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Make PDF files searchable and copyable
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 1.0j,
Package name: tex-cmap-1.0j,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThe cmap package provides character map tables, which make PDF
files generated by pdfLaTeX both searchable and copy-able in
acrobat reader and other compliant PDF viewers. Encodings
supported are OT1, T1, T2A, T2B, T2C and T5, together with LAE
(Arabic), LFE (Farsi) and LGR (Greek) and a variant OT1tt for
cmtt-like fonts. The package's main limitation currently is the
inability to work with virtual fonts, because of limitations of
pdfTeX. This restriction may be resolved in a future version of
Required to run:[
Required to build:[
Master sites: (Expand)
Version history: (Expand)
- (2021-02-13) Updated to version: tex-cmap-1.0j
- (2015-04-27) Package added to, version tex-cmap-1.0h (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2021-10-26 13:15:15 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1670) |
Log message:
print: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 16:52:04 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1670) |
Log message:
print: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-02-13 11:29:56 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
tex-cmap: update to 1.0j
Automatically disable pdfTeX's automatic generation of ToUnicode CMaps
whenever the package provides CMaps.
Allow using cmap under LuaTeX without luatex85.
2019-12-06 21:19:34 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (430) |
Log message:
2015-11-04 02:03:03 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1194) |
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for print category
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package acroread7: missing distfile AdobeReader_enu-7.0.9-1.i386.tar.gz
Package acroread8: missing distfile AdobeReader_enu-8.1.7-1.sparc.tar.gz
Package cups-filters: missing distfile cups-filters-1.1.0.tar.xz
Package dvidvi: missing distfile dvidvi-1.0.tar.gz
Package lgrind: missing distfile lgrind.tar.bz2
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-04-28 22:08:35 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (11) |
Log message:
Fix typo in MAINTAINER email.
2015-04-27 08:46:59 by Mark Davies | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Add tex-cmap 1.0h
Make PDF files searchable and copyable