Log message:
sequoia-sq: update to 1.2.0.
* Changes in 1.2.0
** New functionality
- `sq pki vouch list` lists certifications made by a particular
certificate or made on a particular certificate.
- `sq pki vouch replay` replays the certifications made by one
certificate using another certificate.
- `sq key rotate` generates a new certificate based on an existing
one. It also copies links, recreates certifications, and retires
the old certificate.
** Notable fixes
- `sq packet dump` no longer duplicates the PKESK or SKESK packet
immediately preceding the SEIPD packet.
- `sq key export` and `sq key subkey export` no longer export
non-exportable signatures and cert components.
- `sq --cli-version` was broken. The check was reversed. That is,
instead of `sq` 1.1.0 saying that `sq --cli-version 1.0.0` is
compatible, it said it is incompatible, and instead of saying
that `sq --cli-version 1.2.0` is incompatible, it said that it is
compatible. In terms of the API, this should be considered a new
- `sq cert lint`, `sq inspect`, `sq packet dump`, and `sq pki link
list` didn't check that certificates designated by user ID using
e.g., `--cert-email`, are actually authenticated. They are now
correctly checked.
* Changes in 1.1.0
** New functionality
- New argument `--unusable` for `sq cert list`, `sq pki identify`,
`sq pki lookup`, and `sq pki authenticate`. This option causes
these commands to also show unusable bindings and certificates
(i.e., those that are not valid according to the current policy,
are revoked, or are expired). Requires `--gossip`.
** Notable changes
- Fix `--gossip`. The `--gossip` option for `sq cert list`, `sq
pki identify`, `sq pki lookup`, and `sq pki authenticate` was
broken. It is now fixed, and works as documented. In terms of
the API, this should be considered a new feature, as although the
option was present, it did not work.
- `sq cert list --cert FPR` incorrectly failed if all of a
certificate's bindings are invalid (i.e., the bindings are
invalid according to the cryptographic policy, or the user ID is
revoked). `sq cert list --cert FPR` now only considers the
validity of the certificate. Note: this command correctly
succeeded when the certificate had no bindings.
- `sq cert list` showed certificates with no user IDs, but it should
only show authenticated bindings. Certificates with no user IDs
are no only shown when `--gossip` is provided.
* Changes in 1.0.0
** New functionality
- `sq encrypt --for-self` now adds the certs configured under
`encrypt.for-self` to the list of recipients.
- `sq sign --signer-self` and `sq encrypt --signer-self` now add
the keys configured under `sign.signer-self` to the list of
- `sq pki vouch add --certifier-self` and `sq pki vouch authorize
--certifier-self` now use the key configured under
`pki.vouch.certifier-self` as certification key.
- `sq` now automatically imports certificates from GnuPG's
certificate store. Note: we only do this for the default Sequoia
and GnuPG state directories. Further, We don't parse the GnuPG
configuration file, we just scan GnuPG's default cert stores.
** Notable changes
- `sq pki link add`, `sq pki link authorize`, and `sq pki link
retract` gain a new parameter, `--cert-special`, which allows
addressing shadow CAs by symbolic names. For instance, `sq pki
link authorize --cert-special keys.openpgp.org --all
--unconstrained` can be used to fully trust the keys.openpgp.org
key server. This also creates the shadow CA if it doesn't exist
- `sq sign --signature-file` now takes a value specifying where the
signature should be written to. It conflicts with `--output`.
- `sq cert list` now takes cert designators, like `--cert-email`
instead of `--email`.
- `sq encrypt` now requires explicit opt-out for signing in the
form of the `--without-signature` flag.
- Remove the `--name` argument from `sq key approvals list`, `sq
key approvals update`, `sq key userid revoke` and `sq pki path`,
and remove the `--name-or-add` argument from `sq key userid
- The arguments `--userid-or-add`, and `--email-or-add` have
respectively been renamed to `--add-userid`, and `--add-email`.
