc} to 2020
tex-datatool{,-doc} to 2.32
tex-diagbox{,-doc} to 2.4
tex-draftwatermark{,-doc} to 2.0
tex-dvips{,-doc} to 2020
2020-01-19 00:36:14 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (3046) |
Log message:
all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to https
pkglint --only "https instead of http" -r -F
With manual adjustments afterwards since pkglint 19.4.4 fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines.
This mainly affects projects hosted at SourceForce, as well as, CTAN and GNU.