- Change `sq pki link add --email` and `sq pki link authorize
--email` to use a user ID with just the specified email address,
if the email address is part of a self-signed user ID. That is,
if the certificate has the self-signed user ID "Alice
<alice@example.org>", then `--email alice@example.org` would have
selected "Alice <alice@example.org>" to link, but now it selects
- Add `sq pki link add --userid-by-email`, and `sq pki link
authorize --userid-by-email`, which use the self-signed user ID
with the specified email address. That is, if the certificate
has the self-signed user ID "Alice <alice@example.org>", then
`--userid-by-email alice@example.org` selects "Alice
<alice@example.org>" to link.
- Add `sq pki link retract --userid-by-email`, which selects a
self-signed user ID with the specified email address.
- Change `sq pki vouch add --email` and `sq pki vouch authorize
--email` to use a user ID with just the specified email address,
if the email address is part of a self-signed user ID. That is,
if the certificate has the self-signed user ID "Alice
<alice@example.org>", then `--email alice@example.org` would have
selected "Alice <alice@example.org>" for certification, but now
it selects "<alice@example.org>".
- Add `sq pki vouch add --userid-by-email`, and `sq pki vouch
authorize --userid-by-email`, which use the self-signed user ID
with the specified email address. That is, if the certificate
has the self-signed user ID "Alice <alice@example.org>", then
`--userid-by-email alice@example.org` selects "Alice
<alice@example.org>" for certification.
- Change `sq key userid revoke --email` to use a user ID with just
the specified email address, if the email address is part of a
self-signed user ID. That is, if the certificate has the
self-signed user ID "Alice <alice@example.org>", then `--email
alice@example.org` would have selected "Alice
<alice@example.org>" for revocation, but now it selects
- Add `sq key userid revoke --userid-by-email`, which uses the
self-signed user ID with the specified email address. That is,
if the certificate has the self-signed user ID "Alice
<alice@example.org>", then `--userid-by-email alice@example.org`
selects "Alice <alice@example.org>" for revocation.
- When writing to a file output, we first write to a temporary
file, then rename the file at the end of the operation so that it
has its desired name. There are two benefits: no one sees
partially written files, and one can safely use the same file as
input and output.
- `sq download --signature` is now called `sq download
- `sq download` now requires one of `--signature-url`, `--message`,
or `--cleartext` like `sq verify`.
* Changes in 0.40.0
** New functionality
- New subcommand `sq download`, which downloads a file and a
signature file, and then authenticates the file.
** Notable changes
- `sq toolbox keyring merge` now supports merging bare revocation
- `sq verify` now deletes the output file on failure.
- `sq decrypt` now deletes the output file on failure.
- Add a global option, `--policy-as-of`, that selects the
cryptographic policy as of the specified time.
- `sq key subkey export` takes an additional argument, `--cert`,
which is required. The specified keys must be attached to that
certificate. This ensures that if a key is attached to multiple
certificates, the correct certificate is exported.
- Add a new argument, `--cli-version`, which requests a particular
semver-compatible version of the CLI. This enables breaking
changes to the CLI in the future.
- The `help` subcommand has been removed everywhere except at the
top-level (`--help` still works).
- If designated signers are specified for `sq verify`, `sq
decrypt`, and `sq download`, they are now the only certificates
that are considered when verifying signatures. If no signers are
specified, the certificate store is consulted.
- The argument `sq cert lint --list-keys` has been removed.
- `sq key list` now has a DWIM search parameter.
- The flag `sq sign --detached` is now called `sq sign
- The flag `sq sign --clearsign` is now called `sq sign
- Both `sq sign` and `sq verify` now require an explicit mode,
one of `--signature-file`, `--message`, or `--cleartext`.
- The flag `sq --no-cert-store` has been replaced with `sq
- The flag `sq --no-key-store` has been replaced with `sq
- Similarly, `sq --home=none` disables all state, unless explicitly
re-enabled using `--cert-store` or `--key-store`.
- `sq pki link add`, `sq pki link authorize`, `sq pki vouch
certify`, and `sq pki vouch authorize` have a `--userid-or-add`
flag. Replace it with an `--userid-or-add` argument, and an
`--email-or-add` argument.
- The `--email` and `--email-or-add` arguments to `sq pki link add`,
etc. cannot be used to designate a self-signed user ID, if
multiple self-signed user IDs include the specified email
address. Previously, the arguments would designate all
self-signed user IDs with the specified email address.
- The new argument `sq sign --mode` can be used to create text
signatures in addition to binary signatures.
- The argument `sq network wkd publish --create` has been split
into two arguments, `--create` and `--method`, avoiding an
ambiguity when parsing the arguments.
- `sq key userid revoke` no longer accepts the `--userid-or-add` flag
to indicate that a user ID specified using `--userid`, an email
specified using `--email`, or a name specified using `--name`
should be used even if there is no corresponding self-signed user
ID. This functionality is replaced by the `--userid-or-add`,
`--email-or-add` and `--name-or-add` arguments.
- `sq pki path` previously interpreted the last positional argument
as the user ID to authenticate. Make it a named argument
instead, `--userid`.
- Add `sq pki path --email` and `sq pki path --name` as additional
ways to specify the user ID to authenticate.
- The argument `sq encrypt --set-metadata-time` has been removed.
- The argument `sq encrypt --set-metadata-filename` now takes a
string that specifies the file name to be set.
- `sq pki authenticate`'s positional argument for specifying the
certificate to authenticate must now be specified using a named
argument, `--cert`.
- `sq pki identify`'s positional argument for specifying the
certificate to identify must now be specified using a named
argument, `--cert`.
- Drop `sq cert list --email`'s flag, and replace it with the
`--userid` and `--email` positional arguments, which match on
user IDs.
- Drop `sq pki authenticate --email`'s flag, and replace it with
the `--userid` and `--email` positional arguments, which match on
user IDs.
- Drop `sq pki lookup --email`'s flag, and replace it with the
`--userid` and `--email` positional arguments, which match on
user IDs.
- `sq toolbox keyring` is now just `sq keyring`.
- `sq toolbox packet` is now just `sq packet`.
- `sq toolbox armor` is now `sq packet armor`.
- `sq toolbox dearmor` is now `sq packet dearmor`.
- `sq key userid revoke`, `sq pki link add`, `sq pki link
authorize`, `sq pki vouch certify`, and `sq pki vouch authorize`
now check that user IDs that are not self-signed are in canonical
form. Add a flag, `--allow-non-canonical-userids`, to disable
this check.
- `sq key approvals update` now requires an action, like
- `sq key approvals --add-authenticated` is now a simple flag, and
we always require full authentication.
- `sq toolbox strip-userid` has been removed.
- All cert designators now use the `--cert-` prefix, e.g. `sq key
export --email` has been changed to `sq key export --cert-email`
for consistency reasons, and to free `--name`, `--email`, and
`--userid` for user ID designators.
- The `--binary` argument has been removed from all commands but
those that emit signed and or encrypted messages.
- The command `sq toolbox extract-cert` has been removed in favor
of `sq key delete` and `sq key subkey delete`.
- The command `sq packet split` now writes to stdout by default.
- The argument `sq packets split --prefix` is now called
- `sq pki vouch certify` is now called `sq pki vouch add`.
- We now certify newly generated keys with a per-host shadow CA.
- The argument `sq encrypt --signature-notation` has been added.
- All arguments to add signature notations have been renamed from
`--notation` to `--signature-notation`.
- When generating keys, either `--own-key` or `--shared-key` has to
be given. The former marks the key's user IDs as authenticated
and makes it a trusted introducer. The latter marks the key's
user IDs as authenticated, and marks the key as a group key.
- The argument `sq cert lint --export-secret-keys` has been
removed: if a secret key is provided as file input, it will be
- The argument `sq key subkey export --cert-file` has been removed.
- `sq` now reads a configuration file that can be used to tweak a
number of defaults, like the cipher suite to generate new keys,
the set of key servers to query, and the cryptographic policy.
- The command `sq keyring filter` is now considered experimental
and may change in the future. To acknowledge this, it has to be
invoked with the `--experimental` flag.
Log message:
sequoia-sq: update to 0.39.0.
* Changes in 0.39.0
** Notable changes
- Subcommand `sq key userid strip` has been moved to `sq toolbox
- `sq key adopt` supports adopting bare keys (i.e., a primary key
without any signatures).
- `sq key adopt` add options (`--can-sign`, `--cannot-sign`,
`--can-authenticate`, `--cannot-authenticate`, `--can-encrypt`,
`--cannot-encrypt`) to allow overriding the key flags.
- `sq key adopt` now accepts the option `--creation-time` to allow
the user to override the key's creation time.
- `sq key adopt` sets the key's creation time to the current time
(while respecting `--time`) if `--creation-time` is not
specified, and the key's time is the Unix epoch.
- To select the type of generated DNS resource records a new switch
has been introduced. `sq network dane generate --type generic`
replaces the old `--generic` flag.
- `sq key adopt` is now called `sq key subkey bind`.
- The option to verify a detached signature has been renamed from
`--detached` to `--signature-file`: `sq verify --signature-file
foo.sig foo.txt`.
- `sq key userid revoke` has a new flag `--add-userid` that adds
missing user IDs, analogous to the flag in `sq pki certify`.
Previously, the global `--force` was used for this.
- `sq pki link add` and `sq pki link retract` have a new flag
`--recreate` that forces a signature to be created even if it
should not be necessary because the parameters did not change.
Previously, the global `--force` was used for this.
- The global `--force` flag has been renamed to `--overwrite` and
now controls whether existing files are overwritten.
- The argument `--signer-key` is now just called `--signer`.
- The arguments to name recipients for encryption now use the
`--for` prefix, as in `sq encrypt --for-email alice@example.org`.
Further, `--recipient-cert` is now just called `--for`
- The environment variables to override the default cert store and
key store location have been renamed from SQ_CERT_STORE to
- `sq toolbox packet split` now requires an explicit output
- `sq pki certify` no longer supports using expired or revoked
certificates; the options `--allow-not-alive-certifier` and
`--allow-revoked-certifier` have been removed.
- `sq toolbox keyring filter --handle` has been made more robust by
splitting `--handle` into `--cert` and `--key`, where the former
only matches on primary keys, and the latter matches on both
primary keys and subkeys.
- The argument `sq network keyserver publish --require-all` is the
default now and has been removed.
- The argument `sq key generate --rev-cert ...` is now mandatory if
`--output` has been given.
- `sq network fetch` has been renamed to `sq network search` to
emphasize that this is key discovery, and may return related or
even wrong results. Likewise for the key server, WKD, and DANE
- `sq pki certify`'s positional argument for specifying the user ID
to certify must now be specified using a named argument,
`--userid`, or `--email`. The `--email` argument no longer
changes the meaning of how `--userid` is interpreted, but takes
an email address. The `--userid` and `--email` arguments may be
given multiple times to certify multiple user IDs at once.
- `sq pki certify`'s positional argument for specifying the
certificate to certify must now be specified using a named
argument, `--cert` or `--cert-file`.
- Previously `sq pki certify` could create certifications, and mark
a certificate as a trusted introducer (when the user set
`--depth` to be greater than zero). The latter functionality has
been split off to the new subcommand `sq pki authorize`.
- Add the `--domain` argument to `sq pki authorize` so the user
doesn't have to manually convert a domain to a regular
- `sq pki link add`'s positional argument for specifying the
certificate to link must now be specified using a named
argument, `--cert`.
- `sq pki link retract`'s positional argument for specifying the
certificate to unlink must now be specified using a named
argument, `--cert`.
- Removed `sq pki link add`'s positional argument for specifying a
user ID directly or by email address. Use the named arguments,
`--userid` or `--email` instead.
- Add `--add-userid` to `sq pki link add`. This aligns it with `sq
pki certify`.
- Removed `sq pki link add`'s `--petname` argument. Use `--userid`
in conjunction with `--add-userid` instead.
- Previously `sq pki link certify` could create certifications, and
mark a certificate as a trusted introducer (when the user set
`--depth` to be greater than zero). The latter functionality has
been split off to the new subcommand `sq pki link authorize`.
- Move `sq pki certify` to `sq pki vouch certify`.
- Move `sq pki authorize` to `sq pki vouch authorize`.
- Move `sq pki list` to `sq cert list`.
- Add a new flag `--all` to `sq network wkd publish` and `sq
network dane generate` that adds all certificates with a user ID
in the target domain that can be authenticated.
- The argument `sq verify --signer-cert` is now called `--signer`.
- The argument `sq network wkd --rsync` which previously had an
optional value argument has been split into two arguments, a
boolean `--rsync` to enable the use of rsync, and `--rsync-path`,
which implies `--rsync`, to specify a path to the local rsync
- When exporting certificates selected by user IDs (i.e. --email,
--userid, --domain, or --grep), the bindings are authenticated and
only those certificates that can be authenticated are exported.
- The do-what-I-mean query parameter has been removed from `sq cert
- `sq autocrypt import` has been merged into `sq cert import`.
- `sq autocrypt decode` and `sq autocrypt encode-sender` are
removed without substitute.
- `--cert` now only looks up by primary key fingerprint.
- The argument `sq key delete --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key delete --file` now requires `--output`.
- The argument `sq cert lint --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key password --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key password --file` now requires `--output`.
- The argument `sq key expire --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key expire --file` now requires `--output`.
- The argument `sq key revoke --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key revoke --file` now requires `--output`.
- The argument `sq key userid add --cert-file` now requires
- The argument `sq key userid revoke --cert-file` now requires
- The argument `sq key subkey add --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key subkey add --file` now requires `--output`.
- The argument `sq key subkey delete --cert-file` has been renamed
to `--file`.
- The argument `sq key subkey delete --file` now requires
- The argument `sq key subkey password --cert-file` has been
renamed to `--file`.
- The argument `sq key subkey password --file` now requires
- The argument `sq key subkey expire --cert-file` has been renamed
to `--file`.
- The argument `sq key subkey expire --file` now requires
- The argument `sq key subkey revoke --cert-file` has been renamed
to `--file`.
- The argument `sq key subkey revoke --file` now requires
- The argument `sq key subkey bind --cert-file` has been renamed to
- The argument `sq key subkey bind --file` now requires `--output`.
- The argument `sq key approvals update --cert-file` now requires
- The pEp store integration has been removed.
- Removed `sq pki path`'s `--gossip` argument, it didn't actually do
- Changed `sq key subkey expire`'s expiration argument from a
positional argument to a named argument, `--expiration`.
- Changed `sq key expire`'s expiration argument from a positional
argument to a named argument, `--expiration`.
- Changed `sq key revoke`'s reason and message arguments from
positional arguments to named arguments, `--reason`, and
`--message`, respectively.
- Changed `sq key subkey revoke`'s reason and message arguments from
positional arguments to named arguments, `--reason`, and
`--message`, respectively.
- Changed `sq key userid revoke`'s reason and message arguments from
positional arguments to named arguments, `--reason`, and
`--message`, respectively.
- `sq cert import` now supports importing bare revocation
Log message:
sequoia-sq: update to 0.38.0.
* Changes in 0.38.0
** Notable changes
- New subcommand `sq key subkey delete` to delete secret key
- New subcommand `sq network wkd publish` that publishes
certificates in a WKD over rsync.
- Removed now obsolete `sq network wkd generate`.
- Removed `sq network wkd url` and `sq network wkd direct-url`.
- Renamed subcommand `sq key attest-certifications` to `sq key
approvals update` to reflect the new name in the draft, and to
make room for introspection commands.
- New subcommand `sq key subkey password` to change the password
protecting secret key material.
- The subcommand `sq network keyserver publish` can now publish
certs from the certificate store using the `--cert` parameter.
- The subcommands `sq key generate` and `sq key userid add` gained
the options `--name` and `--email` as a more user-friendly way to
specify user IDs.
- All short options with the exception of `-v` have been removed.
We will judiciously add some back before releasing 1.0.
- The dot output has been removed. Those relying on it can use the
standalone sq-wot tool.
- New subcommand `sq key subkey export` to export individual keys.
This functionality was split off from `sq key export`.
- `sq key generate` and `sq key subkey add` now prompt for a
password by default. This can be disabled by passing
- New subcommand `sq key approvals list` that lists approved
third-party certifications and those pending approval.
- Remove `sq cert export`'s `--key` argument. Change `--cert` to
match both primary keys and subkeys.
* Changes in 0.37.0
** Notable changes
- Remove PKS support.
- `sq key userid add` can now use the certificate store and the
- `sq key userid add` no longer accepts positional arguments. The
user ID is provided by the `--userid` argument, and the
certificate by `--cert` or `--cert-file`.
- Drop the `--certificate-file` argument from `sq key revoke`, `sq
key subkey revoke`, and `sq key userid revoke` drop the
`--certificate-file`. (The certificate can still be specified
using `--cert-file`.)
- Rename the `--revocation-file` argument to `--revoker-file` in
`sq key revoke`, `sq key subkey revoke`, and `sq key userid
- `sq key revoke --cert-file`, `sq key revoke --revoker-file` `sq
key subkey revoke --cert-file`, `sq key subkey revoke
--revoker-file`, `sq key userid revoke --cert-file`, and `sq key
userid revoke --revoker-file` now accept `-`, which means to read
from stdin.
- `sq key revoke`, `sq key subkey revoke`, and `sq key userid
revoke` now reads from the certificate store when using `--cert`
or --revoker`. When `--cert` is used, and `--output` is not
specified, the resulting revocation certificate is saved to the
certificate store.
- The user ID argument to `sq key userid revoke` is no longer a
positional argument, but must be specified with `--userid`.
- Change `sq cert lint` to not read from stdin by default.
- In `sq cert lint`, change the certificate file parameter from a
positional parameter to a named parameter, `--cert-file`.
- `sq cert lint` can now use the certificate store and the
- In `sq key subkey add`, change the certificate file parameter
from a positional parameter to a named parameter, `--cert-file`.
- `sq key subkey add` now reads from the certificate store when
using `--cert`. When `--cert` is used, and `--output` is not
specified, the new subkey is saved to the key store.
- In `sq key expire`, change the certificate file parameter from a
positional parameter to a named parameter, `--cert-file`.
- Split the functionality to update a subkey's expiration time off
of `sq key expire` and into `sq key subkey expire`.
- Rename `sq key subkey expire`'s `--subkey` argument to `--key`.
- `sq key expire` and `sq key subkey expire` can now use the
cert store and the key store.
- Add the `--password-file` argument to the `sq sign` command to
allow the user to prefill the password cache with a password from
a file.
- In `sq key password`, change the certificate file parameter from a
positional parameter to a named parameter, `--cert-file`.
- `sq pki certify`'s certifier parameter interprets `-` as meaning
it should read the certificate from stdin.
- In `sq pki certify`, change the certifier file parameter from a
positional parameter to a named parameter, `--certifier-file`.
- `sq pki certify` can now use the cert store and the key store.
- In `sq key adopt`, change the certificate file parameter from a
positional parameter to a named parameter, `--cert-file`.
- `sq key adopt` can now use the cert store and the key store.
- In `sq key attest-certifications`, change the certificate file
parameter from a positional parameter to a named parameter,
- In `sq key attest-certifications`, don't make `--all` the
default, but require the user to specify it (or `--none`)
- `sq key attest-certifications` can now use the cert store and the
key store.
- Rename the `--expiry` argument to `--expiration`.
- Rename `sq key password`'s `--clear` argument to `--clear-password`.
- Add a top-level `--password-file` argument to seed the password
cache. Remove `sq key password`'s `--old-password-file`, and `sq
sign`'s `--password-file` local arguments in favor of this
* Changes in 0.36.0
- Missing
* Changes in 0.35.0
- Missing